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Guide to Services

Surgical Library

Discover our modern texts and online resources, including e-journals, e-books and digital resources, such as Visible Body and Acland’s Video Atlas.

Heritage Collections

Discover the Library’s Special Collections, including older medical books, historical tracts and fellows’s biographies, along with collections from the Archives and Museum.

Online journals

Search or browse lists of our e-journals.


Find out more about our e-book collections.


Search across numerous journals using our online databases, Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, HMIC and TripPro.


The clinical search engine with a ‘Google-style’ interface, enabling access to hundreds of surgical journals and thousands of e-books, images and videos in one site.

Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy

View the popular anatomy video series.

Visible Body Suite

Explore this interactive 3D human anatomy visualisation and learning tool.

Document delivery

Order articles in PDF format from the library’s print journals, and we can help you access articles from journals to which the library does not subscribe.

Literature search

Our Information Specialists can help you find the literature you need for research, CPD or clinical practice.

Specialty Updates

Find out about the Specialty Updates that are available to Fellows and Members. Updates have been designed to support surgeons stay up-to-date with the latest evidence in their field.


The Museums and Archives Catalogue, listing manuscripts and museum collections.

Need help using our services?

If you're having problems, please try our help pages, or contact us at or +44 (0) 20 7869 6556.

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