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Harry Morton Travelling Fellowship

Closed due to reopen: Autumn 2025  

Applications are invited for the Harry Morton Travelling Fellowship. This award provides funding to support trainee surgeon visits to Canada that last between a 3 and 24-month duration. 

Value of the award

The purpose of this travelling fellowship is to advance and promote the study of and research in surgical training, and the practice of research.

There are two fellowships available, up to the value of £10,000 each.

Please refer to our terms and conditions for more information.


  • The fellowship is open to all trainee fellows/members of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
  • Successful applicants must remain in a good standing order with their membership fees throughout the tenure of the award.
  • It may be held in any institution in Canada, approved by the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
  • Candidates must be sponsored by the head of the department where the research will be conducted, who can offer facilities and technical assistance for research in the appropriate field.
  • Applicants should not have received a travelling fellowship from RCS England before.

The awards may be used across a 3 to 24-month period. Awards must be used exclusively to support the award holder’s research as described in the application form and may not be used for their own personal salaries. The award may be used, among other things, towards accommodation while in Canada, small items of equipment, for consumables or for technical assistance.

Conditions for award

Harry Morton Travelling Fellowships are made on the understanding that the host centre, the supervisor and the applicant agree to accept the terms and conditions relating to the scheme and any amendments issued during the course of the award. The project should commence within six months of the award date.


  • An application form (via application portal).
  • A letter of support from the head of the department, or consultant, under whom the applicant is currently working (document uploaded to portal).
  • A letter of support from another, independent referee (document uploaded to portal).
  • Confirmation from the Institute you are visiting (document uploaded to portal).
  • For queries relating to this please email

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