Examiner Vacancies
Become an integral part of the College and support our work to deliver exams by applying to join our Court of Examiners. Gain full examiner training, further your professional development and contribute to the overall high standards of our exams. Learn more below.
Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy (DipOT) Examination
Applications are invited to join the examiner panel for the Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy.
Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy Examiners Advert
Full information is provided within the application form and person specification/further particulars document, which can be accessed below:
Please send completed applications to dentalexams@rcseng.ac.uk.
The application deadline is 8 December 2024.
Restorative Specialty Membership Examinations - M Endodontics, M Periodontics and M Prosthodontics Examinations
Applications are invited to join the examiner panel for the following:
Membership in Endodontics (M Endo)
Membership in Periodontics (M Perio)
Membership in Prosthodontics (M Pros)
Information on the role including the job description and person specification can be accessed below:
- Restorative Specialty Membership Examination (M Endo), (M Perio), (M Pros) Examiner Application Form
Completed applications forms should be returned by email to DentalExams@rcseng.ac.uk.
This is a rolling recruitment with no deadline
Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) Examination
The Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) examination is a membership qualification delivered by RCS England and is delivered intercollegiately. This means that the exam is exactly the same regardless of the college a candidate sits with. For more information about the examination itself, please refer to the ICBSE website.
IMRCS & MRCS (ENT) - IMRCS (intercollegiatemrcsexams.org.uk)
There are 2 parts to the MRCS examination. The MRCS Part A is a written examination, taken by candidates in a third-party test centre. The MRCS Part B is an OSCE-style examination that takes place at venues in the UK and internationally.
We are recruiting three different types of examiners for the MRCS Part B exams, Surgical Examiner, Basic Science Examiner, and Lay Examiner.Surgical Examiner
If you are at least 8 years post completion of the MRCS Examination and currently practicing in surgery, can demonstrate experience of surgical practice to include outpatient work; in-patient work, independent operating, and emergency on-call work, you are eligible to apply.This is an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills, support your own trainees, and travel the world to support the improvement of surgical provision.
Basic Science Examiner
If you are currently a fellow of a Royal Medical College or adjacent organisation and are active in postgraduate training/education/teaching and would like to develop further your leadership skills and travel the world to support the improvement of medical and surgical provision you are eligible to apply to join our Court of Examiners. We are currently looking for new examiners in the basic sciences area.Lay Examiner
We are looking for people outside of medicine/science to join our Court of Examiners and help us to deliver the MRCS Examination. Lay examiners provide vital patient perspective in our MRCS Part B examination, and you can join us as long as you are 18+ years old and do not have a medical or scientific background (including anyone working or trained as a healthcare practitioner in any field). This is an excellent opportunity to help us improve surgical outcomes and patient experience in a really practical wayExaminers attend MRCS Part B exams in person to examine candidates over the course of several days. The RCS England usually runs 2 sessions a day, delivering to around 40 candidates each day of an exam. For our examiners based in the UK (for surgical and basic science examiners, this means working or having primarily worked in the UK), there is the opportunity to attend both UK and international exams. This helps to support our goals of offering the exam to candidate internationally, as well as providing for UK trainees to obtain the MRCS qualification as a vital part of their training programme.
We currently deliver in a small number of centres/locations across England, as well as delivering in international locations including Egypt, India, Malaysia, and UAE.
If you meet the requirements of becoming an examiner and you live in any of those countries/regions, we would also be very happy to receive your application – ordinarily, those examiners living locally will be invited to examine in their nearest exam venue.
Court of Examiners
The Court of Examiners is the formal term for our entire cohort of MRCS examiners. It covers all three types of examiners and provides a forum for feedback and development, plus networking. There is an annual Court Day, a regular newsletter, and the opportunity to join the Court of Examiners executive committee to help steer examination matters.Full information is provided within the application form and person specification/further particulars document, which can be accessed below:
Please send completed applications to surgicalexaminers@rcseng.ac.uk.
This is a rolling recruitment with no deadline
Tri-collegiate Specialty Membership Examination Assessors
Applications are invited to join the Panel of Assessors for the Tri-Collegiate Specialty Membership Examinations.
Information on the application form, job description and person specification can be accessed below:
- Advert
- Assessor- Job Description
- Assessor- Person Specification
- Requirements for Examiners and Assessors
This is a rolling recruitment with no deadline
Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (ENT) OSCE Examination
Applications are invited to apply to join the examiner panel of the Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (ENT) OSCE Examination.
Full information is provided within the application form, including the job description , person specification, which can be accessed below:
Please send completed applications to surgicalexaminers@rcseng.ac.uk.
This is a rolling recruitment with no deadline
Intercollegiate Dental Specialty Fellowship Examiners
We are currently looking to recruit Intercollegiate Dental Specialty Fellowship Examiners.
Full information is provided in the person specification and job description.
ISFE Assessor Role Description
To apply, please complete the application form.
ISFE examiners application form
This is a rolling recruitment with no deadline.
Examination Board Vacancies
Dental Specialty Fellowship Examinations
Dental Specialty Fellowship Examinations
We are currently recruiting Examinations Board Chairs for the new Dental Specialty Fellowship Examinations across a range of different specialties. Further details about the roles and application processes can be found on the below webpage.
Application closing dates can be found in the job advert.Restorative Specialty Membership Examinations
Restorative Specialty Membership Examination Board Specialty Leads
A vacancy has arisen for pivotal roles in the management and development of the Restorative Specialty Membership Examinations (M Endo, M Perio and M Pros), of The Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSEng) and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. The Restorative Specialty Membership Exams are recognised as the end-point in the mono-specialties of restorative dentistry.
- General Restorative Lead
Full information is provided within the application form, including the job description and person specification, which can be accessed below:
This is a rolling recruitment with no deadline
Mentorship Vacancies
Diploma in Special Care Dentistry (DSCD) Mentors
You must have preferably undertaken the Part A and Part B of the DSCD Exam; and be willing to help the candidate for the duration of their modules or until a there is mutual conclusion to the assistance required.
Contact with the candidate will be mainly by telephone and/or email with appointments mutually agreed. Depending on where the candidate lives and works, it would be advisable for both parties to have a plan as to how they will have contact. Every effort will be made to ensure the mentor works in the region where the candidate is also based.
Please send your CV to the Exams Department addressed c/o Tracey Tong via the Dental Exams e-mail address dentalexams@rcseng.ac.uk
For more information please call 020 7405 3474 and press 3 for Examinations.