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Ethicon Foundation Fund short-term clinical visits

Closed: Re-opens Autumn 2025

Applications are invited from fellows of the College, in good standing and holding a consultant's post. Grants are awarded towards travel to the UK and Europe (consideration will be given to candidates who wish to travel further afield) to further enhance a specialty skill or experience that will not usually be available in the applicant’s own hospital.

Value of the award

Successful applicants will be awarded a grant that is intended to be a contribution to economy travel up to a value of £400. Requests for retrospective awards will not be considered.

As a condition of the award, successful applicants must submit an adequate report of their visit within six weeks of return. Applicants who do not submit a report will have the award withdrawn.

Terms and Conditions


  • An application form (via application portal).
  • A confidential report from present Head of Department or consultant under whom the applicant is currently working (document uploaded to portal).
  • A letter of support from another, independent referee (document uploaded to portal).
  • A confirmation from the institute you are visiting (document uploaded to portal).

Further enquiries:

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