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Urology Fellowships

RCS England Senior Clinical Fellowships in Urology


This page includes a list of the Urology Fellowship programmes which have been approved under the RCS England Senior Clinical Fellowship Scheme and a gallery of recent Urology Fellows.

Applying to be a Fellow

Candidates who are interested in these fellowship programmes, are required to apply through the NHS Trust jobs website. For more information and international fellowship schemes, please visit our website recruitment section or contact the QA Department:


Fellows appointed to RCS England Senior Clinical Fellowships will be expected to be ambassadors for the RCS England and meet the requirements of the GMC’s Good Medical Practice.

  • Endourology Fellowships
  • Female and Functional Urology Fellowships
  • Gender Affirmation Surgery Fellowships
  • Urology Robotic Fellowships
  • Uro-Oncology Fellowships

Endourology Fellowships

Newcastle Endourology & Kidney Stone Fellowship

Based at: Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS
Approval period: Initially approved March 2023February 2026
Supervisor/Lead Consultant: Mr Alistair Rogers, Consultant Urological Surgeon – Co-supervisors: Matthew Shaw and Mr Rajan Veeratterpillay, Consultant Urological Surgeons
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
  • Achieve level 4 competency in endourology procedures including PCNL (including siting own tracks trained by interventional radiology), flexible ureterorenoscopy, and endourological management in patients with reconstructed urinary tracts and urinary stricture disease.
  • The above in a complex cohort of patients including those with neuropathic issues.
  • Training in bladder outflow procedures and laparoscopic nephrectomy to level 3 depending on fellows learning agreement. It is possible to achieve level 4 in HOLEP and urolift if the trainee has the commitment to achieve.
  • Acute management of urinary tract stone disease sequelae e.g. ureteric colic, pyonephrosis, including management on critical care/ITU.
  • Managing patients in an outpatient stone clinic setting, both acute and chronic. Involvement with nephrology colleagues in managing patients with metabolic problems causing kidney stones.
  • Performing and advising on ESWL.
  • Performing audit, research and quality improvement/service development activity with subsequent presentation of work at regional/national and international meetings. 
  • At least one peer-reviewed publication within the 12-month fellowship.
  • Development of leadership skills within the theatre and ward environment and also outside clinical practice e.g. running the new Northeast Stone Forum (due 29 April 2022).
  • Develop teaching skills by provision of undergraduate and post-graduate teaching sessions in clinical and non-clinical environments.
  • Non-clinical administrative skills and management e.g. admin work, theatre list planning, patient complaints etc. 
Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Level 4 flexible and semi-rigid ureterorenoscopy.
  • Level 4 laser lithotripsy of renal tract stones.
  • Level 4 PCNL (with Interventional radiology assistance), Level 3 PCNL if solo.
  • Level 4 endoluminal treatment of ureteric stricture disease.
  • Level 3 HOLEP (possibly level 4 depending on starting experience).
  • Level 4 in ESWL provision.
  • Independence in managing new patients with kidney stone problems.
  • Part of the stone team proving MDT input to complex cases.
  • Competency in endourology techniques demonstrated by running courses for theatre nurses and organising Northeast Stone Forum.  
  • Able to manage acute urological emergencies, with particular emphasis on endourological problems, independently.
  • Help in the management of acute stone patients on theatre waiting lists e.g. involvement in ureteroscopy allocation meetings, redeveloping patient pathways, and increasing liaison with A+E.
The number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
  • PCNL: 5070 per year
  • Ureteroscopy: 120150 per year
  • HOLEP: 2040 per year
  • Other endourology procedures: 70100 per year
  • ESWL: 100120 per year

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Christoph Schregel (Jan 24 - Sep 24)

Female and Functional Urology Fellowships

Newcastle Reconstructive, Functional and Robotic Urology Fellowship

Based at: Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS

Approval period: Initially approved July 2016 / Reapproved December 2019 - October 2024 / Reapproved December 2024 - November 2027

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Christopher Harding, Consultant Urological Surgeon, with Miss Victoria Lavin and Arjun Nambiar, Consultant Urological Surgeons

Fellowship duration: 6-12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Outpatient management of complex tertiary referrals.
  • Independently perform botulinum toxin injections into the bladder.
  • Independently perform female stress incontinence surgery.
  • Independently perform sacral neuromodulation.
  • Wide exposure to surgery for male stress urinary incontinence.
  • Independently perform ileal conduit urinary diversion.
  • Complete robotic simulation training, commence console training and independently perform certain steps of cystectomy and other robotic reconstructive procedures.
  • Perform and interpret video cystometry.
  • Complete an audit.
  • Submission of publication to a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Participation in departmental and national research.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Independent operator for female stress incontinence surgery.
  • Independent operator for ileal conduit urinary diversion.
  • Independent operator for sacral neuromodulation procedures.
  • Independent operator for male incontinence surgery.
  • Lead operator for advanced reconstructive urological surgery.
  • Intermediate competency in robotic surgery.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

(Estimates are for a fellowship with duration of 12 months)

  • Video/ Simple Urodynamics – more than 25 cases
  • Cystoscopy and Botulinum Toxin – more than 25 cases
  • Sacral Nerve Stimulation Procedures – more than 25 cases
  • Artificial Urinary Sphincter Insertion – 6-10 cases
  • Urethroplasty – 6-10 cases
  • Periurethral Bulking Injection – 4-6 cases
  • Ileal Conduit Urinary Diversion – 10-12 cases
  • Cystectomy – 10-15 cases
  • Bladder Augmentation – 1-2 cases
  • Orthotopic Bladder Reconstruction – 1-2 cases
  • Penile prosthesis insertion – 2-4 cases
  • Colposuspension – 4-6 cases
  • Mesh removal cases – 3-5 cases
  • Urethral Diverticulum excision – 2-4 cases
  • Urogenital Fistula Surgery – 1-3 cases
  • Autologous Fascial Sling – 1-3 cases
  • Penile Reconstruction (Nesbitts procedure) 2-4 cases

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Andrew Harris (Aug 16 - Sep 17)
  • Frances Burge (Oct 18 - Mar 19)
  • Omar Naser (Jul 19 - Mar 20)
  • Bianca Menke Barea (Mar 20 - Nov 20)
  • Arjun Nambiar (Dec 20 - Oct 21)
  • Niyukta Thakare (Oct 21 - Oct 22)

Gender Affirmation Surgery Fellowships

Chelsea & Westminster Gender Affirmation (Feminising) Fellowship 

Based at: Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS
Approval period: October 2024 – September 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Miss Tina Rashid, Consultant in Gender Affirming Surgery and Mr Jeffrey Ahmed, Consultant Gynaecological Surgeon, Service Director
Fellowship duration: 24 months
Stated learning outcomes:
  • To develop advanced skills in the surgical management of patients and reconstruction of genitalia in patients with gender incongruence/dysphoria.
  • Outpatient management of complex tertiary referrals in Gender Affirming Surgery and its complications.
  • Wide exposure to surgery for Gender Affirming feminising surgery and its complications.

Feminising surgery:

  • Independently perform vaginoplasty using penile skin lining, with creation of neoclitoris and labia.
  • Perform with supervision surgery using penile skin.
  • Perform with supervision or assist with revisional surgery including revision meatoplasty.
  • Complete an audit and Quality Improvement Project.
  • Submission of a publication to a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Participation in Departmental and National Research
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
  • Independent operator for feminising genital surgery using penile skin inversion technique.
  • Independent operator for some common complications in feminising gender affirming surgery.
  • Participation in feminising genital surgery using other skin or non-skin techniques.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in: 
  • Vaginoplasty/Vulvoplasty – involved in 156 primary cases over 2 years.
  • Bilateral orchidectomy as a sole procedure – independent operator for a minimum of 10 cases.
  • Formation of a neovaginal cavity – independent operator for 20 cases.
  • Using skin to form a neovaginal lining – independent operator in 50 cases.
  • Creation of a neoclitoris, labia minora and majora - independent operator in 50 cases.
  • Treating complications of genital reconstruction in transgender women and men – involved in 30 cases.

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Pareeta Patel (Apr 2022 - Dec 2023 at the former St George's Fellowship Scheme)

Royal Free Gender Affirmation (Masculinising) Fellowship

Based at:  Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (in partnership with New Victoria Hospital) NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS
Approval period: March 2025 – February 2028
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Wai Gin (Don) Lee, Consultant Urologist, Trust Education Lead for Urology. Co-supervisor, Mr Nim Christopher, Consultant Urological Surgeon.
Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:
  • To develop advanced skills in the surgical management of patients and reconstruction of genitalia in patients with gender incongruence/dysphoria.
  • Outpatient management of complex tertiary referrals in Gender Affirming Surgery and Complications.
  • Wide exposure to surgery for Gender Affirming Masculinising surgery and its complications.
  • Masculinising surgery:
  1. Independently perform Phalloplasty using at least 2 or more of: radial forearm free flap, anterolateral thigh flap and pedicled abdominal skin flap.
  2. Independently perform metoidioplasty.
  3. Independently perform urethroplasty.
  4. Independently perform vaginectomy.
  5. Independently perform scrotoplasty and glans sculpting and repositioning/burying of clitoris.
  6. Independently perform penile prosthesis insertion.
  7. Perform with supervision revisional surgery to the phallus for tissue loss using skin grafts, local skin flaps and distant skin flaps.
  8. Perform with supervision revisional surgery for the management of urethral strictures, fistulas, urethral hair balls, urethral stones and post void dribbling.
  9. Perform with supervision surgeries related to penile prostheses complications and mechanical failure of the device.
  10. Perform with supervision revisional surgery related to recurrent vaginal tissue, scrotoplasty, glans sculpting and clitoral repositioning.
  • Complete an audit and Quality Improvement Project.
  • Submission of a publication to a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Participation in Departmental and National Research.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:
  • Independent operator for metoidioplasty and pubic phalloplasty.
  • Independent operator for urethral lengthening, scrotoplasty, glans sculpting, vaginectomy, penile and testicular prosthesis implantation.
  • Independent operator for common complications in masculinising genital gender affirmation surgery.
  • Perform with supervision radial artery phalloplasty.
  • Perform with supervision revision surgery to the phallus, urethral and other complications.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in: 
  • Phalloplasty – abdominal preparation including microsurgery: 50
  • Phalloplasty – raising free flap: 50
  • Metoidioplasty: 25
  • Urethroplasty: 50
  • Vaginectomy, glans sculpting, reposition clitoris, scrotoplasty: 50
  • Penile prosthesis: 50
  • Testicular prosthesis: 25

Urology Robotic Fellowships

Lister Urological Robotic Fellowship, Stevenage

Based at: Hertfordshire and South Bedfordshire Urological Cancer Centre

Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS

Approval period: Initially approved November 2012; reapproved April 2016; reapproved June 2019 - August 2022; reapproved June 2023 - May 2026

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr J.M. Adshead, Consultant Urological and Robotic Surgeon, with Mr Nikhil Vasdev, Consultant Urological and Robotic Surgeon, and Mr Tim Lane, Consultant Urological and Robotic Surgeon

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Safe understanding of the equipment.
  • Safe and independent Robotic surgeon ready for independent consultant practice.
  • To be ready to become a national proctor.
  • Ready for consultant Robotic urology posts.
  • Understood and carried out robotic audit research and hopefully peer reviewed presentation and publication.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Independent surgeon in RALP.
  • Experience in Radical Robotic Cystectomy.
  • Independent surgeon in Pyeloplasty.
  • Independent surgeon in Robotic Nephrectomy.
  • Experience in Robotic Partial Nephrectomy.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

Ralps: 169 total

  • Primary operator: 39
  • Secondary: 95 with console time
  • Assisting approx 40 (some crossover with secondary)


  • 1 x primary (for off clamp AML)
  • 11 x console/secondary
  • 4 x assist 


  • 1 x  primary 
  • 2 x assist


  • 3 cases primary
  • 1 cases secondary but with console time
  • 3 cases secondary

Open and robotic cystectomy

  • 25 over half of the fellowship
  • Approximately 10 as secondary (open rather than robotic)

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Ranjan Arianayagam (Mar 18 - Apr 19)
  • Ashwin Tamhankar (Jun 19 - May 20)
  • Jonathan Noel (Nov 19 - Sep 20)
  • Arvind Nayak (Jul 20 - Jul 22)
  • Yogit Wagh (May 20 - Jan 23)
  • Andrew Brodie (Oct 22 - Sep23)
  • Ned Kinnear (Mar 23 - Mar 24)
  • Ross Warner (Oct 23 - Oct 24)

Newcastle Robotic Urological Fellowship

Based at: Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS

Approval period: October 2021 - September 2024

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Bhavan Rai, Consultant Urological Surgeon

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • An understanding of the intuitive Robotic System
  • Independent in Robotic Surgeon in Radical Prostatectomy (NHS standard)
  • Experience in Robotic Assisted Radical Cystectomy, Robotic Assisted Partial Nephrectomy, Robotic Assisted Pyeloplasty, Robotic Assisted Nephro-ureterectomy
  • Academia related to Robotic Surgery or uro-oncology

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Complete All Modules of Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy
  • Independent in Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy
  • Experience in Robotic Assisted Radical Cystectomy, Robotic Assisted Partial Nephrectomy, Robotic Assisted Pyeloplasty, Robotic Assisted Nephro-ureterectomy

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy-110
  • Independent in Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy-20
  • Robotic Assisted Radical Cystectomy-15-20
  • Robotic Assisted Partial Nephrectomy-15-20
  • Robotic Assisted Pyeloplasty-15-20
  • Robotic Assisted Nephro-ureterectomy-15-20

Overall Robotic Cases ~ 180. This will be a combination of bedside assisting, observation and console cases. We will discuss with the fellow their individual needs with bedside assisting. We have a dedicated bedside assistant team with an established rota who will engage with fellow for any bedside assisting training needs. We anticipate this to be less than 10% of the time needed.

Over Console Cases ~ 110. This is the total number of cases that we anticipate the fellow will spend on the console

Primary Surgeon ~ 40. This is the number of cases we anticipate the fellow to be the first surgeon has done over 80% of the operation

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Arun George (Nov 21 - Nov 22)
  • Nnaemeka Eli (Nov 22 - Oct 23)
  • Kalpesh Parmar (Oct 23 - Oct 24)

St George's Urology Robotic Fellowship, London

Based at: St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London

Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS

Approval period: January 2019 - March 2022; reaccredited September 2023 - August 2026

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Christopher J Anderson, Director of Robotic Urology and Fellowship Training

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Pre-operative, Peri-operative and Post Operative care of Urological Robotic Cancer Cases.
  • Competency by Modular training for Robotic Urology Surgery.
  • Patient and Cancer outcomes during SURF by AUDIT.
  • Trainee opinion on training and trainers to improve quality and trainee satisfaction of training.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Competency in planning Urological Robotic Surgery, including the use of Radiology and Pathology.
  • Competency in operative steps as defined by the Urological Robotic Surgery modular steps.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

Caseload for the fellow in 1 year (46 weeks):

  • Prostatectomy (n=50 supervised; 15 independent); Nephrectomy (n=30 supervised; 15 independent).
  • Gaining experience in Partial Nephrectomy (n=40), Radical Cystectomy (n=40) and Pyeloplasty (n=15).
  • All these competencies will be measured and certified by using validated assessments agreed by the training agreement. 

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Alarick Picardo (April 20 - April 21)
  • Dharmender Aggarwal  (Apr 21 - Oct 22)
  • Luis Euceda Cerna (Apr 23 - Mar 24)

Uro-oncology Fellowships

Frimley Park Renal Cancer Fellowship, Surrey 

Based at: Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS

Approval period: January 2019 - March 2022; reapproved December 2022 - November 2025

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Neil Barber, Consultant Urologist, Director, Frimley Renal Cancer Centre, with Mr Muddassar Hussain, Consultant Urological and Robotic Surgeon, and Mr Manar Malki, Consultant Urological & Robotic Surgeon

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • To formulate appropriate management plans for patients with complex upper tract conditions.
  • To independently perform advanced minimally invasive renal surgery.
  • To lead and support a multidisciplinary team managing renal cancer.
  • To teach junior team members the basics of renal surgery.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

See operation numbers

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • To independently perform robotic partial nephrectomy (total: 22-25).
  • To independently perform laparoscopic nephrectomy and nephroureterectomy (total: 30).
  • To perform robotic pyeloplasty and nephroureterectomy under minimal supervision (total: 10).

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Manar Malki (Feb 18 - May 19)
  • Matthew Crockett (Oct 19 - Oct 20)
  • Denosshan Sri (Oct 20 - Oct 21)
  • Sarah O'Neill (Oct 21 - Oct 22)
  • Mohammed Aldiwani (Oct 22 - Sep 23)
  • Abhishek Reekhaye (Oct 23 - Oct 24)

Guy’s Bladder Cancer Fellowship Programme

Based at: Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS

Approval period: Initially approved August 2015; reapproved March 2019 - May 2022; reapproved December 2022 - November 2025

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Ramesh Thurairaja, Consultant Urological Surgeon, with Mr Rajesh Nair, Consultant Urological Surgeon

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Comprehensive knowledge of management principles and rational decision making.
  • Safe and independent dual accredited Open and Robotic surgeon ready for independent consultant practice.
  • To be ready to become a national proctor.
  • Ready for consultant bladder cancer urology posts.
  • Understood and carried out open/robotic audit research and hopefully peer reviewed presentations and publications.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Independent surgeon in open cystectomy.
  • Independent surgeon in robotic cystectomy.
  • Independent surgeon in the urinary diversion.
  • Experience in the robotic urinary diversion.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

Supervisor (2018): The fellow will certainly have exposure to approximately 80 cystectomy cases over a 12 month period with 60-70% of these cases being performed robotically (due to involvement with iROC trial reduction in percentage to 50-60%). In addition, there will also be opportunities to be involved with approximately 30 renal

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Rajesh Nair (Oct 15 - Jul 16)
  • Brian Parsons (Sep 16 - Aug 17)
  • Teck-Wei Tan (Oct 17 - Oct 18)
  • Diarmaid Moran (Aug 18 - Aug 19)
  • Ella Doerge (Jan 19 - Jan 20)
  • Sonpreet Rai (Oct 20 - Oct 21)
  • Marc Furrer (Jan 22 - Dec 22)
  • Jonathan Kam (Oct 23 - Oct 24)

HCG Bangalore Robotic Uro-oncology Fellowship

Based at: HealthCare Global Cancer Centre, Bangalore

Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS

Approval period: Initially approved June 2023 – June 2026

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Dr Raghunath Sarakanur Krishnappa, Uro-Oncologist, Program Director – Co-Supervisor Dr Tejus Chiranjeevi, Consultant, Uro-Oncology & Robotic Surgery.

Fellowship duration: 18 months

Stated learning outcomes:

The objective of this course is to enable the student,

  • To be competent on the evaluation and diagnosis of urological cancer patients.
  • To be competent on the standard surgical procedures (Open, laparoscopic and Robotic) for the treatment of urological cancers.

At the end of the training period the candidates are expected to have in-depth knowledge, skills and attitude to take up academic career in urological oncology and leadership positions in the field.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • To participate in all major open, laparoscopic, robotic surgery & endo-urology cases done for urological malignancies.
  • To carry out the surgery steps in a progressive manner under guidance of the faculty.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic endourologic procedures: 120
  • Open oncologic and its related surgeries [radical nephrectomy, radical cystectomy, radical prostatectomy, RPLND, Partial Penectomy, Inguinal lymphadenectomy]: 40
  • Laparoscopic surgeries [Radical nephrectomy]: 20
  • Robotic surgeries as console surgeon (some steps of each surgery) [Radical nephrectomy, Partial Nephrectomy, Radical cystectomy, Urinary diversion, Radical prostatectomy, RPLND, rVEIL]: 110
  • USG guided diagnostic and therapeutic procedure [Prostate biopsy and Percutaneous nephrostomy]: 70
  • Intravesical BCG, Mitomycin C and Gemcitabine: 100

Leeds Robotic Pelvic Uro-oncology Fellowship

Based at: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS

Approval period: Initially approved September 2014 / Reapproved March 2019 - May 2022 / Reapproved December 2024 - November 2027

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Sanjeev Kotwal, Consultant Urological Surgeon - Co-Supervisor: Mr William Cross, Consultant Urologist.

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Fellows should be able to perform Robotic-assisted Radical Prostatectomy (RARP) independently (Level - 4 competence) and Intracorporeal Robotic-assisted Radical Cystectomy (iRARC) under supervision (level 3).
  • Fellows should be able to provide comprehensive care to uro-oncology patients in a multi-disciplinary setting.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

See stated learning outcomes.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

Able to perform/assist in :

  • Minimum of 50 robotic radical prostatectomy.
  • 25 robotic / open cystectomy.
  • 10 nephro-ureterectomy.
  • 5 retroperitoneal node dissection cases.

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Deligiannis Dimitrios (Jun 17 - Jun 18)
  • Marcelino Yazbek Hanna (Aug 19 - Jan 21)
  • Avinash Odugoudar (Jan 21 - Jan 22)
  • Uwais Mufti (Mar 22 - Feb 23)

Royal Free Renal Cancer Fellowship, London

Based at: Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS

Approval period: First approved July 2018 / Reapproved August 2021 - July 2024 / Reapproved December 2024 - November 2027

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Faiz Mumtaz, Consultant Urological Surgeon, with Prof Axel Bex, Consultant Urological Surgeon, and Clinical Lead, specialist centre for kidney cancer, Royal Free Hospital

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • In depth knowledge of relevant aspects of upper urinary tract cancers including epidemiology, risk factors, presentation, diagnosis and management.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of management principles and rational decision making in renal cancer.
  • Safe and independent dual accredited Open and Robotic/laparoscopic surgeon ready for independent consultant practice.
  • Able to manage all aspects of both benign and malignant disease spectrum relating to the upper urinary tract.
  • Able to manage acute renal oncological emergencies.
  • Understood and carried out an audit of open/robotic surgery.
  • Recognise future directions of research relating to renal cancer.
  • Ready for consultant upper urinary tract urology posts.
  • To be ready to become a national proctor.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • To develop competencies in decision making about individualised treatment, preoperative assessment for surgery, appropriate patient selection and surgical procedure for all aspects of renal cancer surgery.
  • Manage patients postoperatively, diagnose and treat complications with minimal supervision.
  • See operation numbers

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • Competent surgeon in open (25), laparoscopic (25) and robotic nephrectomy (25)
  • Competent surgeon in robotic partial nephrectomy (30)
  • Competent surgeon in robotic nephroureterectomy (20)
  • Competent surgeon in robotic pyeloplasty (15)
  • Exposure to various aspects of very complex upper tract surgery

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Aziz Gulamhusein (Sep 18 - Sep 19)
  • Nicholas Campain (Oct 20 - Oct 21)
  • Saeed Dabestani (Oct 21 - Sep 22)
  • Shane Considine (Oct 22 - Dec 23)

Welsh Robotic Uro-oncology Fellowship

Based at: Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, University Hospital of Wales NHS Foundation Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: BAUS

Approval period: Initially approved January 2024 – December 2026

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Krishna Narahari, Consultant Urological Surgeon - Additional Supervisors: Jon Featherstone, Gokul Kandaswamy, Matthew Jefferies all of whom are Consultant Urological Surgeons in Wales

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Comprehensive knowledge, skills and experience of managing a tertiary oncology practice.
  • Ready to be a Day 1 Consultant Urological Surgeon with Subspecialist interest in Uro-Oncology.
  • Level 4 (independent) competency in Robotic Radical Prostatectomy & Partial Nephrectomy.
  • Presentations at national and/or international meetings and peer-reviewed publications.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Level 4 (independent) competency in Robotic Pelvic Oncology (RALP, Steps of Cystectomy) & RPN (Partial Nephrectomy) based on fellows interest.
  • Comprehensive knowledge, skills and experience of managing a tertiary oncology practice.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy (Performed: 25)
  • Robotic Nephrectomy/Partial Nephrectomy (Performed: 15)
  • Radical Cystectomy (Performed: 10)

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Sarah Prattley (Aug 23 - Aug 24)
Ahmed Ibrahim
Ahmed Ibrahim
Addenbrooke's Uro-Oncology Fellowship, Addenbrooke’s Hospital (Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), May 2023November 2023. Current post: Urology and Robotic Consultant in Dr Soliman Fakeeh Hospital, Jedda, KSA.

“It was a great fellowship experience, very heavy exposure in pelvic uro-oncology, I was performing at least 6 robotic radical prostatectomies a week, and in my zero day, had the opportunity joining the amazing robotic radical cystectomy team. Attending a weekly regional MDT and one robotic prostatectomy clinic. This fellowship has the capabilities and facilities to be the best in the country (excellent mentors, dual console xi Da Vinci robotic system, dedicated surgical care practitioner, and a very high load of uro oncology cases). I believe in 'train first then treat patients and not treat patients to be trained'. This was one of the best training opportunities I had in my career, and this will add to my responsibilities to pass this experience to all my future trainees.”
Ahmed Ibrahim
Jonathan Kam
Guy's Bladder Cancer Fellowship, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, London, October 2023 – October 2024. Current post: Consultant Urologist, Nepean Hospital, Sydney, Australia. “Phenomenal fellowship experience with excellent robotic and open surgical experience. Supervisors are excellent trainers and there is a great case mix not only with robotic/open cystectomy but also with complex reconstruction and upper tract cases. An excellent bladder cancer team that ensures a well-supported and well-rounded post. This fellowship has vastly improved my complex robotic and open surgical skills and also made me a much more rounded surgeon managing patients and families who are often experiencing very challenging periods of their lives.“
Jonathan Kam
Kalpesh Parmar
Newcastle Robotic Urological Fellowship, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals, October 2023 – October 2024. Current post: Robotic Uro-oncology Consultant, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle NHS Trust. “During my fellowship in robotic uro-oncology at Freeman Hospital, I gained extensive experience in advanced minimally invasive surgical techniques for managing urological cancers. Under the mentorship of Mr Bhavan Rai, Mark Johnson, Arjun Nambiar and Rajan Veeraterapillay, I participated in a high-volume robotic procedure, including robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy, cystectomy, and nephrectomy. This hands-on training honed my skills in precision surgery, patient selection, and perioperative management. The fellowship also emphasised multidisciplinary collaboration, providing me with opportunities to engage in tumour boards and work closely with oncologists, radiologists, and pathologists to deliver comprehensive cancer care. In addition to surgical expertise, I contributed to clinical research projects, and published articles focusing on outcomes in robotic surgery, enhancing my understanding of evidence-based practice. This enriching experience has equipped me with the skills and knowledge to advance uro-oncological care and adopt cutting-edge innovations in robotic surgery."
Kalpesh Parmar
Niyukta Thakare
Niyukta Thakare
Newcastle Female and Functional Urology Fellowship, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, October 2021October 2022. Current post: Locum Consultant Urologist with interest in Neuro-urology and Reconstruction, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust & Oxford University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

"The RCS accredited Newcastle fellowship provides essential experience required for subspecialisation in functional urology. Learning objectives were clearly set up at the beginning of the post, so I was able to achieve key competencies including operative skills and management of complex cases. It gave me the confidence to be able to undertake the consultant role and to manage neuro-urology patients at the National Spinal Injuries Centre. Exposure to MDTs, subspecialist clinics and independent operating for reconstructive surgery are appealing components of this fellowship. The focus is on maintaining high standards of training, supported by subspecialists in robotic oncology and endourology. Joint operating with urogynaecologists (dealing with mesh complications) as well as high volume for sacral neuromodulation cases are unique to the centre. I am delighted to embark on a journey to create innovative treatment pathways and improve patient care in these areas. The most valuable mentorship and guidance of Prof. Chris Harding and Miss Victoria Lavin continues even after completion of the fellowship."
Niyukta Thakare
Saeed Dabestani
Saeed Dabestani
Royal Free Renal Cancer Fellowship, Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust, October 2021–September 2022.

Current post: Department of Urology, Kristianstad Central Hospital, Region Skane, Sweden.

“During my Renal Cancer Fellowship at the Royal Free Hospital, my most significant learning experience was reaching a more profound understanding of the diagnostics and management of kidney cancer in the preoperative and postoperative settings, in particular for more advanced stages of the disease. Furthermore, I got to hone my skills in state-of-the-art surgical techniques and evidence-based patient care. I have also learned to implement a systematic approach to kidney cancer management and was given ample research opportunities. This Fellowship has empowered me to offer better patient-centred care, consequently ensuring informed, well-prepared patients and with less disparities in treatment quality.”
Saeed Dabestani
Sarah O'Neill
Frimley Park Renal Cancer Fellowship, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, Surrey, October 2021–October 2022. Current post: Consultant Urologist and Robotic Surgeon, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth Western Australia.
"Frimley Renal Cancer Centre is a high volume upper tract oncology service. Throughout my year there I was involved in over 200 renal surgeries with a very broad range of pathology and clinical presentations. The high volume allowed me to become a confident independent operator to return to Western Australia with retroperitoneal robotic surgical skills. This niche approach is a great addition to the current skill set in Perth. The training and support of the team was incredible and I will always be grateful for my time in the FRCC team on fellowship."

Sarah O'Neill


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