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As a member or postgraduate affiliate of the Royal College of Surgeons of England or the Faculty of Dental Surgery, you are entitled to access our collection of e-books.

You will need a College login account in order to access these e-books. Login at the College website before visiting the e-book website, then look for an institutional login link: depending on the site, you will then need to either click on an OpenAthens link or select the College from a list of institutions. Please visit our help page, email or telephone the Library on +44 (0) 20 7869 6556 if have any questions, comments or need help with using the service.

Searching for e-books

Use the Surgical Library to search or browse our online and print books. Use the ‘eBooks’ tab and search for ‘title:book title’ to find a specific e-book.


Many of our e-books are hosted by Elsevier ClinicalKey, which also includes a variety of e-journals, medical images and other resources. You can reach individual books via the means above, or use the search facility at ClinicalKey directly. Find out more about ClinicalKey or get help logging into the website.

LWW Health Library

We have access to two collections within the LWW Health Library, ‘Surgery’ and ‘Orthopaedic Surgery’. There are several dozen titles in each collection, along with videos and case studies. Get help logging into the website.

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