SAS Resources
- Letter to HEE on SAS doctors' access to organised teaching events, 21 September 2020
- The RCS England position statement on reopening the Associate Specialist grade
- The GMC's Welcome to UK Practice course
- GMC guidance on CESR
- Diversity, equity and inclusion
- Quality indicators for job plans for SAS surgeons - Guidance from The Royal College of Surgeons of England SAS Committee (2015)
- What do we know about Specialty and Associate Specialists and Locally Employed Doctors? GMC (2019)
- Unfair treatment affecting many SAS and LE doctors, GMC survey GMC (2020)
- Specialty, associate specialist and locally employed doctors workplace experiences survey: initial findings report GMC(2020)
- Specialty, associate specialist and locally employed doctors workplace experiences survey: Clustering analysis report GMC (2021)
Further resources on contracts
- Contractual right to transfer to the 2021 specialty doctor contract - NHS Employers (2022)
- Specialist grade - template person specification - NHS Employers (2021)
- Generic Capabilities Framework for the new Specialist grade - NHS Employers (2021)
- Contracting additional programmed activities for SAS doctors - NHS Employers (2021)
- Terms and conditions and resources for SAS contract reform 2021 - NHS Employers (2021)
- Guide to contracting for additional programmed activities for associate specialist and specialty doctors - NHS Employers (2007)
- SAS induction checklist - NHS Employers (2019)
- Concordat between the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and NHS Employers on the appointment of Specialist medical staff - NHS Employers, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, BMA (2021)