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Response to Kennedy Report

19 Dec 2013

Commenting on the publication of the Kennedy Report, RCS Council member and lead for patient safety, Miss Clare Marx, said:

‘This report reveals an appalling breach of patient trust. Patients rightfully expect to be treated with dignity and trust those charged with looking after them.

The systemic failure of all those involved shows how crucial it is to have appropriately trained staff, at all levels, ensuring that concerns are raised and acted upon at an early stage. It is profoundly disturbing to hear that, yet again, a series of failures that could have been avoided have led to serious patient harm.

The College offers an invited review service that provides independent, professional advice on surgical services to Trusts. We were not approached by the Trust concerned to look into Mr Paterson’s practice. Our service can help managers, surgeons and other healthcare staff to promote the right action at an early stage and act in the best interest of patients.

It is vital that managers and all those involved clearly set out how they intend to take forward the recommendations in this report to ensure a tragedy on this scale never happens again.’

Notes to editors

The College is committed to enabling surgeons to achieve and maintain the highest standards of surgical practice and patient care. We have published standards setting out guidelines for acting on concerns in a timely manner.

For more information, please contact the RCS press office on:
020 7869 6047/ 6052,, Out-of hours: 07966 486 832

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