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News Archive

  • International Advisers

    28 Oct 2016 RCS International Advisers provide proactive advice, information and direction in relation to the development and implementation of the RCS International Strategy within their respective countries.
  • #SurgerySavesLives films need your vote for Charity Film Awards

    13 Oct 2016 Please take a moment to watch and vote for our fundraising films which have been entered in the Charity Film Awards.
  • Letter to Guardian on foreign staff

    07 Oct 2016 Currently a quarter of NHS doctors are from overseas, and the NHS has benefited from their talents, their abilities and their will to work with us in the UK. We must continue to support them, despite the insecurity caused by the Brexit situation, and reassure them that they are valued and needed.
  • RCS launches new cosmetic surgery information

    04 Oct 2016 The Royal College of Surgeons today launched new, independent information online to counter the ‘aggressive marketing’ campaigns and ‘ruthless’ sales techniques that some unscrupulous private companies employ.
  • Launch of RCS International Strategy 2016-2020

    03 Oct 2016 Our new international strategy sets out our ambition over the next four years to encourage and channel our resources towards specific projects, through partnering with healthcare institutions overseas and building local capacity in ways that are context sensitive and sustainable.
  • Open letter to trainee members

    16 Sep 2016 We will continue to speak truth to power on the challenges both you and your patients are facing in the NHS, and redouble our efforts to support your rights to high quality training and a just and acceptable working life.
  • RCS in the News

    26 Aug 2016 Our media team have been working hard to promote the achievements of the surgical profession. Read about our successful media work, the impact we've had on policy, and our work going forward.
  • Real Winnie-the-Pooh’s skull displayed at the Hunterian Museum

    20 Nov 2015 Winnie-the-Pooh fans will have an opportunity to see the skull of the bear that inspired the much-loved character in A.A. Milne’s stories, at the Royal College of Surgeons’ Hunterian Museum.
  • Money saving tips for trainees

    01 Jan 0001 We understand that surgeons in training may need a little help financially, and so we’ve set out a few ways below for you to make some savings, including a new TOTUM discount card in association with NUS, tax back on fees and paying in instalments.