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New consent guidance launched

28 Oct 2016

Are you and your teams up to date with consent?

In 2015, the ruling of the UK Supreme Court in the case of Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board changed the practice of consent, shifting the focus of the consent discussion to the specific needs of each patient.

As a result, we’ve developed new guidance for surgeons that will help you understand the shift in the law and its implications, as well as give you the tools you need to improve your practice.

Our new guide, Consent: Supported Decision-Making - A guide to good practice, provides:

  • An explanation of the change in case law and the impact this has on gaining consent from patients
  • A set of principles to help you support patients to make decisions about their care
  • A step-by-step overview of how the consent process should happen

The accompanying series of podcasts with dramatised case study commentary, supports your use of the guidance and how you put it into practice. The podcast are ideal for sharing with the wider team.

Start using our guidance today to ensure that you and your teams are practicing consent legally and effectively.

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