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Membership survey results and our five-point commitment

13 Feb 2017

Thank you to the 3,500 members who completed our 2016 membership survey.

We are pleased to see that many of our core functions are seen as strengths, and that many of our membership benefits are of value.

  • Members agree that we are supporting training, promoting patient safety, developing and providing courses, setting standards and advocating for the profession, well.
  • Publications (e.g. The Bulletin), e-newsletters, e-journals, standards and resources are benefits rated highly by all.

We acknowledge, however, that there are many areas in which we need to improve and support you better, and we've produced a five-point commitment.

  • Over 50% of members say that low morale is one of the main issues affecting surgeons.
  • 53% of trainee members feel negative about the surgical profession.
  • Key concerns for members, addressed in our five-point commitment, are value for money, being representative of members' views and providing support by career stage and location.

Explore the results below. Results can be filtered by membership type or career stage.

We are committed to improving your membership experience, but we need your support along the way; please read the results, and our five-point commitment, and get in touch with your feedback. We will be providing 6-monthly updates on how we're progressing.

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