General Surgery Fellowships
RCS England Senior Clinical Fellowships in General Surgery
This page includes a list of General Surgery Fellowship programmes which have been approved under the RCS England Senior Clinical Fellowship Scheme, and a gallery of recent general surgery fellows.
Applying to be a fellow
If you would like to be an RCS England Senior Clinical Fellow, you will need to apply through the NHS jobs website. For more information and for international fellowship schemes, please contact directly the QA Department:
Fellows appointed to RCS England Senior Clinical Fellowships will be expected to be ambassadors for RCS England and meet the requirements of the GMC’s Good Medical Practice.
Bariatric Surgery Fellowships
Ashford & St Peter's Bariatric Fellowship
Supervisor/Lead Consultant: Mr Samer Humadi, Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon – Co-supervisors: Mr Shashi Irukulla and Mr Kumaran Ratnasingham, Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeons
- Demonstrate an understanding of the entire care pathway for patients with severe obesity and metabolic disease, including the stabilisation and management of medical and psychological co-morbidities and the effect this may have on their suitability for surgical intervention.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the treatment options for patients with severe obesity, their modes of action, indications (including knowledge of guidelines and commissioning criteria) and their potential complication profile.
- Demonstrate competence in counselling patients regarding treatment options for the management of severe obesity.
- Demonstrate competence and independence in reading and reporting pH and manometry studies.
- Demonstrate competence and independence in laparoscopic bariatric surgery and complex hiatal surgery.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the longer-term follow-up surgery including side effects, complications, the indications for revisional surgery (and associated guidelines and commissioning aspects) and dietary factors, including the guidance on monitoring nutritional status and the use of nutritional supplementation.
- Demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively with a multi-disciplinary team to develop management plans for patients referred for bariatric surgery and those who develop postoperative complications or need revisional surgery.
- Competency in assessing patients presenting for bariatric or Antireflux surgery.
- Competency in recognising and appropriately referring patients for ongoing assessment as part of a multi-disciplinary team in obesity or reflux disease.
- Competency in performing primary laparoscopic Roux en Y Gastric Bypass, One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy (Level 4 PBAs).
- Competency in performing primary Antireflux and hiatal surgery (Level 4 PBAs for fundoplication).
- Competency in the performance of 10 para-oesophageal hernia repairs and demonstrate the ability to perform independently or train registrars in 10–20 primary Antireflux surgery.
- Competency in identifying and appropriately managing complications associated with bariatric and Antireflux surgery.
- Competency in self-review of their recorded laparoscopic procedures and reflection on their operative performance using a deliberate practice model to improve technical performance.
- Roux-en-y gastric bypass - involved in 100 (Performed: 50).
- Sleeve gastrectomy - involved in 50 (Performed: 25).
- Primary Antireflux surgery/hiatal hernia repair - involved in 30 (Performed: 15).
- Andrew Currie (Oct 20–Oct 21)
- Osama Moussa (Oct 21–Oct 22)
- Moustafa Mourad (Oct 22–Oct 23)
- Matyas Fehervari (Oct 23–Oct 24)
Chichester St Richard's Bariatric Fellowship
Based at: Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: Initially approved April 2016; reapproved October 2019–December 2022; reapproved March 2023–February 2026
Supervisor/Lead Consultant: Mr Will Hawkins, Consultant Surgeon, with Mr Guy Slater, Prof Chris Pring and Mr Richard Newton, Consultant Surgeons
Fellowship duration: 12 months
The Supervisor says: "We only have one fellowship which runs from October each year for 12 months. The post is advertised through NHS Jobs and applications will only be considered if made through that website. We usually run our appointment process at the beginning of the year with interviews held in February. We reserve the right to appoint two fellows for consecutive years during one interview process if two appointable candidates are interviewed. Applications will not be considered outside of the formal appointment process."
Stated learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of whole patient care of patients with morbid obesity, including the management of their co-morbidities and how this may impact their suitability for surgical intervention.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the therapeutic options for morbid obesity, how they work, the indications for each option (including knowledge of current guidelines on commissioning and choice) and their potential pitfalls/complications.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the long term management of patients following bariatric surgery, including complications, revisional surgery and dietary aspects, including guidelines on the use of dietary supplements and monitoring of nutritional status.
- Demonstrate competence and independence in laparoscopic bariatric surgery (as laid out in the curriculum document) with an understanding of the management of intra-operative complications and when it may be necessary to convert to open surgery.
- Competence in endoscopic evaluation and intervention (including balloon dilatation) following bariatric surgery.
- Demonstrate the ability to counsel patients regarding therapeutic options for the management of morbid obesity as above.
- Engage with the multi-disciplinary team to develop management plans for patients referred for bariatric surgery and those that present with complications or problems post-operatively.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Demonstrate competence and independence in laparoscopic bariatric surgery (as laid out in the curriculum document) with an understanding of the management of intra-operative complications and when it may be necessary to convert to open surgery.
- Competence in endoscopic evaluation and intervention (including balloon dilatation) following bariatric surgery.
The number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
Target Logbook per annum
The unit offers a range of bariatric operations, but about 85% of primary procedures are primary Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and this will be reflected in the logbook of the fellow.
- Total number of weight loss operations (primary surgeon in >51%) 150;
- Minimum stapling/anastomotic operations 100;
- Minimum revisional 20.
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of fellowship):
- Waleed Al-Khyatt (Oct 16–Oct 17)
- Sumanta Dutta (Oct 17–Sept 18)
- Richard Newton (Oct 18–Oct 19)
- Tamir Salih (Oct 19–Dec 20)
- Saurav Chakravartty (Oct 20–Oct 21)
- Saleem Ahmed Kareem (Oct 21–Oct 22)
- Mohamed Salman (Oct 22–Oct 23)
- Daniel Gero (Oct 23-Sep 24)
East Midlands Bariatric & Metabolic Institute (EMBMI) Senior Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Fellowship, Derby
***The next recruitment for this Fellowship will be advertised via the NHS in February/March 2025***
Based at: Derby Teaching Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: July 2018–June 2023; reapproved September 2023–August 2027
Supervisor/Lead Consultant: Mr Sherif Awad, Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Assessment and management of the morbidly obese patient.
- Knowledge of the therapeutic options for morbid obesity and revisional metabolic surgery.
- Long term management of post-operative bariatric patients.
- The management of complications and emergency presentation of patients following metabolic surgery.
- Operative skills:
- Laparoscopic access & suturing.
- Roux en-Y Gastric Bypass and one-anastomosis gastric bypass.
- Sleeve gastrectomy.
- Removal of and management of gastric band.
- Operative and non-operative management of bariatric emergencies.
- Revisional surgery for morbid obesity.
Clinical competencies to be achieved: see learning outcomes above
The number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Main Surgeon/supervised (MS) in 30 bypasses, and 15 as an independent operator (IO)
- Sleeves: MS 20, IO 10
- Band insertions/removals: MS 10, IO 5
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Biborka Bereczky (Mar 18–Mar 19)
- Sylvia Krivan (May 19–Sept 20)
- Mahmoud Abuawwad (Oct 22–Oct 23)
Imperial College Bariatric Surgery Fellowship, London
Based at: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: Initially approved February 2013; reapproved December 2016; reapproved March 2020–May 2023; reapproved September 2023–August 2026
Supervisor/Lead Consultant: Mr Ahmed Ahmed, Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon, with Mr Krishna Moorthy, Consultant Obesity Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Perform primary bariatric procedures independently. Minimum - 50 gastric bypasses, 25 sleeve gastrectomies and 25 bands.
- Can perform pre-operative patient seminars, assessments and counselling independently.
- Accurately recognise and manage post-operative complications.
- Accurately recognise and optimise pre-operative co-morbidities.
- Patient selection and guiding patients through the various surgical procedures.
- Patient safety and development and adherence to peri-operative protocols.
- At least 3 audit projects and contribute to 2 research projects.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Independent competent performance of primary bariatric procedures.
- Supervised performance of emergency and revision bariatric procedures.
- Case selection and optimisation of patients in the pre-operative period.
The number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in: see learning outcomes.
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Naim Fakih Gomez (Oct 15–Oct 16)
- Haris Markakis (Oct 16–Nov 17)
- James Clark (Oct 17–Oct 18)
- Sami Mansour (Oct 18–Oct 19)
- Patricia Ortega (Oct 20–Oct 22)
- Mohamed Sahloul (Oct 22–Jun 23)
- Ravi Aggarwal (Oct 23-Oct 24)
Luton Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Fellowship
Based at: Luton & Dunstable University Hospital NHSFT
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: First approved February 2013; reapproved September 2019–November 2022; reapproved September 2023–August 2026
Supervisor/Lead Consultant: Mr Omer Al-Taan, Consultant Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- The fellow will be expected to assess a new bariatric patient referred for surgery so as to be able to lay out a suitable management pathway for the individual and anticipate difficulties.
- The fellow will be able to independently perform straightforward Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass (Roux en Y and single anastomosis) operations.
- The fellow will be able to manage postoperative bariatric patients and be able to recognise complications and have a plan to deal with these with help from senior colleagues.
- The fellow will be able to analyse the roles of various members of MDT in relationship to an individual patient.
- The fellow will be able to critically analyse and appraise relevant literature in the field of bariatric surgery.
Clinical competencies:
- To safely perform all steps of operation independently in a Gastric Bypass and recognise and deal with post-operative complications.
- To safely perform all steps of operation independently in a Sleeve Gastrectomy and recognise and deal with post-operative complications.
- To safely perform all steps of operation independently in a gastric Band insertion and recognise and deal with post-operative complications.
- To be able to assess patients for Bariatric surgery before surgery and follow up.
- To understand the role of each member of MDT in Bariatric Surgery.
The number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
Target Logbook per annum
The number expected for the fellows in our unit are (per year):
- Total number of cases to be involved in: 100 to 125
- Gastric bypass as the main operator: 30 to 50
- Sleeve gastrectomy as the main operator: 30 to 40
- Revisional surgery as the main operator: 10 to 20
- Band insertion/ removal as the main operator: 10 to 20
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Md Tanveer Adil (Jul 18–Aug 19)
- Ravi Mamidanna (Oct 19–Dec 20)
- Chanpreet Arhi (Jan 21–Mar 22)
- Alan Askari (Jun 22 - Jun 23)
Musgrove Park Post-CCT Fellowship in Bariatric and Benign UGI Surgery
Based at: Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: Initially approved February 2013 / Reapproved April 2017 - March 2020 / Reapproved February 2021 - January 2024 / Reapproved December 2024 - November 2027
Supervisor/Lead Consultant: Mr Richard Welbourn, Consultant UGI and Bariatric Surgeon, with Mr Hamish Noble, Lead Clinician UGI & Bariatrics
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Management of the patient who is morbidly obese and an understanding of the surgical treatment of morbid obesity including early and late complications.
- Knowledge of the different patterns of presentations of complications.
- To gain experience in at least two bariatric procedures and receive mentorship through the learning curve.
- Produce work of scientific value in the field of bariatric surgery.
- Engage in teaching junior medical staff and allied healthcare professionals.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Assessment and management of the patient with severe and complex obesity.
- Knowledge of the therapeutic options for severe and complex obesity and revisional bariatric-metabolic surgery.
- Long term management of post-operative bariatric patients.
- The management of complications and emergency presentation of patients following metabolic surgery.
- Operative skills to include: On call general surgery work, laparoscopic access & suturing, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, insertion of and management of gastric band, revisional surgery for severe and complex obesity, paraoesophageal hernia repair and redo fundoplication, benign biliary work including duct exploration, incisional hernia and inguinal hernia.
The number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
TARGET LOGBOOK (per 12 months):
- Total number of weight loss operations (primary surgeon in >51%) 100
- Minimum stapling/anastomotic operations: 50 as principal operator
- Minimum banding: 10 as principal operator
- Minimum revisional (level 2): 5 as principal operator
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Hazem Al-Momani (Oct 14–Oct 15)
- James Hopkins (Oct 15–Apr 16)
- Omer Al-Taan (Apr 16–Oct 16)
- Dimitrios Pournaras (Oct 16–Sept 17)
- Peter Mekhail (Oct 17–Oct 18)
- Andrew Robertson (Oct 18–Sept 19)
- Thomas Wiggins (Oct 19–Sept 20)
- Roel Bolckmans (Oct 20–Sept 21)
- Bassem Amr (Oct 22–Oct 23)
- Andrew Currie (Oct 21- Sep 22)
- Paul Cromwell (Aug 23-Oct 24)
North Bristol Bariatric Surgery Fellowship
Based at: North Bristol NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: July 2018 - September 2021; reapproved October 2021 - September 2024
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr James Hewes, Consultant and Lead Bariatric Surgery, with Mr Alan Osborne, Consultant UGI and Bariatric Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- History taking, examination, appropriate investigations to identify patients who benefit from bariatric surgery.
- Present the case and discuss in bariatric MDT and select appropriate bariatric procedure.
- Patient counselling, consent and preoperative preparation.
- Perform laparoscopic gastric band insertion competency ¾.
- Perform Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy competency ¾.
- Perform Laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass competency ¾.
- Identify early and delayed postoperative complications, arrange appropriate investigations and management.
- Outpatient follow up and assessment.
- Deflating, filling, laparoscopic adjustment and removal of the gastric band.
- Communicate and liaise with a specialist nurse, dietician and psychologist.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Able to assess morbidly obese patients for treatment
- Recommend the most suitable treatment and discuss this in MDT meeting
- Counselling patients and consenting
- Postoperative assessment and follow up
- Management of complications
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
Supervisor: “The aim is to provide an opportunity for the fellow to perform at least 30 laparoscopic roux en y gastric bypass, 20 laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and 15 gastric band-related procedures in one year. Assessments from ISCP are used to rate competency. Where a candidate has a longer learning curve, more time and number of procedures will be considered at appraisal.”
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Samer Zino (Oct 19 - Mar 20)
- Haritharan Nageswaran (Oct 20 - Jul 21)
- Naomi Fearon (Aug 21 - Jul 22)
- Ashish Gupta (Oct 22 - Oct 23)
North Midlands Bariatric and Benign Upper GI Surgery Fellowship
Based at: University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: October 2021 - September 2024 / Reapproved October 2024 - September 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Alistair Sharples, Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon, with Mr Nagammapudur Balaji, Consultant Upper GI & Bariatric Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- To understand the management of obesity and metabolic disorders associated with obesity and to understand the role of surgical management in the treatment of these patients.
- To understand the preoperative assessment and workup of patients undergoing bariatric surgery.
- To gain substantial experience within bariatric surgery with the aim, by the end of the fellowship, of being confident to independently perform common primary bariatric procedures (predominantly gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy).
- To gain a basic understanding of the principles behind revisional surgery and to gain operative experience of these procedures.
- To understand common bariatric complications and emergencies and the development experience of their medical and surgical management.
- Complete research and audit projects to be presented nationally or internationally and/or published.
Clinical competencies:
- The fellow will be afforded graduated responsibilities in the operating theatre, outpatient clinic and MDT environment. Early, the fellow will assist and also perform portions of procedures commensurate with skill level. As the fellow progresses, he or she will gradually take on the role of primary operator. Similarly in the outpatient clinic, the fellow will initially shadow and progress to managing the clinic flow.
- The fellow will be expected to review patients in the perioperative period. This fellowship will have two inpatient sites. The fellow will operate at County Hospital, in Stafford (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and the Royal Stoke University Hospital on Fridays. The fellow will then join, and later run, a bariatric clinic at County Hospital on a Thursday morning.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Gastric bypass (min 75)
- Sleeve gastrectomy (min 20)
- Gastric band removal (min 5)
- Revisional bariatric surgery (min 5)
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Hrishikesh Salgaonkar (Oct 19 - May 22)
- Syed Adnan Kabir (May 22 - Apr 23)
Phoenix Public Health Fellowship in Advanced Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
Based at: Wirral University Teaching Hospital and Alexandra Hospital Manchester
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: Initially approved December 2022 – November 2025
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Qutayba Almerie, Consultant Surgeon and Educational Supervisor at Phoenix Health Ltd
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of safe bariatric practice.
- Demonstrate an understanding of preoperative assessment, procedure selection, international guidance on patient selection, patient counselling, management of common co-morbid conditions and consent for surgery.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of laparoscopic gastric banding, gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy including dealing with common intra-operative difficulties.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform laparoscopic gastric banding, gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy safely and correctly.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of complex and revisional surgery.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Demonstrate the ability to safely assess bariatric patients for bariatric surgery with special emphasis on compliance with national guidelines, appropriate counselling and choice of the operative procedure, implications of obesity related co-morbidity, psychological issues and optimisation of concurrent medical problems.
- Demonstrate the ability to safely manage post-operative bariatric patients in the outpatient setting with special emphasis on database and information management, gastric band adjustments, early identification of common problems (e.g. gastrojejunal stenosis), optimising weight-loss outcomes, nutritional follow-up and dietary advice.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of safe bariatric practice.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding including dealing with common intra-operative difficulties.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform laparoscopic gastric banding safely.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform gastric band fills and fluoroscopic investigations (and interpret results).
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of post-surgical care of the bariatric patient.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of laparoscopic gastric bypass including dealing with common intra-operative difficulties.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass safely and correctly (incorporating jejuno-jejunostomy, gastrojejunostomy and Petersen space closure)
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy including dealing with common intra-operative difficulties.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of complex and revisional surgery
- It is accepted that fellows will not perform complex (duodenal switch) and revisional laparoscopic surgery. Revisional surgery is a spectrum of procedures encompassing emergencies (such as gastric band unbuckling/removal for slippage) and elective work (such as conversion of gastric band to gastric bypass). Fellows will be exposed to these procedures and expected to appreciate the techniques involved. Fellows should be competent in the pre- and postoperative management of these patients. This module will provide fellows with a solid clinical framework for the future development of revisional surgical competence as their experience grows.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Major bariatric procedures (RYGB, OAGB, Sleeve and Revisional) = 547pa
- Operating experience as Primary Operating Surgeon (per Fellow - NB We run two Fellowships simultaneously) = 76 major cases pa each
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Bedanta Baruah (Jul 22 - Jun 23)
- Muhammad Ijlal Haider (Feb 23 - Jan 24)
- Mandeep Kaur (Jul 23 - Jul 24)
Royal Cornwall Laparoscopic Anti-Reflux and Bariatric Surgical Fellowship
Based at: Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: February 2021 - January 2024
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr James Clark, Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Perform primary bariatric procedures independently. Minimum – 30 gastric bypasses, 20 sleeve gastrectomies and 5 bands.
- Perform Hiatal hernia / antireflux surgery independently. Minimum – 20.
- Perform Elective and Emergency Laparoscopic Bile Duct exploration with competency in using Laparoscopic Ultrasound On-table Cholangiogram.
- Can perform pre-operative patient seminars, assessments and counselling independently.
- Accurately recognise and manage post-operative Bariatric / Hiatal and Biliary complications.
- Accurately recognise and optimise pre-operative co-morbidities.
- Patient selection and guiding patients through the various surgical procedures.
- Patient safety and development and adherence to peri-operative protocols.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
Operative outcomes as an independent primary surgeon / total cases experienced:
- Roux en Y Gastric Bypass 30 / 100
- Sleeve Gastrectomy 20 / 50
- Laparoscopic Gastric Band 10 / 20
- Laparoscopic Primary Hiatus hernia repair 20 / 40
- Laparoscopic Giant Paraoesophageal hernias 5 / 15
- Laparoscopic Bile Duct Exp. 15 / 30
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
See above
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Mahmoud Alardah (Sep 20 - Sep 22)
- Hussamuddin Adwan (Oct 22 - Jan 24)
Sunderland Bariatric Fellowship
Based at: City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: Initially approved September 2012; reapproved February 2016; reapproved June 2019 - August 2022; reapproved September 2023 - August 2026
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr William Carr, Consultant General Surgeon, with Mr Peter Small, Consultant General Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- To medically and surgically assess patients presenting for weight loss surgery.
- To obtain appropriate opinions on associated medical, psychological and psychiatric conditions likely to affect surgical outcomes.
- To learn and practice surgical skills required to perform bariatric surgery.
- To monitor patient progress through their surgical journey and respond appropriately to deviation from the expected path.
- To identify problems in the longer term and investigate appropriately.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- To assess patients presenting for bariatric surgery.
- To recognise and appropriately refer patients for ongoing assessment as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
- To gain surgical skills for the more common bariatric procedures.
- To identify and appropriately manage complications associated with bariatric surgery.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
Expected exposure to 100 Bariatric cases included primary, revisional and emergency cases with the expectation of achieving level 4 competence across all areas (especially Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, laparoscopic loop gastric bypass and Laparoscopic Roux en Y gastric bypass).
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Jamie Young (Oct 12 - Apr 13)
- Chiragkumar Parikh (Apr 13 - Oct 13)
- John Bennett (Oct 14 - Sept 15)
- Brijesh Madhok (Oct 15 - Oct 16)
- Alastair Reid (Oct 17 - Sept 18)
- Nehemiah Samuel (Oct 18 - Oct 19)
- Tarek Katbeh (Sept 19 - Mar 20)
- Ahmed Ahmed (Oct 20 - Sept 21)
- Mitesh Sharma (Oct 21 - Oct 22)
- Aya Musbahi (Oct 22 - Aug 23)
- Ghazi Ismael (Aug 23 - Aug 24)
UCLH Bariatric and Metabolic Fellowship, London
Based at: University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BOMSS
Approval period: Initially approved November 2012; reapproved March 2019 - May 2022; reapproved March 2024 - February 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Marco Adamo, Consultant General Surgeon, with Mr Mohamed Elkalaawy, Bariatric Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- 50 elective bariatric operations every six months and to have a primary role in at least 20% of those.
- Assess at least 25 new bariatric patients, 50 follow up patients and prepare 100 patients for discussion at the multidisciplinary meeting.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- clinical management of bariatric patients;
- technical proficiency in most laparoscopic bariatric procedures.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
See Learning Outcomes.
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Richard Thompson (Oct 14 - Oct 15)
- Jihène El Kafsi (Oct 16 - Oct 17)
- Andrei Ilczyszyn (Oct 18 - Oct 19)
- Oday Al Asadi (Mar 21 - Mar 22)
Colorectal Surgery Fellowships
Chichester St Richard's Laparoscopic Colorectal Fellowship
- Laparoscopic management of benign and malignant colorectal disease.
- Laparoscopic management of complex abdominal hernias.
- Management of the colorectal patient pre and post operatively.
- PBA assessment level 4 throughout all index operative scenarios.
- Audit projects completed.
- Research publication completed.
- Teaching objectives reached.
- PBA assessment level 4 throughout all index operative scenarios.
- Operative logbook to have achieved a minimum of 40 right and left sided resections.
- Laparoscopic colorectal resections independent 55 (in 6/12 last confirmed count) R and L, ULAR and APR, Subtotal, Hartmann’s and reversal.
- Laparoscopic bowel related surgery (parastomal hernia, rectopexy, incisional hernia, adhesiolysis and small bowel resection) 16.
- Mohammad Hassan Mobasheri (Apr 18 – Oct 18)
- Adam Kimble (Oct 18 – Mar 19)
- Eimear Monaghan (Mar 19 – Mar 20)
- Mohammed Syed Ali (Apr 20 – Oct 21)
- Daniel White (Jan 22 – Dec 22)
Christie Fellowship in Advanced Pelvic Malignancy
Based at: The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: March 2020 – May 2023; reapproved September 2023 - August 2026
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Professor Sarah O’Dwyer, Clinical Professor of Surgery and Consultant Colorectal and Peritoneal Surgeon, with Mr Jonathan Wild, Colorectal and Peritoneal Surgeon and Training Lead.
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
The Supervisor states:
“By the end of the fellowship the fellow will have the knowledge, clinical and technical skills in the management of Advanced Pelvic Malignancy. This is to a level to allow them to work as a consultant within a multi-disciplinary team undertaking surgery for advanced pelvic malignancy.
The fellow is expected to understand the surgical and non-surgical management of advanced pelvic malignancy, including the indications for neoadjuvant treatments. A detailed understanding of the anatomy of the pelvic area is expected and the significance of this anatomy in extended surgical resections.
The fellow is expected to have acquired a high level of clinical skills, both in management planning but also in communication with patients and their relatives when discussing the indications and consequences of surgery for advanced pelvic malignancy. The clinical knowledge extends to understanding the impact of patient safety when undertaking pelvic procedures. The fellow is expected to be able to partake in an MDT process to identify patients who are suitable for pelvic surgery, including recognising the need for additional expertise / clinical specialties.
Targeted outcomes in parallel with objectives: evaluation of progress through the 12 month programme at 3 monthly intervals to assure final outcomes are on target.”
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Advanced communication skills.
- Treatment pathway selection for patients with advanced colorectal cancer.
- Multispecialty operating as part of a pelvic oncology team.
- Multivisceral pelvic resection.
- Radical abdominoperineal resection with reconstruction.
- Cytoreduction and HIPEC.
Number of main operations the Fellow could expect to be involved in:
The Supervisor states:
“From activity figures over 350 complex and major surgical procedures are undertaken each year. The unit hosts five fellows with equal opportunities to engage in the unit activities. A realistic expectation would be for the fellow to engage with 50-70 complex and major cases as first assistant / supervised surgeon.”
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Sarah Hassan (Oct 20 - Oct 21)
- Nigel Day (Oct21 - Oct 22)
- Amar Eltweri (Aug 22 - Aug 23)
- Victoria Fretwell (Jul 23 - Aug 24)
Frimley Park Laparoscopic Colorectal Fellowship
Based at: Frimley Park Hospitals NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: Initially approved September 2014; reapproved March 2019 - May 2022; reapproved December 2022 November 2025
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Henry Tilney, Consultant Laparoscopic and Robotic Colorectal Surgeon, and Mr A Shiyam Nizar, Consultant Laparoscopic and Robotic Colorectal Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 6 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Practical based learning and continual assessment using GAS forms. It is expected the trainee will be able to perform right hemicolectomy, high anterior resection and splenic flexure mobilisation without direct supervision by the end of the Fellowship. TME and pouch surgery have a long learning curve - the trainee will be in a position to develop those skills, operate independently on the more straightforward cases but also be in a position to improve skills further with joint consultant operating.
- Exposure to Robotic Colorectal Surgery and Transanal Endoscopic surgery is also available.
- Support will be given to obtain JAG Colonoscopy accreditation by the end of the Fellowship.
- To have developed the necessary practical, personal, professional and communication skills for independent practice.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Demonstrate excellent communication skills with patients, relatives and colleagues.
- Demonstrate high quality patient selection and preoperative preparation. Have a full understanding of the enhanced recovery programme and be alert to potential postoperative complications
- Learning Objectives ¨ Develop experience in advanced laparoscopic colorectal surgery. It is anticipated that at the end of the 6 month period, the appointee will have performed or assisted with approximately 75 major laparoscopic procedures. It is expected that by the end of the period they will be capable of independent Consultant practice in this area". Develop experience in the training of less experienced surgeons in basic laparoscopic colorectal procedures.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
It is anticipated that at the end of the 6 month period, the appointee will have performed or assisted with approximately 75 major laparoscopic procedures, and will be capable of independent Consultant practice in this area. Fellows are also expected to develop experience in the training of less experienced surgeons in basic laparoscopic colorectal procedures.
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Christopher Nicolay (April - Oct 19)
- Nicholas Battersby (Oct 19 - Mar 20)
- Jeremy Huddy (Oct 20 - April 21)
- Daniel Baird (Apr 21 - Oct 21)
- Christopher Rao (Oct 21 - Apr 22)
- Amy Lord (Oct 22 - Apr 23)
- Nicola Hodges (Apr 23 - Sep 23)
Glasgow Advanced Colorectal and Pelvic Surgical Oncology Fellowship
Based at: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: May 2020 - August 2023; reapproved June 2024 - May 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Peter Chong, Consultant Colorectal and Sarcoma Surgeon; Miss Martha Quinn, Consultant Colorectal and Sarcoma Surgeon and Professor Campbell Roxburgh, Consultant Colorectal and Sarcoma Surgeon.
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- To develop operative skills in advanced pelvic oncology with a focus on resectional and reconstructive techniques and the development of consultant level intra-operative decision making.
- To develop decision making skills in the pre-surgical selection of patients suitable beyond TME/ exenterative surgery.
- To develop multi-disciplinary/ cross-speciality team working skills essential for complex pelvic oncology clinical case management including an awareness of adjuvant therapies and interventions provided by other disciplines.
- To gain experience and understanding of the complexities in the preoperative and perioperative care required by patients with complex pelvic malignancies.
- To appreciate the importance of clinical audit and quality improvement projects applicable to complex pelvic surgical oncology.
- To participate in at least one clinical research project resulting in national level presentation and/ or publication.
- To participate in the department’s programme of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.
- To contribute to the Monday educational meeting and the surgical grand rounds.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- To develop operative skills in advanced pelvic oncology with a focus on resectional and reconstructive techniques and development of consultant level intra-operative decision making.
- To develop decision making skills in the pre-surgical selection of patients suitable for beyond TME/ exenterative surgery.
- To develop multi-disciplinary/ cross-speciality team working skills essential for complex pelvic oncology clinical case management including an awareness of adjuvant therapies and interventions provided by other disciplines.
- To gain experience and understanding of the complexities in the preoperative and perioperative care required by patients with complex pelvic malignancies.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Multivisceral pelvic resections / exenterations: 30
- Minimally invasive/robotic colorectal resections: 10-15
- Gyn-Onc combined colon/ rectal resections: 5-10
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Alistair Geraghty (Aug 2020 - Aug 2021)
Leeds John Goligher Inflammatory Bowel Disease Fellowship
Based at: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: March 2021 - February 2024
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Rick Saunders, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
The Supervisor states:
“Our high volume and complex case mix, particularly with an in-house liver transplant, tertiary referral oncology and regional referral gastroenterology units, provides fellows with a fairly unique experience that will equip them with advanced skills and experience in IBD surgery, allowing them to compete for jobs in high-quality centres.”
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Re-operative Crohn’s resection
- Ileal pouch surgery: selection, counselling, operative skills and post-operative management of complications
- laparoscopic panproctocolectomy
- intersphincteric dissection
- complex perianal Crohn’s disease
- nutrition and intestinal failure
Number of main operations the Fellow could expect to be involved in:
The Supervisor states:
“Minimum expected cases:
- 6 pouch procedures including proctectomy
- 12 Crohn’s resections
- 12 colectomies for colitis (10 laparoscopic)
- 10 anterior resections
- 3 APER
The Fellow could expect to be a primary surgeon in (depending on the competence of the fellow) but minimum 50%, likely 80%, max 100%.”
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Rishabh Sehgal (Aug 22 - Aug 23)
Liverpool Advanced Colorectal and Robotic Fellowship
Based at: Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: October 2021 - September 2024
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Shakil Ahmed, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- The fellow is expected to have acquired a high level of clinical skills, both in management planning but also in communication with patients and their relatives when discussing the indications and consequences of surgery. The clinical knowledge extends to understanding the impact of patient safety when undertaking colorectal laparoscopic and robotic procedures. The fellow is expected to be able to partake in a MDT process to identify patients who are suitable for different approaches, including recognising the need for additional expertise / clinical specialties.
- Targeted outcomes in parallel with objectives: evaluation of progress through the 12 month programme at 3 monthly intervals to assure final outcomes are on target. Practical based learning and continual assessment using GAS forms. It is expected the trainee will be able to perform laparoscopic right, left and rectal resections independently by the end of the fellowship.
- Assess and select appropriate cases for local excision in Early Rectal cancer.
- Maximum exposure to Robotic Colorectal Surgery and Transanal Endoscopic surgery with an adequate skill set to develop independent practice in future.
- Support will be given to continue Colonoscopy services and develop expertise in more complex procedures if desired by the end of the Fellowship.
- To have developed the necessary practical, personal, professional and communication skills for independent practice.
- To develop an in-depth understanding of, and the ability to manage standard and advanced colorectal cases.
- Ability to train more junior trainees in principles of laparoscopic colorectal surgery.
- Participate in research and audit within the department with an expectation of peer-reviewed publication.
- Participate in a busy emergency general surgical on-call rota with exposure to a high number of emergency laparotomies.
- Audit projects completed.
- Research publication completed.
- Teaching objectives reached.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- PBA assessment level 4 throughout all index operative scenarios
- Operative logbook to have achieved a minimum of - right and - sided resections
- Advanced communication skills
- Demonstrate excellent communication skills with patients, relatives and colleagues
- Demonstrate high quality patient selection and preoperative preparation. Have a full understanding of the enhanced recovery programme and be alert to potential postoperative complications
- Competent, safe and independent operative to undertake laparoscopic colon resections
- Competent, safe and independent to undertake laparoscopic anterior resection/total mesorectal excision
- Assessment and management of complications of colorectal resections
- Ability to assess patients with complex colorectal pathology and plan surgery and aftercare.
- Participate in on-call rota in a busy unit
Number of main operations the Fellow could expect to be involved in:
From activity figures, over 300 complex and major colorectal procedures are undertaken each year. The unit undertakes over 50 robotic resections in a year and a realistic expectation would be for the fellow to engage with all robotic cases as a first assistant or on the console as an operating surgeon under supervision.
Following are estimated numbers for various procedures the fellow will be expected to achieve in 12 months:
- Laparoscopic/robotic anterior resection/TME – 40-50
- Laparoscopic/robotic colonic resections – 50-70
- Laparoscopic/robotic ventral mesh rectopexy - 25
- Advanced Colonoscopies – 100
- Pelvic exenteration – 25-30
- TEMS - 50
- Emergency general surgical procedures: numerous.
The Fellowship aims to provide laparoscopic resections during the course of the Fellowship that the fellow would complete independently (supervisor present) and this would allow the Fellow to achieve the level of competency expected at the start of a Consultant post. Fellows are also expected to develop experience in the training of less experienced surgeons in basic laparoscopic colorectal procedures.
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Yousif Aawsaj (May 22 - Jun 23)
- Fady Mostafa Hatem (Apr 23 - Apr 24)
Newcastle Senior Clinical Fellowship in Advanced Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Based at: Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: Initially approved October 2019 – December 2022; reapproved January 2024 - December 2026
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Prof Alan Horgan, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 6 - 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- The Primary Outcome is to develop the clinical, personal, professional and communication skills necessary for independent practice as a consultant.
- Understanding the spectrum of presentation of Colorectal diseases, their workup and management.
- Understanding correct patient selection for the appropriate procedure.
- Understanding the importance of positioning and correct use of energy and stapling technology.
- Understanding how to solve problems and overcome common challenges safely in the Operating Theatre.
- Understanding the importance of MDT meetings and the ability to formulate treatment plans in that setting, utilising guidelines and best evidence.
- Understanding and familiarising oneself with the principles and applications of Robotic platforms in surgery.
- To participate in at least one research project, leading to presentation or publication.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Ability to perform Segmental Resections including splenic flexure mobilisation independently. (Level 4b)
- Ability to perform average difficulty TME independently. (Level 4b)
- Ability to assess and manage Complications.
- Ability to lead, support, effectively communicate with and involve other team members in daily work and decision making.
- Support will be given to achieve JAG Colonoscopy accreditation, if required, by the end of the fellowship.
- Ability to assist (Robot docking and bedside) and perform certain steps in Robotic resections using a modular approach, subject to completing the necessary learning modules.
Number of main operations the Fellow could expect to be involved in:
Over 6 months:
- Laparoscopic Segmental Colectomy (Right/Left): Total: 20; Perform: 17
- Laparoscopic Anterior Resection (TME): Total: 15; Perform: 12
- Laparoscopic Sub-Total Colectomy: Total: 5; Perform: 4
- Abdomino-Perineal Excision: Total: 5; Perform: 4
- Ileo-Anal Pouch: Total: 2 - 5; Perform: 2
- Multi-visceral Resections: Total: 5; Perform: 2
- Robotic Anterior Resection (TME): Total: 15; Perform: 5
- Parastomal Hernia Repair (Laparoscopic/open): Total: 5 - 10; Perform: 5 - 10
- Laparoscopic Inguinal and Ventral Hernia Repair: Total: 20; Perform: 17
- Day Case Lower GI procedures: Perform: 30 - 40
- Colonoscopy: Perform: 30 - 40
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Haseeb Khokhar (Nov 19 - May 20)
- Mohamed Shaban (Sept 20 - Jul 21)
- Mudassar Majeed (Aug 21 - Aug 22)
- Stephen McSorley (Aug 22 - Jul 23)
North Bristol Colorectal Fellowship
Based at: North Bristol NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: First approved April 2016; reapproved November 2020 - October 2024
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Ms Caroline Burt, Colorectal Consultant, with Ms Ann Lyons, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Lead for Colorectal Cancer
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- In-depth knowledge/ ability to manage colorectal patients.
- Ability to perform independent colorectal operations (but supported as needed during post).
- Ability to perform therapeutic colonoscopy independently.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- 50 laparoscopic colorectal cases in 12 months.
- 100 colonoscopies in 12 months.
- 25.8.15 organiser added: “The cases indicated under ‘Clinical Competency to be achieved’ in the application form do not comprise the whole anticipated caseload for the Fellow … we have not given specific numbers for the fellow to perform procedures such as ventral mesh rectopexies, ileo-anal pouches, extra-levator abdomino-perineal resections as we anticipate biasing the successful applicant’s operative exposure depending on whether they are pursuing a pelvic floor, rectal cancer or IBD sub-specialty interest. Please see the ‘caseload’ attachment to give an indication of numbers of such procedures performed by the department. We anticipate the fellow would perform the majority of sub-speciality complex procedures as a supervised operator with the trainer scrubbed and teaching – but an appropriately experienced and senior fellow might proceed to have his or her trainer unscrubbed in theatre, and then teaching more junior trainees, in preparation for their next step to a consultant post.”
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Anterior resection - 20
- ELAPE - 2
- Laparoscopic colonic resections - 14
- Ileo-anal pouch procedure - 4
- Procedures for prolapse - 8
- Colonoscopies - 50
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Isileli Tonga (Nov 2017 - Oct 2018)
- Roel Bolckmans (Oct 2018 - Oct 2019)
- Sandeep Singh (Oct 19 - Oct 20)
- Huw Jones (Oct 20 - Apr 21)
- Ali Murtada (May 21 - Jun 22)
- Abhijeet Beniwal (Oct 22 - Oct 23)
North Middlesex Senior Colorectal Fellowship, London
*** The recruitment for this fellowship post is advertised in April / May 2025. To apply please visit the NHS website ***
Based at: North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, London
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: Initially approved June 2013; reapproved April 2016; reapproved September 2019 - November 2023; reapproved January 2024 - December 2026
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Lee Dvorkin, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon & Clinical Director for Surgery, with Mr Romesh Navaratnam, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Proficiency in Laparoscopic colorectal surgery to enable the candidate to practice at Consultant level.
- To develop an in-depth understanding of, and the ability to manage standard and advanced colorectal cases.
- Proficiency in the management of faecal incontinence and competency in neuromodulation techniques.
- Proficiency in the management of patients with fistula-in-ano.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- To learn a safe and reproducible technique for laparoscopic colon and rectal mobilisation and anastamosis.
- Independent proficiency in tibial and sacral nerve stimulation.
- An advanced understanding of fistula in ano surgery including; seton surgery, the LIFT procedure, advancement flaps and laying open techniques.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Fistula Surgery: Total: 40; Performed: 15
- Right hemicolectomy / ileocaecal resection: Total: 20; Performed: 15
- Left sided and rectal resection: Total: 15; Performed: 10
- TAMIS: Total: 10; Performed: 3
- Colonoscopy/OGD: Total: 100; Performed: 60
- Other proctological procedures: Total: 50; Performed: 30
- Ano-rectal physiology and PTNS also offered
- Emergency general surgical procedures: numerous
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Manoj Nair (Apr 13 - Apr 14)
- Aikaterini Leventi (Oct 15 - Oct 16)
- Alessandra Lazzaro (Oct 17 - Oct 18)
- Dinesh Balasubramaniam (Nov 18 - Oct 19)
- Mahmoud Elnaggar (Oct 19 - Sept 21)
- Subramaniam Guru Naidu (Oct 21 - Oct 22)
- Laurence Devoto (Oct 22 - Oct 23)
- Muhaned Farah (Oct 23 - Sep 24)
Peterborough Laparoscopic Colorectal Fellowship
Based at: North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: Initially approved September 2012 / Reapproved April 2016 - March 2019 / Reapproved November 2020 - October 2023 / Reapproved December 2024 - November 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Rohit Makhija, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 6 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate appropriate indications and select the right patients.
- Selection of suitable equipment, and initial theatre set-up.
- Competence in the selection and use of various energy sources and stapling devices.
- Competence in performing segmental colectomy.
- Ability to train more junior trainees in principles of laparoscopic colorectal surgery.
- Competence in colonoscopy and basic polypectomy techniques.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Competency at laparoscopic segmental colectomy.
- Experience of laparoscopic total mesorectal excision/low rectal cancer.
- Laparoscopic surgery for inflammatory bowel disease.
- Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy.
- Laparoscopic colostomy/ileostomy.
- Colonoscopy, with experience of EMR.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Total laparoscopic cases: minimum 80.
- Colonoscopy: minimum 80, assistance with JAG accreditation if further numbers required.
- Lap rectal resections: minimum 30.
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Rajaraman Durai (Oct 13 - Dec 13)
- Annamaria Minicozzi (Oct 15 - Apr 16)
- Aarti Kalyanaraman (Oct 16 - Oct 17)
- Samer-ul Haque (Oct 17 - Sept 18)
- Lawrence Toquero (Oct 18 - Aug 19)
- Ahmad Shehadeh (Dec 19 - Nov 20)
- Goher Rahbour (Oct 21 - Sep 22)
- Sreelakshmi Mallappa (Oct 22 - Feb 23)
Portsmouth Colorectal Robotic Surgery Fellowship
Based at: Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: Initially approved September 2020 – August 2023 / Reapproved December 2024 - November 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Jim Khan, Consultant Robotic Colorectal Surgeon, with Mr John Conti, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, and Mr Gijs van Boxel, Consultant Oesophagogastric Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 6 - 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Be involved in 15 - 20 TME resections for rectal cancer (1st assistant, supervised operator).
- Be involved in 20 - 25 colonic resections (1st assistant, supervised operator).
- Perform colonic mobilisation and lymphadenectomy robotic / laparoscopically under supervision.
- Perform colorectal anastomosis independently.
- Join the structured TME training programme.
- Complete mandatory simulation requirements.
- Basic robotic cadaveric course (Intuitive Surgical) as the first assistant.
- Gain experience in positioning patients and equipment to set up for TME.
- Basic robotic cadaveric course (Intuitive Surgical) as a console surgeon (TR100).
- Procedure specific cadaver lab (TR200).
- Gain experience in performing part of the robotic dissection of the abdominal and pelvic phase of TME on a dual console robot under close supervision.
Clinical competencies: see Learning Outcomes above
Number of main operations the Fellow could expect to be involved in:
For a 12 month period the reasonably expected number of main operations to be independently performed (equating to the ‘P’ Performed eLogbook Supervision codes category) by the Fellow during their Fellowship:
- Robotic splenic flexure mobilization: 20
- Robotic colectomy (Right /Left): 20
- Robotic TME Surgery pelvic dissection: 20 supervised
- Robotic rectopexy: 5
- Robotic Intracorporeal Anastomosis: 10 supervised
- Laparoscopic TME: 10
- Laparoscopic Colonic resection: 20
- Independent day case LGI surgery: 100
- Emergency/unplanned colorectal surgery: >50
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Vicky Maertens (Oct 20 - Apr 21)
- Lalit Kumar (Apr 21- Oct 21)
- Tou Pin Chang (Oct 21 - Mar 22)
- Prem Thambi (Oct 22 - May 23)
Royal Cornwall Post CCT Laparoscopic Colorectal Fellowship
Based at: Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: December 2021 - November 2024
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Nicholas Battersby, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Clinical Director Surgery & Cancer Care at the Trust
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- To have carried out high volume colonic resections allowing the fellow to build their confidence and perform right hemicolectomy, left hemicolectomy, sigmoid colectomy and high anterior resection independently by the end of the fellowship.
- To have gained exposure and experience in TME / pelvic / perineal surgery.
- To have built on knowledge acquired during surgical training to enable evidence based decision using the latest evidence.
- To have attended regular MDT meetings and developed decision making skills and demonstrated appropriate patient selection and preoperative optimisation.
- To have actively participated in clinical governance activities including audit, service development and quality improvement and recognised their importance to developing a high quality and modern Colorectal service.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Independent Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy
- Independent Laparoscopic Sigmoid Colectomy
- Safe hepatic and splenic flexure mobilisation
- Exposure / assisted rectal TME surgery / pelvic dissection
- Exposure to subtotal colectomy for Ulcerative Colitis
- Exposure to Endometrial / pelvic surgery
- Exposure to TATME /intersphincteric dissection /TEO/HRA
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- 40 left and right laparoscopic colonic resections as primary surgeon
- 12 laparoscopic rectal resection as primary surgeon
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Advanced Laparoscopic Colorectal Fellowship
Based at: Royal Shrewsbury & Telford NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: December 2018 - February 2022; reapproved June 2023 - May 2026
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Robert Clarke, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, with Mr Joe McCloud, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- To independently assess patients for colorectal cancer surgery- select appropriate investigations and discuss at MDT coming up with a treatment plan.
- To independently perform Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy.
- To independently perform Laparoscopic Sigmoid colectomy.
- To independently perform Laparoscopic Anterior resection with Laparoscopic TME for rectal cancer.
- Assess and select appropriate cases for local excision in Early Rectal cancer.
- Gain experience in TEMS surgery if desired.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Ability to assess patients with complex colorectal pathology and plan surgery and aftercare.
- Exposure to all aspects of complex open colorectal surgery.
- Competent, safe independent laparoscopic colonic resection.
- Competent, safe independent laparoscopic anterior resection and laparoscopic TME for rectal cancer. (We would enable Laparoscopic Fellows to in excess of 60 major cancer resections as a minimum).
- The ability to perform independent laparoscopic resection would be expected on completion of the Fellowship.
- Opportunity to achieve JAG accreditation in endoscopy would be offered if needed.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
“We would enable Laparoscopic Fellows to in excess of 60 major cancer resections as a minimum”
Total number of major Colorectal resections: 56
Total laparoscopic Colorectal resection (elective): 26
Total Right hemicolectomy: 13
Total Left sided resection 11 including lap TME
Total laparoscopic subtotal colectomy: 2
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Shantanu Rout (May 19 - Nov 19)
- Khalid Al-Hureibi (Oct 20 - Oct 21)
- Asaf Khan (Oct 20 - Apr 21)
- Sidharth Kumar (Jan 22 - Jan 23)
Sheffield Post-CCT Advanced IBD Surgery Fellowship
Based at: Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: November 2020 - October 2023
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Prof Steven Brown, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Honorary Professor of Surgery
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Run outpatient clinics and counsel patients on appropriate management plans.
- Operative logbook.
- IBD MDT outcomes.
- Academic output – manuscripts submitted and presentations in meetings.
- Contribution as faculty in cadaveric and wet lab courses run by the colorectal department.
Clinical competencies:
- Assess patients in the clinic and formulate an appropriate management plan.
- Discuss cases in the IBD MDT.
- Consent patients for procedures.
- Assist and perform index operations.
- Post-operative ward rounds to review patients.
- Prevent and manage complications.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Ileoanal pouch – 10
- Ileocolic resections – 20
- Total colectomy – 10
- Proctectomy – 10
- Perianal CD – 15
- Stricturoplasty - 5
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Adele Sayers (Mar 21 - Mar 22)
Sheffield Post-CCT Advanced Pelvic Floor Surgery Fellowship
Based at: Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: August 2020 - July 2023
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Prof Steven Brown, Consultant Surgeon and Honorary Professor of Surgery
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
• Run outpatient clinics and counsel patients on appropriate management plans
• Operative logbook
• Pelvic floor MDT outcomes
• Academic output – manuscripts submitted and presentations in meetings
• Contribution as faculty in cadaveric and wet lab courses run by the colorectal department
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
• Assess patients in PF clinic and formulate an appropriate management plan
• Discuss cases in the PF MDT
• Consent patients for procedures
• Assist and perform index operations
• Post-operative ward rounds to review patients
• Prevent and manage complications
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
• SNS - 40
• LVMR – 10
• Revisional prolapse surgery - 5
• Sphincter repair – 4
• Colporrhaphy – 10
• MACE – 3
• Complex anal fistula repair -10
• Perianal prolapse procedures - 6
St James's Laparoscopic Colorectal Fellowship [CURRENTLY INACTIVE]
This fellowship merged with John Goligher Fellowship Scheme.
Fellows awarded under the former St James Laparoscopic Colorectal Fellowship:
- Jonny Epstein (Oct 12 - Apr 13)
- Peter Mitchell (Apr 13 - Oct 13)
- Adnan Sheikh (Oct 14 - Apr 15)
- Chris Mann (Feb - Aug 17)
- Muneer Junejo (Apr 18 - Oct 18)
- Haytham Abudeeb (Apr 19 - Sept 19)
- Jeremy Williamson (Oct 19 - Mar 20)
- Rebecca Fish (Apr 20 - Oct 20)
- Ahsan Javed (Oct 20 - Mar 21)
- Peter Vaughan-Shaw (Apr 20- Oct 21)
- Kunal Shetty (Oct 21 - Apr 22)
St Mark’s Minimally and Maximally Invasive Colorectal Cancer (MiMICC) Fellowship, London
Based at: St Mark's Hospital, London North West Healthcare NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: Initially approved July 2013; reapproved October 2022 - September 2025
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Ian Jenkins, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 6 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Proficiency in laparoscopic and transanal TME.
- Proficiency in laparoscopic colonic resection with CME (complete mesocolic excision).
- Proficiency in laparoscopic APER.
- Proficiency in total pelvic exenteration.
- Experience in robotic colorectal resections.
- Experience in pelvic sidewall excision.
- Experience in en-bloc sacrectomy and high sacrectomy.
- Experience in CRS and HIPEC.
- Proficiency in peri-operative care.
- Proficiency in advanced colorectal cancer management and decision making.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Understand the profile of postoperative recovery after major colorectal cancer and pelvic surgery
- Independent practice in laparoscopic surgery
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Proficiency in laparoscopic and transanal TME: 20;
- Proficiency in laparoscopic colonic resection with CME (complete mesocolic excision): 40;
- Proficiency in laparoscopic APER: 5;
- Proficiency in total pelvic exenteration: 15;
- Experience in robotic colorectal resections: 10;
- Experience in pelvic sidewall excision: 15;
- Experience in en-bloc sacrectomy and high sacrectomy: 10;
- Experience in CRS and HIPEC: 10.
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Amit Patel (Oct 13 - Apr 14)
- Katrine Emmertsen (April 16 - Oct 16)
- Chris Hunter (Oct 16 - April 17)
- Nicola Hodges (Apr - Oct 17)
- Akash Mehta (Oct 17 - April 18)
- Jamish Gandhi (Apr 18 - Oct 18)
- James Read (Jan - Oct 19)
- Mit Dattani (Oct 19 - Apr 20)
- Hugh MacKenzie (Oct 19 - Apr 20)
- Malcom West (Oct 20- Oct 21)
- Corina Behrenbruch (Oct 20 - Apr 21)
- Glen Guerra (Apr 21 - Oct 21)
- Sofoklis Panteleimonitis (Oct 21 - Apr 22)
- Daniel Clerc (Apr 22 - Apr 23)
- Mohamed Rabie (Apr 23 - Sep 23)
- Victoria Proctor (Apr 23 - Oct 23)
- Ann-Marie Howell (Oct 23 - Apr 24)
Sunderland Robotic Colorectal Fellowship
Based at: South Tyneside & Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: April 2021 - March 2024 / Reapproval October 2024 - September 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Golam Farook, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 6 months
Stated learning outcomes:
The Supervisor says:
“The Primary Outcome is to develop the clinical, personal, professional and communication skills necessary for independent practice as an NHS consultant, including:
- Understanding the range of presentation of Colorectal diseases, their workup and management.
- Correct patient selection for the appropriate procedure.
- Understanding the importance of positioning.
- Correct use of energy and stapling technology.
- Understanding how to solve problems and overcome common challenges safely in the Operating Theatre.
- Understanding the importance of MDT meetings and the ability to formulate treatment plans with the best evidence.
- Familiarising oneself with the principles and applications of Robotic platforms in Colorectal surgery.
- To participate in a research project, leading to presentation or publication.
Clinical competencies:
- Ability to assist (Robot docking and first assistant) and perform certain steps in Robotic resections using a modular approach, subject to completing the necessary learning modules - online modules, dry runs etc.
- Learn safety mechanisms of the robot and the console.
- Gain experience at positioning patients and equipment set up for Robotic resections.
- Be involved in 15 - 20 robotic resections for rectal cancer (1st assistant).
- Fully perform at least 20 robotic resections.
- 15-20 robotic cases as 1st assistant / training console.
- Be involved in 10 colonic resections (laparoscopic/open as 1st assistant).
- Perform colonic mobilisation robotic / laparoscopically under supervision.
- Perform colorectal anastomosis independently.
- Learn the principles behind TME.
- Be part of TME training program in NSTC, Newcastle.
- Complete mandatory simulation requirements on the robot.
- Complete Robotic cadaveric course (Intuitive Surgical) as the first assistant.
- Complete Robotic cadaveric course (Intuitive Surgical) as console surgeon.
- Attend arranged visits to neighbouring Robotic colorectal units in RVI and Freeman Hospital.
- Start performing part of the robotic dissection of the abdominal part and pelvic phase of TME (dual console robot under close supervision).
- Learn robotic suturing technique.
- Learn robotic pelvic lymphadenectomy.
- Have the ability to assess and manage complications.
Number of main operations the Fellow could expect to be involved in:
Over a 12 month period the expected number of procedures to be independently performed (maintain eLogbook):
- Robotic vessel ligation: 20
- Robotic splenic flexure mobilization: 20
- Robotic left colonic mobilisation: 20
- Robotic TME Surgery pelvic dissection: 20 (supervised)
- Robotic mesh rectopexy (permacol): < 5
- Robotic mesh repair perineal hernia: <5
- Robotic proctectomy & ileo-anal pouch: <5
- Robotic pelvic node dissection: <5
- Robotic right hemicolectomy: 5
- Laparoscopic TME: < 10
- Laparoscopic Colonic resection: < 15
- TAMIS: < 5
- Abdominal wall reconstruction: <5
- Laparoscopic parastomal hernias: <10
- Day case LGI surgery: < 25
- Emergency colorectal surgery: < 20
- Colonoscopy: >50
The Fellow will independently fully (100%) perform at least robotic 20 resections.
The Fellow will also be involved in at least 15- 20 robotic cases - as first assistant / training console.
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Peter Vaughan-Shaw (Oct 21 - Apr 22)
- Nicholas Ventham (May 22 - Nov 22)
- Rachael Coates ( Oct 22 - Apr 23)
- Joshua Franklyn (May 23 - Oct 23)
- Ashley Brown (Oct 23 - Mar 24)
Swansea Advanced Pelvic Oncology Fellowship
Based at: Swansea Bay University Healthboard
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI & BAPRAS
Approval period: April 2016 - March 2019; reapproved September 2019 - November 2022; reapproved June 2024 - May 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Martyn Evans Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Associate Professor of Surgery
Fellowship duration: 6 or 12 months (12 months from 2021)
Stated learning outcomes:
- Operative exposure to at least 15 multi-visceral resections and exenterations in a 6 month fellowship. This would include total pelvic exenteration, cystectomy, radical hysterectomy and vulvectomy and sacretomy.
- Experience working with a plastic surgeon with interest in perineal reconstruction following surgery for advanced malignancy / IBD and chronic perineal sinus.
- Proficiency in laparoscopic and open low rectal cancer surgery.
- Experience in the assessment, operative planning and perio-operative care of patients undergoing surgery beyond the TME plane.
- Participate in research and audit within the department with an expectation of peer-reviewed publications.
- Operative exposure to at least 20 major gynaecological debulking procedures involving total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoophorectomy with or without contiguous organ resection.
- Contribute to the pelvic oncology MDT.
- Participate in a busy emergency general surgical on call rota with exposure to a high number of emergency laparotomies.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Have performed or assisted with approximately 150 major laparoscopic and open procedures, including approximately 10 total pelvic exenterations.
- Improve laparoscopic and open operating skills in lower rectal cancer - exposure to at least 25 laparoscopic and 30 open rectal resections
- Exposure to at least 30 major gynaecological debulking procedures involving bilateral salpingoophorectomy and total abdominal hysterectomy in connection with other multivisceral resections
- Participate in on-call rota in a busy unit with over 300 emergency laparotomies performed per annum
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in: see Learning Outcomes above.
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Jeffrey Lim (Oct 16 - Mar 17)
- Gregory Taylor (Oct 16 - Oct 17)
- Kenneth Keogh (Oct 17 - Jun 18)
- Matthew Bedford (Oct 19 - Apr 20)
Wirral Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Fellowship
Based at: Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: October 2024 – September 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Gregory Stephen Simpson and Mr Ciaran Walsh, Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Completion of 60-80 AWR operations in a 1-year period.
- Independent administration of abdominal wall botox.
- To obtain a full understanding of available AWR techniques, AWR adjuncts and when to employ them and implement this understanding in the care of AWR patients at our trust.
- Demonstrate ability in teaching and training experience with teaching of junior doctors and SpRs in the department where appropriate.
- Accreditation by Intuitive as a Console Surgeon.
- Demonstrate the ability to correctly plan the appropriate pre-, intra- and post-operative techniques for a patient requiring complex AWR.
- To demonstrate an understanding of gaps in the knowledge around AWR and work towards publication of the Units data to expand the knowledge base in AWR.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Excellent clinical assessment of the complex AWR/ abdominal wall failure patient, with pre, intra and postoperative planning.
- Plan and perform abdominal wall reconstruction operations and adjuncts to affect a high-quality and durable repair for patients with an improved quality of life.
- Sign-off as a console Surgeon via the Intuitive Fellowship scheme.
- Ability to work as a consultant with a specialist practice in AWR in the future.
- Clinical acumen to work with a multi-disciplinary team to optimise patients pre-operatively and improve their post-operative outcomes.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Open Rives Stoppa (independent or supervised) (Performed: 30).
- Robotic Rives Stoppa (independent or supervised) (Performed: 30).
- Open Transversus abdominis release (supervised) (Performed: 12).
- Robotic Transversus abdominis release (supervised) (Performed: 8).
- Injection of abdominal wall botulinum toxin (independent or supervised) (Performed: 25).
Worthing Colorectal Fellowship
- To independently assess patients for colorectal cancer surgery- select appropriate investigations and discuss at MDT coming up with a treatment plan.
- PBA assessment level 4 throughout all index procedures and level 4b for majority.
- To independently perform Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy.
- To independently perform Laparoscopic Sigmoid colectomy.
- To independently perform Laparoscopic Anterior resection with Laparoscopic TME for rectal cancer.
- Assess and select appropriate cases for local excision in Early Rectal cancer.
- Research projects completed including Presentations in international conferences.
- Research publication completed.
- Operative logbook to have achieved at least 75 right and left sided resections.
- At least 5-10 very low rectal resections/AP resections.
- At least 5 Prolapse surgeries.
- Laparoscopic Colon resections – 60 (Performed: 60).
- Laparoscopic Low Rectal/ AP resections – 15 (Performed: 15).
- Diagnostic Colonoscopy – 100 (depends on the level of the candidate) (Performed: 100).
Yeovil MIS Colorectal Surgery Fellowship
Based at: Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ACPGBI
Approval period: October 2018 - December 2021; reapproved December 2023 - November 2026
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Prof Nader Francis, Consultant General, Colorectal and Laparoscopic Surgeon, with Mr Jonathan Ockrim, Consultant General Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- PBA assessment level 4 throughout all index operative scenarios (manifested as level 5 in the GAS forms in the curriculum).
- Audit projects completed.
- Research publication completed.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- PBA assessment level 4 throughout all index operative scenarios.
- Operative logbook to have achieved a minimum of 40 right and left sided resections and 10 rectal resections.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
Target Logbook per annum
The unit offers a range of colorectal operations and this will be reflected in the logbook of the Fellow.
- Laparoscopic colonic resections: Total: 50; Performed: 15
- Laparoscopic rectal resections: Total: 30; Performed: 10
- Laparoscopic hernia surgery (ventral and inguinal): Total: 10; Performed: 5
- Major abdominal Reconstruction and component separation surgery: Total 10; Performed: 3
- Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy: Total: 150; Performed: depends on the level of the candidate
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Manish Chowdhary (Oct 19 - Dec 20)
- Eleni Andriopoulou (Feb 21 - Nov 21)
- Spyridon Dritsas (Mar 22 - Mar 23)
HPB Fellowships
HCG Bangalore HPB and Liver Transplant Fellowship
Based at: HealthCare Global (HCG) Cancer Centre, Bangalore, India
Surgical Specialty Association approving: AUGIS
Approval period: December 2021 - November 2024
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Dr. Basant Mahadevappa, Senior Consultant and current head of Department of HPB Oncologic and Robotic Surgery and Transplantation, HCG Bangalore
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- To evaluate the transplant recipients preoperatively.
- To contribute to their surgery and care for them postoperatively.
- To take part in all of the activities relating to HPB surgery.
- To participate in the preoperative evaluation, assessment, treatment planning, and postoperative ambulatory care of patients in whose surgery they participate.
- To provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art medical and surgical care to patients with surgical diseases/disorders of the liver.
- To be skilled in HPB procedures, endoscopic procedures, interpretation of radiological images as well as the pre-operative assessment, operative timing, management of intra-operative complications and post-operative patient care.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- To be competent in the evaluation and diagnosis of Liver, Pancreatic and Pancreatic cancer patients.
- To be competent in the standard surgical and ablative procedures for the treatment of HPB cancers
- To be competent in evaluating pre-operatively patients requiring liver transplantation
- To manage patients in post-operative phase of liver transplantation
- To understand the surgical procedure of liver transplantation.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Whipple’s Pancreaticoduodenectomy: 20
- Distal Pancreatectomy (Lap/Robotic): 10
- Major Hepatectomies: 20
- Minor Hepatectomies: 10
- Radical Cholecystectomy: 10
- Hepaticojejunostomy: 15
- Liver Transplant: 5
Imperial Robotic HPB Fellowship, London
Based at: Imperial College and The Royal Marsden Hospital, London
Surgical Specialty Association approving: AUGIS
Approval period: Initially approved January 2019 - March 2022; reapproved October 2022 - September 2025
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Professor Long Jiao, Professor of Surgery and Chair in Hepaticopancreaticobiliary Surgery at Imperial College and The Royal Marsden Hospital, London
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Safe understanding of the equipment.
- Safe and independent Robotic surgeon for primary HPB procedures.
- Understood and carried out robotic audit research and peer reviewed presentations and publications.
- Can perform pre-operative patient seminars, assessments and counselling independently.
- Accurately recognise and manage post-operative complications.
- Accurately recognise and optimise pre-operative co-morbidities.
- Patient selection and guiding patients through the various surgical procedures.
- Patient safety and development and adherence to peri-operative protocols.
- Can establish and lead a Robotic HPB unit including setting up a multi-disciplinary team, establishing pathways and protocols, seek accreditation of unit and other regulatory procedures to establish a centre of excellence in HPB surgery.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Independent competent performance of primary HPB procedures
- Supervised performance of emergency and revision HPB procedures
- Case selection and optimisation of patients in the pre-operative period
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
Level* | A | PA | P
Level 1 | 2/5 | 2/5 | 10/25
Level 2 | 5/5 | 5/5 | 2/5
Level 3 | 5/5 | 5/5 | 1/1
Level 4 | 5/5 | 5/5 | 1/1
Level 5 | 5/5 | 5/5 | 0/0
* liver, pancreas, GB
A- Assisted
PA- Performed with Assistance
P- Performed
Example: Assisted 2/5 = assisted in 2 out of 5 operations involved in
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Tamara MH Gall (Oct 2018 - Oct 2019)
- Rajendran Vellaisamy (Apr 22 - Apr 23)
Oesophago-gastric Fellowships
Bristol Oesophagogastric Fellowship
Based at: University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: AUGIS
Approval period: First approved March 2024 until February 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Sean Strong, Lead Supervisor with Mr Dan Titcomb, Mr Paul Wilkerson, Miss Jenny Wheat and Mr Ben Byrne (OG Consultants acting as additional supervisors).
Fellowship duration: 12 months extendable to 18 months.
Stated learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
- To develop knowledge of clinical and basic sciences relevant to Oesophago-Gastric Surgery. To use this knowledge to develop patient-focused management plans for investigation and treatment of both elective and emergency admissions.
- To gain a detailed understanding of the staging pathway and treatment options for patients presenting with oesophagogastric malignancies. To use this knowledge to contribute to discussions within the weekly multidisciplinary meeting.
- To develop the experience and knowledge to treat oesophageogastric complications referred from other trusts within the Southwest region. This would include oesophageal injuries or perforations and complications post-oesophagectomy or gastrectomy.
Practical (Clinical and Technical) Skills
- To attain the surgical skills to be able to independently perform an open and laparoscopic gastrectomy and oesophagectomy.
- To attain the surgical and endoscopic skills to be able to treat early gastric and oesophageal cancers using modalities such as endomucosal resection and radiofrequency ablation.
- To develop the surgical skills to treat post-operative oesophagogastric complications. These skills would include the insertion of oesophageal stents, endoscopic esosponge placement as well as performing re-look laparotomies or thoracotomies.
- To acquire the surgical skills to perform benign upper gastrointestinal procedures such as para-oesophageal hernia repair, anti-reflux surgery and Heller’s cardiomyotomy.
Personal and professional skills
- To develop the written and oral communication skills to allow effective working within a multi-speciality and multidisciplinary team.
- To acquire the communication skills necessary to break bad news to patients within the weekly fast-track cancer clinic.
- To develop the leadership and managerial skills required to organise the allocation of junior doctors within our team to various daily team activities.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
On completion of this fellowship, the fellow will have the ability to independently perform the following procedures:
- Gastrectomy
- Oesophagectomy
- Cholecystectomy
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Oesophagectomy: Involved (30) - Performed (25)
- Gastrectomy: Involved (8) - Performed (5)
- Cholecystectomy: Involved (50) – Performed (40)
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship)
Guy's & St Thomas' Oesophago-gastric Cancer Fellowship, London
Based at: Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: AUGIS
Approval period: First approved July 2017 / Reapproved March 2021 - February 2024 / Reapproved October 2024 - September 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Andrew Davies, Upper GI Surgeon & Honorary Senior Lecturer, with Mr James Gossage, Ms Cara Baker and Mr Mark Kelly (all Upper GI Surgeons)
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Understanding of clinical issues during work-up, in-hospital and post-discharge care in patients undergoing oesophagogastric resection.
- Understanding of indications and extent of lymph node dissection for oesophagogastric cancer.
- Understanding of techniques used for lymphadenectomy in the abdomen and thorax.
- Appreciating different operative strategies for OG cancer.
- Endoscopy exposure.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Competency in staging laparoscopy including endoscopy and peritoneal cytology.
- Competency in performing D2 lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer.
- Competency in performing two-field lymphadenectomy for oesophageal cancer.
- Use of laparoscopic surgery.
- Appreciation of different operations for OG cancer.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
Supervisor: “For Completion of training the criteria state that the trainee needs to complete 30 major cases (throughout their entire training period) which includes cancer resections but also benign work such as anti-reflux surgery. For JAG accreditation 200 endoscopies are the requirement. The current fellow has performed over 50 cancer resections in the last 12 months (not including other major cases) and performed over 250 endoscopies, meaning that within 1 year they would have 150% of the numbers required for CCT level. Beyond surgical exposure, a strong emphasis is made on reaching consultant level decision-making and utilizing multi-disciplinary expertise.”
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Dan Foley (Apr 18 - Mar 19)
- Ben Byrne (Apr 19 - Apr 20)
- Philip Pucher (Jun 20 - Mar 21)
- Prem Chana (Apr 21 - Apr 22)
- Robert Walker (Apr 22 - Apr 23)
- Mickael Chevallay (Apr 23 - Apr 24)
Portsmouth Robotic Oesophagogastric Fellowship
Based at: Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: AUGIS
This fellowship programme is also endorsed by the Upper GI International Robotic Association (UGIRA).
Approval period: June 2020 – May 2023; reapproved September 2023 - August 2026
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Gijs van Boxel, Robotic Oesophagogastric Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- Be involved in 5-15 gastrectomies (distal/total).
- Be involved in 20-30 oesophagectomies (1st assistant, supervised operator).
- Perform gastric mobilisation and lymphadenectomy robotic/laparoscopically under supervision.
- Perform Roux-en-Y reconstruction under supervision.
- Develop a structured, step-by-step protocol to train surgeons with no previous experience in robotic surgery in conjunction with UGIRA.
- Gain experience in positioning patients and equipment to set up for RAMIE.
- Gain competence as the first assistant for the thoracic phase (by the end of Month 4).
- Basic robotic cadaveric course (Intuitive Surgical) as a console surgeon.
- Gain experience in performing part of the robotic dissection of the abdominal and thoracic phase of RAMIE on a dual console robot under close supervision.
- Perform neck dissection for cervical join under supervision when required.
- Robotic/Laparoscopic Benign Surgery.
- Complete mandatory simulation requirements (by the end of Month 2).
- Gain competence as first assistant for hiatal surgery (by the end of Month 3).
- Modular console training for hiatal surgery in line with developing a structured pathway in conjunction with UGIRA.
- Help manage the waiting list, perform virtual follow up and manage complications.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
The reasonably expected total number of the Fellowship’s main operations, and those to be independently performed (equating to the ‘P’ Performed eLogbook Supervision codes category) by the Fellow during their 12-month Fellowship:
- Robotic anti-reflux surgery (RARS): Total: 30; Performed: 15-20
- Robotic common bile duct explorations: Total: 5; Performed: 2-3
- Robotic Giant hiatus hernia repair: Total: 10; Performed: 5
- Robotic Revisional hiatal surgery: Total: 5-10; Performed: 3-6
- Robotic Gastrectomy (partial/total): Total: 5; Performed: 2-3
- Minimally invasive oesophagectomy (RAMIE/MIO): Total: 20-30; Performed: 10 in parts
- Minimally invasive gastrectomy (total/distal) Total: 5; Performed: 2-3 in parts
- Laparoscopic day case Upper GI surgery: Total: 150; Performed: 100-150
- Emergency/unplanned OG surgery: Total: >15; Performed: >10
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Khalid Akbari (Nov 20 - Oct 21)
- Anik Sarkar (Sep 21- Sep 22)
- James Gerard Wilkins (Jan 23 - Jan 24)
South Devon Benign Upper GI Surgical Fellowship
Based at: Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: AUGIS
Approval period: October 2019 – December 2022; reapproved March 2024 - February 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Timothy Platt, Consultant Upper GI Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- documented evidence of service development either through management change or through implementation of research findings;
- publication/s in peer reviewed journal;
- presentation in national / international meetings.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Achieve Level 4 in Laparoscopic Fundoplication
- Achieve Level 4 in Laparoscopic Hot Gall bladder Surgery
- Achieve Level 4 in Laparoscopic CBD exploration
- Achieve Level 4 in Laparoscopic Herniae repair
- Achieve JAG accreditation in diagnostic OGD
Number of main operations the Fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Laparoscopic Bile Duct Exploration (Performed: 20)
- Laparoscopic Fundoplication/hiatal hernia repair / Hellers myotomy (Performed: 25)
- Acute laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Performed: 30)
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Alexandros Karentzos (Mar 20 - Apr 21)
- Marcos Kostalas (May 21 - May 22)
- Alison Bradley (May 22 - May 23)
- David Robinson (Jun 23 - May 24)
St Mary's Post-CCT Upper GI Fellowship, London
Based at: St Mary's Hospital, London
Surgical Specialty Association approving: AUGIS
Approval period: Initially approved August 2015; reapproved December 2019 - February 2023; June 2024 - May 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Krishna Moorthy, Consultant Surgeon and Senior Lecturer, with Prof George Hanna, Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
- To effectively manage patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal resection on the wards, critical care and out-patient settings.
- To effectively perform radical lymphadenectomy for oesophagogastric cancer resection.
- Understanding of clinical issues during work-up, in-hospital and post-discharge care in patients undergoing oesophagogastric resection.
- Understanding of indications and extent of lymph node dissection for oesophagogastric cancer.
- Understanding of techniques used for lymphadenectomy in the abdomen and thorax.
- Understanding the principles in the management of benign oesophageal surgery.
- Understanding of clinical issues in the management of complex benign oesophageal disease including revision surgery after previous benign upper GI surgery.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- Competency in staging laparoscopy including endoscopy and peritoneal cytology.
- Competency in performing D2 lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer.
- Competency in performing two-field lymphadenectomy for oesophageal cancer.
- Competency in performed benign oesophageal surgery for hiatus hernia, GORD, achalasia.
- Competency in minimally invasive surgery for cancer and benign conditions.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Oesophagectomy: number to be independently performed: 15
- Gastrectomy: number to be independently performed: 15
- Laparoscopic fundoplication: number to be independently performed: 20
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Mohamed Ibrahim (Mar 17 - Feb 19)
- Frans Van Workum (Jan 20 - Jan 21)
- Alexander Harris (Apr 21 - Apr 22)
- Stefan Antonowicz (Apr 22 - Mar 23)
Sarcoma Fellowships
Birmingham Post-CCT Abdominal and Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Fellowship
Based at: MARSU, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: BASO – The Association for Cancer Surgery
Approval period: Initially approved October 2013; reapproved July 2017; reapproved June 2021 - May 2024; reapproved June 2024 - May 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Max Almond, Consultant Surgeon (Sarcoma and General Surgery)
Fellowship duration: 12 months
Stated learning outcomes:
The Fellowship has been designed to allow the appointee to gain surgical experience in areas not generally covered by conventional specialty training. This will give greater confidence in recognising the type of surgery needed for these patients and ensuring they are referred to an appropriate centre. At a time of increased surgical specialisation, this Sarcoma Fellowship is almost unique in providing a surgical trainee such a wide surgical experience within a single surgical unit.
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
- At the end of 6 months, the Fellow should have seen and gained experience in the management of patients with extremity and abdominal/retroperitoneal sarcomas. The Fellow should be confident in the investigation of these tumours and have been involved in their surgery, though not necessarily competent with resectional surgery.
- By 12 months the Fellow should have consolidated the above experience and be capable of describing fully developed management plans for the majority of patients including identification of the range of disciplines necessary for optimum management.
- The Fellow should be expected to have some experience as the primary surgeon and be confident to undertake some multi-visceral resections, all supervised with the consultant as an assistant.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:
- Multivisceral resection for retroperitoneal sarcoma: Total: 30; 1st operator: 5 **
- Small/large bowel resection for NET: Total: 20; 1st operator: 10
- Small bowel/stomach resection for GIST: Total: 15; 1st operator: 10
- Resection of recurrent retroperitoneal sarcoma: Total: 15; 1st operator: 5
- Wide excision for soft tissue sarcoma of the abdominal/extremities: Total: 25; 1st operator: 5
- Sacrectomy: Total: 5; 1st operator: 1
**Depending of the level of training, considering the complexity of the procedure.
Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):
- Sam Ford (Oct 14 - Jan 16)
- Max Almond (Oct 16 - Oct 17)
- Vrettos Ierodiakonou (Jul 18 - Sept 19)
- Fabio Tirotta (Apr 20 - Mar 21)
- Marco Baia (Apr 21 - May 22)
- Valentina Messina (Jun 22 - Aug 23)
- Anna Morrow (Jun 23 - Jun 24)

Abhijeet Beniwal
North Bristol Colorectal Fellowship, Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, October 2022 – October 2023. Current post: St Mark's Minimally and Maximally Invasive Colorectal Cancer (MiMICC) Fellowship, St Mark's Hospital, London North West Healthcare NHS Trust. “This high-volume intense colorectal fellowship covers all aspects of colorectal surgery and has given me a wide exposure in all fields. This has allowed me to develop a subspecialist interest in Pelvic exenteration and Robotic colorectal surgery. There are at least 2-3 full day three-session theatre lists with regular access to endoscopy training lists. I was mentored through over 100 major Robotic and Laparoscopic Colorectal Resections (STS, STUS) during my fellowship. And I was able to perform 150 plus colonoscopies, enabling me to attain JAG certification for colonoscopy. Furthermore, I was regularly involved in multivisceral resections and pelvic exenteration with exposure to pelvic side wall excision, bony resections, ileal conduits and Perineal floor reconstructions with biological mesh and flaps. I was actively involved in primary and complex cancer MDTs with regular access to discussion of complex cases in Urology and vascular MDTs. There is excellent senior support in this fellowship and all consultants are enthusiastic trainers with a focus on clinical decision making, technical aspects and non-technical aspects of surgery. I will wholeheartedly recommend this fellowship to trainees transitioning into consultant posts.”Abhijeet Beniwal
Amar Eltweri
Christie Advanced Pelvic Malignancy Fellowship, The Christie NHS Trust, August 2022 - August 2023. Current post: Locum General Surgery Consultant. "I really enjoyed the advanced pelvic malignancy fellowship programme at the Christie hospital where I have achieved good experience in MDT decision making for the rare and complex colorectal cancer and neuroendocrine tumours and its management. This is important for my transition period from being a surgical trainee to a consultant. I definitely recommend this programme to my colorectal colleagues, and I consider myself very lucky to have had this experience. Now I can take what I have learned home to become an independent colorectal surgeon with interest in advanced colorectal cancer."Amar Eltweri

Ann Marie Howell
St Mark's Minimally and Maximally Invasive Colorectal Cancer (MiMICC) Fellowship Fellowship, October 2023 - April 2024. Current post: Consultant Colorectal Surgeon Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. "The Robotic fellowship at St Mark's is one of the best training experiences a post CCT fellow can have. With 5-7 theatre sessions a week all robotic it is possible to achieve a high volume of robotic resections in a 6 month period. The training is exceptionally high quality, Mr Miskovic and Mr Antoniou are experts in their field. Competency in intracorporeal anastomosis and CME is a bonus. This fellowship enabled me to achieve robotic sign off with an "Intuitive passport" in order to start practicing robotic cases independently after completion of the 6months. Administrative and service component of the fellowship was very light and the hob was very enjoyable. Highly recommended."Ann Marie Howell

Bassem Ismail Amr
Musgrove Park post-CCT Fellowship in Bariatric and Benign UGI Surgery, Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, October 2022 – October 2023. Current post: Consultant Bariatric and UGI surgeon, County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trust. “I had the honour and privilege of completing the prestigious Bariatric Surgery Fellowship at Musgrove Park Hospital. This incredible opportunity allowed me to spend time at a centre of excellence and gain invaluable experience. I was able to learn, develop my skills, and receive training as a bariatric surgeon, which helped me move towards consultancy. Working with leaders in the field of bariatric surgery, led by Professor Welbourn, was an incredible opportunity that took my skills to the next level. The opportunity to practice independently was priceless, and I was able to lead a team of junior colleagues and provide training to them. The mentorship I received was excellent, and I had the full support of nurses, theatres, and secretaries. The fellowship also provided me with a good introduction to consultant life, including dealing with administrative work alongside clinical activities. This experience has been reflected in my practice and patient care, and I would highly recommend it to any colleague looking to excel in their bariatric journey.”Bassem Ismail Amr
Goher Rahbour
Peterborough Laparoscopic Colorectal Fellowship, Peterborough City Hospital NHS Trust, October 2021 - September 2022. Current post: Consultant Colorectal & General Surgeon, West Suffolk Hospital Foundation Trust. "This is an excellent fellowship with the opportunity to attend 3 to 4 full-day operating lists per week with a primary focus on laparoscopic resections and further development of techniques such as TME and APER. The fellowship is geared to maximise operative and endoscopic opportunities for the fellow. There is ample opportunity to progress in laparoscopic resectional surgery and to teach/train registrars/specialist trainees. There is a good balance between independent practice, supervision, and teaching. The fellowship is flexible to cater to one's needs between attending theatre lists or endoscopy sessions. I attended 2 to 3 endoscopy sessions per week and was able to complete over 100 colonoscopies within a 6-month period enabling me to achieve Full JAG Colonoscopy accreditation. There are no registrar on-call commitments. This allows you to focus primarily on elective resections and endoscopy experience. I was able to participate on the consultant on-call rota which enabled an appropriate transition to step up with adequate senior support when required. One day per week is dedicated to journal club and teaching, Colorectal MDT and an afternoon clinic. This fellowship has enabled me to prepare for independent consultant practice and to provide high-quality care for patients. I would most definitely recommend this fellowship."Goher Rahbour

James Gerard Wilkins
Portsmouth Robotic Oesophagogastric Fellowship, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, January 2023 – January 2024. Current post: Consultant Upper GI Surgeon, Dunedin Public Hospital, Dunedin, New Zealand and Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Otago, New Zealand. “The Portsmouth Robotic fellowship has allowed me to become proficient in an advanced skill set in minimally invasive upper GI surgery. The Portsmouth team are a great unit, very supportive and with a great skill set. I have been able to gain a certificate of equivalency in robotic surgery with Intuitive Robotics having started the fellowship with no robotic experience at all. Minimally invasive surgery continues to advance and the improvement in patient outcomes to grow with it. It is a privilege to have been trained by the team at Portsmouth. I would recommend the fellowship without reservation.”James Gerard Wilkins

Joshua Franklyn
Sunderland Robotic Colorectal, South Tyneside & Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, May 2023 – November 2023. Current post: Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospital. “This immersive robotic colorectal fellowship has been career defining. I have had two colorectal robotic lists and an additional Urology robotic list as console surgeon every week. Thus, providing exposure to high volume of robotic colorectal resections (both right and left sided resections including intracorporeal anastomosis), Prostatectomies and lateral pelvic lymph node dissections. At the end of this Intuitive funded fellowship, I was signed off for independent robotic practice. This fellowship has provided me with skills to enhance the care of patients as a consultant robotic surgeon.”Joshua Franklyn

Matyas Fehervari
Ashford & St Peters Bariatric & Antireflux Surgery Post-CCT, Ashford & St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust, October 2023 – June 2024. Current post: Consultant UGI and Bariatric Surgeon . “During my Fellowship in RCS Bariatric and Anti-Reflux Surgery, my most important achievement was performing complex anti-reflux and bariatric procedures while managing a general surgical on-call rota at a consultant level. This role enhanced my ability to make critical decisions under pressure, manage complex emergencies, and lead multidisciplinary teams effectively. The Fellowship provided a unique opportunity to refine my technical skills in advanced laparoscopic surgery for bariatric and anti-reflux cases, alongside broader general surgical cases. The benefits to patients have been significant. My Fellowship training has enabled me to provide expert care in both elective and emergency settings, ensuring optimal outcomes for bariatric, anti-reflux, and general surgical cases. It also prepared me to deliver safe, patient-centred care across a wide range of clinical scenarios."Matyas Fehervari

Mickael Chevallay
Guy's Oesophagogastric Cancer Fellowship, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, April 2023 – April 2024. Current post: Senior fellow in Upper GI Surgery, University Hospital Southampton. “My most important achievement as a fellow at Guy's and St Thomas' was attaining proficiency and independence in performing complex oesophagogastric cancer surgeries. The fellowship was meticulously designed to transition fellows towards complete autonomy, supported by an exceptional team of consultants. The high-volume centre provided exposure to a diverse range of complex cases, significantly enhancing my surgical skills and decision making abilities. The primary benefit to patients is the establishment of a network for discussing and managing complex cases, ensuring comprehensive, multidisciplinary treatment plans. Additionally, the advanced surgical techniques and refined skills I acquired directly translate into improved surgical outcomes and reduced complications, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of patient care.”Mickael Chevallay

Mitesh Sharma
Post CCT RCS Fellowship in Bariatric & Benign Upper GI Surgery, Sunderland Royal Hospital NHS Trust, October 2021 - October 2022. Current post: Consultant Surgeon Bariatric and Upper GI Surgery, Wolverhampton/Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust. "It’s been a privilege to undertake this coveted fellowship. Mr Peter Small and Mr William Carr are great mentors and put in efforts to train fellows. This post has provided me with great operative and non-operative experience to work as an independent consultant bariatric surgeon with a skillset for a full range of primary and revision/ reversal bariatric procedures, including gastric balloons. Apart from elective operative procedures, I gained experience in managing bariatric emergencies and decision making in MDTs. Mr Mahawar provided great support in academics/research, and I published several research papers and presented them at National and regional conferences. The experience gained in this fellowship will help me to provide world-class care to my patients."Mitesh Sharma

Mohamed Rabie
Current post: Consultant Upper GI and General Surgeon Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary. Honorary Senior Research Fellow University of Strathclyde. “South Devon and Torbay RCS England Advanced Benign Upper GI Fellowship is an excellent fellowship run by a dedicated high volume specialist centre delivering high quality care. It enabled me to expand and enhance my specialist skills in advanced benign upper GI surgery. In particular, the fellowship focused on advanced laparoscopic hiatal surgery (including primary and complex anti-reflux surgery, large para-oesophageal hernia repair) and complex biliary surgery including laparoscopic ultrasound and common bile duct exploration. Furthermore, I gain skills in laparoscopic and complex hernia repair including abdominal wall reconstruction. As a dedicated specialist benign upper GI centre, I also participated in regular dedicated MDT meetings and specialist clinics and had the opportunity to participate in and teach on surgical skills courses as well as present research at international conferences. The benefits of undertaking this fellowship are immense, both in terms of gaining depth and breadth of experience in advanced laparoscopic surgical skills and in developing confidence in specialist decision-making in complex cases.”Mohamed Rabie

Mohamed Sahloul
Imperial Bariatric Surgery Fellowship, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, October 2022 – June 2023. Current post: Consultant UGI and Bariatric Surgeon, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. ''I think a subspecialty fellowship is of utmost important to every trainee prior to starting their career as a consultant. The Imperial bariatric fellowship helped me refine my laparoscopic skills and more importantly expanded my breadth of knowledge of managing complex bariatric patients within a multidisciplinary setting. It helped me gain the independence required to start my career as a consultant bariatric surgeon, by allowing a degree of practicing as a consultant with close supervision from the fellowship director/supervisors. With regards to patient benefits, the fact that there's a senior member of the bariatric team available to provide advice for bariatric patients, either in the emergency or elective setting, represented by the bariatric fellow, is extremely helpful as it helps with improving patients' care and service delivery.''Mohamed Sahloul

Mohamed Salman
Chichester St Richard's Bariatric Fellowship, University Hospitals Sussex, NHS Foundation Trust, October 2022 - October 2023. Current post: Consultant Upper GI Surgery, University Hospitals Sussex, NHS Foundation Trust. "This fellowship gave me a good chance into the running of a Bariatric unit, and got massive experience in this centre of excellence. I performed an excellent number of bypasses and sleeve gastrostomies independently. I was involved in many revisional surgeries as well. I believe the fellowship has given me lots of expertise and refined my technical skills. I was trained to manage and operate on various complex patients. I had access to endoscopy lists and got my JAG accreditation during my fellowship. The whole team is great, and I really enjoyed this year."Mohamed Salman

Nigel Day
Christie Fellowship in Advanced Pelvic Malignancy, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, October 2021 - October 2022. Current post: Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at Epsom and St Helier Hospital, London. "Having the opportunity to spend a year working as a Senior Clinical fellow at The Christie provided me with the perfect stepping stone between my completion of training and Consultant practice. The post covers all areas of complex colorectal surgery and rare tumours which has given me invaluable insight into the treatment decision making and subsequent management of these conditions. This Fellowship provides significant exposure to Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC procedures for the management of peritoneal malignancy and pseudomyxoma peritonei, multi-disciplinary pelvic exenterative work and the surgical resection of rare tumours. Away from the direct clinical contact, spending time in a new part of the country was interesting and rewarding both professionally and personally for me and my family. I thank The Christie for being so welcoming and making what could have been a daunting move into such a worthwhile experience."Nigel Day

Peter Vaughan Shaw
Sunderland Robotic Colorectal Fellowship, South Tyneside & Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, October 2021 – April 2022. Current post: Consultant Colorectal and Robotic Surgeon. “This fellowship was integral to my development as a minimally invasive colorectal surgeon. I was fortunate to be taught in a unit with a world-leading established robotic programme by Mr Farook and Mr Holtham. From almost zero robotic colorectal experience I gained the necessary skills, training and exposure to be accredited as a robotic colorectal surgeon. I have taken these skills into my colorectal practice and now regularly perform colorectal procedures with the robot. We have just passed our 100th colorectal robotic assisted case with the Da Vinci robot at Western General Hospital with excellent clinical and histological outcomes. Without this fellowship and the expertise and patience of my fellowship trainers, this would not have been possible. I believe that robotic approach to rectal cancer surgery brings significant advantages to the patients that I treat, and I owe this to my RCS England fellowship experience.”Peter Vaughan Shaw

Prem Thambi
Portsmouth Colorectal Robotic Surgery Fellowship, Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, October 2022 – May 2023. Current post: Robotic colorectal surgeon James Cook University Hospital Middlesbrough. "The Robotic colorectal fellowship at Portsmouth University Hospital under Professor Jim Khan has been an enriching and rewarding experience that has allowed me to expand my skills and knowledge beyond what I thought was possible. I have had the opportunity to witness first-hand, the transformation of surgical practice that robotic technology has brought about. From the precision and accuracy of robotic instruments to the enhanced visualization of the surgical field, I have seen the immense potential of robotic surgery to improve outcomes and quality of life for patients. I have had the privilege to learn from some of the most talented surgeons and researchers in the field, and to gain extensive experience in performing complex robotic colorectal, beyond TME and Trans anal procedures. This fellowship will undoubtedly shape my career as a surgeon and has provided me with the skills and knowledge to deliver safe, efficient, and high-quality patient care."Prem Thambi

Ravi Aggarwal
Imperial Bariatric Surgery Fellowship, St Mary’s Hospital, London, October 2023 – October 2024. “The Imperial Bariatric Fellowship provided a transformative experience, enabling me to hone my laparoscopic surgical skills and deepen my understanding of managing complex bariatric cases within a high-volume multidisciplinary framework. This comprehensive and intensive training was instrumental in preparing me for a career as a consultant bariatric surgeon. The fellowship offered a unique balance of autonomy and support, allowing me to develop independent decision-making skills while benefiting from the close supervision and mentorship of the consultants in the department. From a patient care perspective, the fellowship underscored the critical importance of having a dedicated senior team member readily available to provide expert advice in both emergency and elective settings as well as the importance of managing complex cases in a specialist MDT setting. As the bariatric fellow, I contributed to this vital aspect of service delivery, an experience which will enable me to provide safe, expert and patient-centred care for bariatric and general surgical patients in my future career.”Ravi Aggarwal

Stephen McSorley
Newcastle Advanced Laparoscopic and Robotic Colorectal Surgery Fellowship, Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals Foundation Trust Freeman Hospital NHS Trust, August 2022 - July 2023. Current post: Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Colorectal Surgeon – University of Glasgow and NHS Greater and Clyde. "Having the opportunity to complete this RCS England Senior Fellowship was fantastic in terms of developing independent operative competency in minimally invasive colorectal surgery with exposure to robotic colorectal and abdominal wall surgery. Furthermore, it allowed me to develop other key skills for independent practice regarding managing a clinical practice, outpatients, endoscopy, MDT working and navigating clinical management structures. The trainers were helpful, supportive, and interested in my development and provided a great balance of supervision and opportunity for independent and distant supervised work, which has stood me in good stead in the early phase of my consultant post. The Freeman provided a warm and welcoming environment, an interesting case mix, and the opportunity to be involved in tertiary referral level cases all of which will no doubt benefit my own patients going forward."Stephen McSorley

Subramaniam Guru Naidu
North Middlesex Senior Colorectal Fellowship, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, London, October 2021 - October 2022. Current post: Senior Colorectal and Emergency Surgical Registrar. "My experience of the 12-month fellowship in Colorectal Surgery was excellent. I was involved in more than 200 cases, both emergency and elective. I had the privilege of one-to-one training with my supervising consultant while performing right hemicolectomy, left hemicolectomy, anterior resection, prolapse surgeries, TAMIS, and endoscopies. The fellowship allowed me to fully focus on training and developing my skills as a colorectal surgeon as well as having plenty of time to attend other theatres, MDTs, endoscopy lists, and perform self-directed learning. Having access to the pelvic floor service has given me the opportunity to understand and manage patients. My supervisors were extremely approachable and always available. Through this fellowship, I have developed my operating skills enormously, which allowed me to build my confidence in managing patients both in emergency and elective settings."Subramaniam Guru Naidu

Syed Adnan Kabir
North Midlands Bariatric and Benign Upper GI Surgery Fellowship, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, The Royal Stoke University Hospital - West Midlands, April 2022 - February 2023. Current post: Consultant Laparoscopic General and Upper GI/Bariatric Surgeon. Walsall Manor Hospital - West Midlands. "United Hospitals of North Midlands" is one of the high-volume units for Bariatric surgery in the UK. It offered me the perfect quality finishing school, i.e., post-CCT, waiting to start my substantive Consultant Bariatric post at the Walsall Manor Hospital, West Midlands, but needed extra hands-on training prior to independent practice. The training environment is constructive with the right balance of independence and hands-on training experience pitched at a post-CCT level. It offers four all-day training Bariatric and Hiatal/Anti-Reflux surgical lists each week as evidenced by my e-logbook i.e., 132 Gastric bypasses, 26 Sleeve Gastrectomy procedures, and 34 Hiatal/Anti-reflux surgery, with more than two-thirds of the numbers performed by myself as the primary operator with supervisor un-scrubbed or scrubbed or in parts. In addition to this, a specialised tailored “Bariatric and Anti-Reflux training clinic” every week improved my understanding, decision making, and clinical side significantly. This fellowship was the ideal preparation that I needed for independent consultant practice. I would highly recommend this fellowship programme to anyone who is post-CCT and aims to gain more hands-on experience prior to his independent practice as a Bariatric Surgeon."Syed Adnan Kabir

Yousif Aawsaj
Post-CCT RCS Liverpool Advanced and Robotic Colorectal Surgery, Liverpool University Hospital, May 2022 - June 2023. Current post: Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. "I was honoured to join one of the first robotic colorectal fellowships in the country at Liverpool University Hospitals. The fellowship has offered me a skillset to manage complex colorectal cases such as advanced rectal cancer and recurrent colorectal cancer, and a multi-disciplinary team operating along with urologists and gynaecologists colleagues. I had operated on hundreds of patients with a good balance of supervision and a degree of autonomy as appropriate. I have done more than 30 robotic resections with a great trainer and mentor, Professor Shakil Ahmed, who provides me with endless support to fulfil my objectives and achieve my goals. I have learned a wide range of skills in Liverpool, I was privileged to attend regularly invaluable MDTs such as complex pelvic, early rectal cancer and anal cancer MDTs that fine my decision making and enhanced my maturity to be a consultant surgeon. The fellowship has provided me with a perfect and smooth transition from being a senior registrar to being an independent practitioner. My experience in Liverpool is certainly unforgettable, and I highly recommend Liverpool colorectal fellowship that consolidates my passion for providing patients with high standard care and minimally invasive surgery, which has indeed paved the way to my current role."