RCS statement on NHS Grampian Review
28 Jul 2015
A spokesperson for the Invited Review Service at the Royal College of Surgeons said:
“The Royal College of Surgeons has a long track record providing external independent and objective advice to hospitals on quality and performance issues.
“Our reviews represent patient interest and are conducted in partnership with specialty surgical associations and non-medical reviewers. This process gives fair, professional and appropriate recommendations that are based on interviews conducted during visits and a comprehensive review of relevant documents. The review supports, but does not replace, a local healthcare organisation’s existing local procedures for managing surgical performance.
“In this case, the RCS was invited by NHS Grampian to undertake an invited service review of the General Surgery Service at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in September 2014 to assist them to review potential concerns that the Board had about team working and individual behaviours and to advise whether these concerns were impacting on the quality of clinical outcomes. Our review team interviewed 80 people and reviewed in excess of 250 documents provided to them by NHS Grampian and its staff”
“In November 2014 we issued NHS Grampian a final report with clear and detailed recommendations for the Board to address. Our recommendations were published by NHS Grampian”.Ends
Notes to editor:
The Royal College of Surgeons of England is committed to enabling surgeons to achieve and maintain the highest standards of surgical practice and patient care.For more information please contact: 020 7869 6047/6052 and out-of hours: 07966 486 832; or email: pressoffice@rcseng.ac.uk