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Ethicon Foundation Fund Travel Grants

Deadline:  Currently closed and will re-open autumn 2024

Ethicon Foundation Fund travel awards for overseas visits are awarded to fellows and members of the College who are in good standing.

Successful applicants will normally be in training grade appointments, but more senior applicants may be considered at the discretion of the committee. Successful applicants will be awarded a grant, the value of which is at the discretion of the Ethicon Foundation Fund Advisory Committee.

The grants are intended to support applications that wish to enhance a specialty skill or experience that is not routinely available in the applicant's own country. Travel for the sole purpose of attending a scientific meeting will not be supported.

Applicants must demonstrate that the period overseas is an opportunity to enhance a specialty skill or obtain surgical experience that is not normally available in their home country. They must have obtained prior approval for the visit from the appropriate training authority in the country of application where appropriate. UK trainees must produce confirmation/evidence of prospective approval from the GMC if the post is to count towards the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). If a salary is offered during any part of the duration of the fellowship, the candidate must make this clear in the financial summary section of the application form.

The awards are for travel costs only, economy class travel, up to a value of £1,000 and are not available to support the travel costs of a spouse or partner. The overseas visit from the successful applicant's home country/place of work will normally be for a period of between 3 to 12 months, although visits of up to 24 months may be considered. All applications must be made prior to embarking on the visit.

For consultants attending a short-term visit within Europe, please look at the Ethicon short-term clinical visit award.

As a condition of the award, successful applicants are required to submit a report of their visit within two months of return. Applicants who do not submit a report may have the award withdrawn.

Applicants must inform the College of any change in their circumstances which will prevent them from completing their overseas visit and about any applications for funding from other sources. The College may, on the advice of the Ethicon Foundation Fund Advisory Committee, withdraw all, or a proportion, of the initial award.

The award is made in two stages, a first payment of half the amount awarded is made in advance of the visit and payment of the balance of the award is made upon receipt of a satisfactory report from the applicant after the visit has been completed.

All expenses should be given in sterling.

Please email the following documents to Linda at

  1. Completed application form
  2. A letter of support from the head of the department, or consultant, under whom the applicant is currently working
  3. A letter of support from another, independent referee
  4. Confirmation from the Institute you are visiting.

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