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3.1.1 Communication with patients

Effective communication and clarity of information exchange is essential for quality of care and patient safety. In meeting the standards of Good Medical Practice, you should:

  • Communicate clearly and compassionately with patients and, with the patient’s consent, with their supporters, and, in the case of children, with their parents/responsible adults.
  • Recognise and respect the varying needs of patients, including children, for information and explanation and give them the information they want or need using appropriate language in a way that they can understand.
  • Ensure that enough time is available for a detailed explanation of the clinical problem and the treatment options.
  • Listen to and respect the views and preferences of patients and their supporters and respond to their concerns.
  • Encourage patients to discuss the proposed treatment with their supporters.
  • Fully inform the patient and their supporter of progress during treatment. 
  • Explain any complications of treatment as they occur and explain the possible solutions.

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