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News Archive

  • RCS warns of 'no deal' risks to patients

    05 Sep 2019 The RCS Council is due to discuss the effects of Brexit, and of ‘no deal’ in particular, at its 12 September meeting. We want to hear from you, our members, on this issue and how 'no deal' is likely to have an impact on hospitals, staff and patients locally.
  • Invest in your future with a research grant or joint RCS fellowship

    30 Jul 2019 We are pleased to invite applications for a wide range of research opportunities
  • Specialist financial insight and advice for RCS members

    03 Jul 2019 Concerned about pensions and financial planning? Chase de Vere Medical can provide specialist, independent financial advice for RCS members.
  • Congratulations to our new Lady Estelle Wolfson Emerging Leaders

    10 Jun 2019 We are delighted to welcome our eight new Lady Estelle Wolfson Emerging Leaders who will begin their tenure in September.
  • Congratulations to our new Women in Surgery Forum members

    03 Jun 2019 We are delighted to welcome Claudia Eichenauer, Jennifer Graystone and Rebecca Grossman to the Forum.
  • Surgical Research Report 2019 - 2020

    15 May 2019 Last year was the 25th anniversary of our Research Fellowship Scheme founded by Professor Sir Norman Browse and initiated by Professor Sir Peter Morris in 1993. During this time, more than 750 fellowships worth more than £40m have been awarded to RCS members, supported by a wide range of charities, foundations and individuals.
  • Share your surgical innovations 

    09 May 2019 If you have an example of surgical innovation in your workplace that you’d like to share with our readers, please send it the following email address
  • Discover our joint research fellowships

    06 May 2019 Opportunities available to you
  • RCS statement following the attacks in Sri Lanka

    29 Apr 2019 In light of the devastating attacks that have taken place in Sri Lanka, Professor Derek Alderson, President of the Royal College of Surgeons, has written to Dr Nissanka Jayawardena, President of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka (CSSL), expressing the RCS’s sincerest condolences and offering assistance and support at this most difficult of times.
  • Council election results 2019

    11 Apr 2019 The membership of the Royal College of Surgeons has elected five members to the RCS Council at the ballot held on 8 April 2019. The following successful candidates will commence their four-year terms in July.