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Joint NJR/ORUK/RCS England Research Fellowship

Applications now closed

Please note that the fellowship sponsored by The National Joint Registry (NJR) and Orthopaedic Research UK (ORUK) has now closed. The successful candidate to be appointed in 2025.



  • must be members, or in the process of transferring Membership to RCS England;
  • must have an identified host institution with a recognised orthopaedic centre;
  • must be pre-CCT (completion of training) at the time of taking up the fellowship;
  • must have the written support of an orthopaedics-orientated mentor;
  • must propose a project that is aligned with the broad strategic objectives of the NJR and based upon NJR data.

Please note the second year of the fellowship is subject to satisfactory performance at the end of the first year.

NJR/ORUK fellows will remain employed by their host institution, remunerated by RCS England. No indirect or directly incurred costs are allowed. There will be a £500 a year allocation for travel and up to £3,000 for consumables. 

To apply

Please note that applications have now closed

Further enquiries

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