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Visible Body: Human Anatomy Atlas 2020

Visible BodyFellows, Members, postgraduate Affiliates and Associates can access Visible Body Suite on mobile devices or use the online version.

What is Visible Body Suite?

Visible Body Suite is a comprehensive 3D visualisation and learning tool used to interact with and explore the systems of the human body, as well as life sciences in general. It includes over 5,000 interactive, medically accurate, male and female anatomical structures, covering systemic and regional anatomy. All the models are three-dimensional, allowing you to rotate, zoom, dissect and add anatomical features. Once a structure is selected, you can access encyclopaedic definitions, common pathologies, pronunciation guides and MRI images.

Key features

  • See structures from all body systems: nervous, skeletal, circulatory, muscular, digestive, urinary, lymphatic, endocrine, and reproductive
  • Delve into the microanatomy of tissue and special organs, including the eye, ear, and tongue
  • Dental anatomy
  • Watch muscle movements in rotatable moving 3D models
  • Quizzes to test knowledge
  • Flash cards
  • Augmented reality features
  • Anatomy e-books

Accessing Visible Body Suite

Registration & renewal

Visible Body Suite access requires the registration of your email address and the creation of a password at a dedicated web address, while logged into the RCS England website. The registration will expire after 150 days, but you can extend it by visiting the same web address.

You can find instructions for both registration and renewal, along with a hyperlink to the web address, at our Visible Body Suite LibGuide.

The mobile app

You can download the Visible Body Suite app for Apple and Android mobile devices, and access it using your registered email address and password. Links to the specific app store pages are provided on the Visible Body Suite website.

Please note that the new app does not require us to email an access code to you. If you have the old “2020 Atlas Perpetual” installed, this will still work, but we will not be issuing any more access codes.

Please be aware that we have had feedback that the storage requirements for these apps are substantial.

Using Visible Body on your browser

Once registered, you can access Visible Body Suite at the Visible Body website, using your registered email address and password.

Once logged-in, click the Launch button, but be patient, it is a large app and will take some time to load, especially the first time.

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