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Otolaryngology Fellowships

RCS England Senior Clinical Fellowships in Otolaryngology

This page includes a list of the Otolaryngology Fellowship programmes which have been approved under the RCS England Senior Clinical Fellowship Scheme and a gallery of recent otolaryngology fellows. 

Applying to be a Fellow

Candidates who are interested in these fellowship programmes, are required to apply through the NHS Trust jobs website. For more information and international fellowship schemes, please visit our website recruitment section or contact the QA Department:

Fellows appointed to RCS England Senior Clinical Fellowships will be expected to be ambassadors for RCS England and meet the requirements of the GMC’s Good Medical Practice.

Head and Neck Fellowships

Imperial Advanced Head & Neck Fellowship, London

Based at: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: Initially approved February 2014; reapproved October 2022 - September 2025

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Alasdair Mace, Consultant Otolaryngologist

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Competence in major head and neck resections.
  • Competence in craniofacial approaches to anterior and lateral skull base disease.
  • Competence in surgical endoscopy for diagnosis and therapeutic intervention.
  • Competence with laser surgery for laryngological/airway, and head and neck disease.
  • Competence in local and distant pedicled flaps.
  • Understanding of free flap reconstruction and post-operative management.
  • Competence in training trainees in the operating theatre, ward and outpatient environments.
  • Understanding and involvement in research.
  • Understanding of non-surgical management of cancer, including chemoradiotherapy planning and delivery, and rehabilitation of voice and swallowing.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Assessment of head and neck oncology patients.
  • Assessment of benign and inflammatory head and neck disease.
  • Ability to work in teams i.e. multidisciplinary partners.
  • Communication skills with patients and colleagues.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • Diagnostic endoscopy - 20
  • Salivary gland surgery - 15
  • Thyroid surgery - 10
  • Neck dissection - 10
  • Embryological head and neck disorders eg branchial cysts/tracts/fistula - 5
  • Laryngectomy +/- pharyngectomy - 10
  • Major Oral cavity and oropharyngeal resections - 5
  • Local and distant pedicled reconstruction - 5
  • Craniofacial surgery approaches - 5
  • Complex revision head and neck surgery - 2
  • Lateral temporal bone resections - 2
  • Microlaryngoscopy +/- Glottoplasty - 20
  • Management of benign salivary diseases and exposure to sialendoscopy - 5

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Jonathan Hughes (Apr 14 - Sept 14)
  • Safina Ali (Oct 15 - Feb 16)
  • Phoebe Roche (Jun 17 - Jun 18)
  • Jag Virk (Jul 18 - Jul 19)
  • Akshat Malik (Aug 19 - Oct 20)
  • David Allin (Oct 20 - Oct 21)

Sunderland Otolaryngology Head and Neck Fellowship

***The recruitment for this fellowship post will open in August 2024 or February 2025***

Based at: City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: March 2019 – May 2024, subject to monitoring of ST operative availability

Supervisor / Lead Consultant:
Mr Francis Stafford, Consultant Otolaryngologist, co-supervisor Miss Helen Cocks, Consultant Head and Neck and Endocrine Surgeon.

Fellowship duration: 12-24 months

Stated learning outcomes and clinical competencies:

  • Adenoid and tonsillar pathology in adults 
  • Airway obstruction in adults
  • aetiology and management of cervical trauma in adults 
  • disorders of swallowing 
  • aetiology and management of cervical sepsis
  • aetiology and management congenital abnormalities of the H&N
  • cervical LA in adults
  • H&N malignancies
  • Investigation and management of the neck lump 
  • neoplastic  salivary disease (ex facial nerve grafting and facial -hypoglossal anastomosis, level 1)
  • Non neoplastic salivary gland disease
  • oral pathology (ex submandibular duct transposition, level 1)
  • sleep disordered breathing 
  • Thyroid (except revision thyroid) 
  • Parathyroid - level 3 

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

The Supervisor states: “Operatively the fellow will be expected to have carried out at least 20 thyroidectomies, 10 parathyroidectomies and 20 neck dissections, be submitting data to the BAETS national audit and be confident to supervise pre CCT trainees in these procedures.”

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Arpita Singh (Jan 23 - Dec 23)

Laryngology Fellowships

DMH Laryngology Fellowship, Pune, India

Based at: Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Centre, Pune, India

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: Initially approved December 2016; reapproved March 2020 - May 2023; reapproved June 2023 - May 2026

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Dr Sachin Gandhi, Director, Department of Laryngology, with Dr. Nilanjan Bhowmick, Consultant ENT Surgeon

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • The candidate would be able to independently assess any patient with a voice disorder and formulate a treatment protocol.
  • The candidate would be able to independently assess any patient of voice disorder and formulate a treatment protocol.
  • The candidate would be able to independently assess swallowing disorders and device management plans.
  • The candidate would have understood the instrumental practical economical requirements needed to set up a laryngology clinic.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • The candidate should be able to perform microlaryngoscopy.
  • The candidate should be able to independently perform laser excision of benign vocal cord lesion such as polyps, nodules etc.
  • The candidate should independently perform videostroboscopy.
  • The candidate should be able to perform endoscopic swallowing examinations.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

Numbers for fellows to perform individually in 12 months’ training:

  • Microlaryngeal Phonosurgery - 10
  • Transoral Laser Cordectomy for BAP - 3
  • Thyroarytenoid Myoneurectomy - 2
  • Papilloma - 2
  • Transoral Laser Surgery for Grade-1 & 2 stenosis - 3
  • DL Scopy & Biopsy - 5
  • DL Scopy with Dilatation - 5

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Rohan Bidaye (Jul 16 - Jun 17)
  • Divyank Bansal (Jul 16 - Jun 17)
  • Shashank Gupta (Jul 17 - Jun 18)
  • Abren Santocildes (Jul 17 - Jul 18)
  • Arun KC (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
  • Supreetha Shenoy (Jul 18 - Jul 19)
  • Subash Bhatta (Jul 19 - Jun 20)
  • Dushyanth Ganesuni (Jul 19 - May 20)
  • Asheesh Dora G.B.K (Jul 19 - Apr 20)
  • Puneeth PJ (Jan 21 - Mar 22)
  • Fariyal A. Al-Balushi (Jan 21 - Mar 22)
  • Madhav Koka (Apr 22 - Mar 23)
  • Darshil Vaishnav (Apr 22 - Apr 23)
  • Heba Wahedi (Apr 22 - Mar 23)
  • Sachin Goel (Apr 23 - Mar 24)
  • Nidhin SB (Apr 23 - Nov 24)

Guy's & St Thomas' Senior Laryngology Fellowship

Based at: Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: March 2022 - February 2025

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Yakubu Karagama, Consultant ENT Surgeon and Laryngologist, with Miss Elfy Chevretton, Consultant ENT Surgeon and Laryngologist

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

The fellow will have competence in:

  • Performing flexible and rigid video laryngoscopy and stroboscopy.
  • Understanding acoustic voice assessment and analysis.
  • Transnasal oesophagoscopy in office under local anaesthetic.
  • Office laser laryngeal procedure.
  • Microlaryngeal procedures.
  • Panendoscopy.
  • Vocal cord injection in the office under local anaesthetic and in the operating room.
  • Laryngeal framework surgeries.
  • Endoscopic management of laryngeal disorders.
  • Neurolaryngology- Laryngeal reinnervation and management of spasmodic dysphonia.
  • Management of laryngotracheal stenosis.
  • Assessment and management of dysphonia, dysphagia and both acute and chronic airway obstruction.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Clinical assessment of patients presenting with airway, voice and swallowing problems.
  • Assessment of patients with compromised airway.
  • Investigations and management of patients with airway, voice and swallowing disorders.
  • Multidisciplinary teamwork.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

The main operations the Fellow will be involved in, and the approximate number of these in which the Fellow could expect to be the principal / independent operator (indicated in brackets):

  • Microlaryngoscopy and attention to laryngeal lesions (50)
  • Panendoscopy (15)
  • CO2 Laser cricothyroid myotomy for pharyngeal pouch (8)
  • Laryngeal framework surgery- Isshiki type 1 thyroplasty (12)
  • Injection laryngoplasty (20)
  • Recurrent laryngeal nerve reinnervation (8)
  • Botulinum injections under local and general anaesthesia to the larynx for spasmodic dysphonia (15)
  • Botulinum injections under local and general anaesthesia to the pharynx for pharyngeal spasm (10)
  • Transnasal oesophagoscopy and balloon dilation in the office (10)
  • Laser laryngeal procedures in the office under local anaesthetic (12)
  • Endoscopic airway procedures including the use of laser and balloon dilatation (6)
  • Microlaryngoscopy and laser division of laryngeal scarring, stenoses and webs with balloon dilation under general anaesthesia (12)

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Natalie Watson (Apr 21 - Apr 22)
  • Shiying Hey (Apr 22 - Sep 23)
  • Carlo Robotti (Oct 23 - Oct24)

Imperial College Laryngology Fellowship, London

Based at: Charing Cross Hospital and Royal Brompton Hospital, London

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: Initially approved February 2013; reapproved March 2016; reapproved June 2019 - August 2022; reapproved September 2023 - August 2026

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Guri Sandhu, Consultant Otolaryngologist, with Mr Chad Al Yaghchi, Consultant Laryngologist

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Competence in rigid, flexible and chip-tip digital stroboscopy.
  • Competence in and understanding of acoustic voice analysis.
  • Competence in performing rigid and flexible oesophagoscopy and endoscopic biopsies and procedures.
  • Competence in microlaryngeal procedures including injection glottoplasty and thyroplasty.
  • Assessment and management of neurolaryngological disorders including the use of botox.
  • Learn indications for and techniques in open procedures to restore the normal voice.
  • Be competent in the endoscopic approach to airway assessment and surgery and post-operative care.
  • Competent in the open surgical techniques for laryngotracheal reconstruction assessment and management of dysphagia.
  • Laryngeal re-innervation approaches.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Assessment of the voice of patient and multidisciplinary team management.
  • Assessment of the airway compromised patient, patient safety and appropriate investigations and treatments.
  • Assessment and appropriate investigations and treatment of swallowing problems.
  • Team working.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

Supervisor states:

“In this post, the fellow will be expected to perform approximately 600 cases in the 12 months of the fellowship. Over 50% of the referrals are tertiary.  It is expected that of the 600 general anaesthesia operations, 200 would be classed as ‘Performed’, i.e. unsupervised. This comprises of routine microlaryngoscopy for benign vocal cord pathologies (cysts, nodules and polyps, dysplasia and papilomatosis etc) including use of the laser and microdebrider. Endoscopic airway procedures to the laser, balloon dilatation and microdebrider. Open procedures include the majority of benign head and neck operations but principally thyroplasties for cord palsies and gender voice change (75 cases per year). Complex airway procedures include tracheal resections and laryngotracheal reconstructions (36 cases/year). There is an ENT daycare procedures room attached to the outpatient clinic. This allows for local anaesthetic outpatient clinics. Procedures include laryngeal biopsies, injection medialisation, Botox injections, Blue laser and KTP clinic based procedures, laryngeal EMG as well as trans-nasal oesophagoscopy. Currently there are 400 daycase laryngeal procedures per year and the fellow will undertake at least 200 per year supervised.” 

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of fellowship):

  • Jonathan Hughes (Oct 13 - Mar 14)
  • Andrew Kinshuck (May 16 - Apr 17)
  • Rohan Bidaye (May 18 - May 19)
  • Anthony Rotman (May 19 - May 20)
  • Gerard Thong (Jun 20 - Oct 21)
  • Matthew Cherko (Oct 21 - Oct 22)
  • Emilia Dronkers (Oct 22 - Oct 23)
  • Albaraa Tonkal (Oct 23 - Oct 24)

UCLH Laryngology Fellowship

Based at: University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: Initially approved June 2024 – May 2027

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Professor Martin Birchall, Professor of Laryngology, UCL and UCLH and Mr Jonathan Fishman, Co-Lead, Clinical Lead for Laryngology, RNENT.

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Able to take an advanced history
  • Able to perform nasendoscopy and stroboscopy to postgraduate levels
  • Able to carry out transnasal oesophagoscopy in outpatients
  • Able to perform laryngeal injections in outpatients (Botox and medialisation)
  • Able to perform endoscopic general anaesthetic procedures to tertiary standard (including laser work)
  • Able to perform open general anaesthetic procedures to tertiary standard (e.g. thyroplasty)
  • Understanding of voice therapy techniques
  • Understanding of swallowing assessment, including videofluoroscopy interpretation
  • Understanding of oesophageal disorders/reflux from GI perspective (joint GI sessions)
  • Understanding of neurological conditions affecting head and neck (joint RHNN sessions)

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Viedostroboscopy
  • Transnasal oesophagoscopy
  • Outpatient-based laryngeal injection
  • Outpatient LEMG
  • Swallowing assessment including FEES and VF

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • Microlaryngoscopy +/- laser (Performed: 50).
  • Injection medialisation (Performed: 15)
  • Open Thyroplasty (any type) (Performed: 3)
  • Endoscopic management of tracheal stenosis (Performed: 10)
  • Flexible oesophagoscopy +/- dilatation +/- biopsy (Performed: 20)

Otolaryngology Oncology Fellowships

Guy’s & St Thomas' Advanced Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship

***This fellowship scheme is under departmental change and currently not available for recruitment until further notice***

Based at: Guys & St Thomas' Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: Initially approved February 2013; reapproved July 2017; reapproved June 2021 - May 2024

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Aleix Rovira and Rafal Niziol, Consultant Otorhinolaryngologists, with Mr Richard Oakley, Consultant and Clinical Lead for Head and Neck Surgical Oncology

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • To achieve all clinical and surgical skills to become a modern head and neck oncological surgeon.
  • To achieve the development of a special interest in Head and Neck Surgery.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • To be competent in the evaluation and diagnosis of head and neck cancer patients.
  • To be competent in the standard surgical ablative procedures in head and neck cancer.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

The fellows get three full operating days a week and they will do an average of 150 major head and neck resections a year as a first surgeon.

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Matthew Cronin (May 13 - Jul 14)
  • Safina Ali (Jul 14 - Sept 15)
  • Kevin Smith (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
  • Kenneth Muscat (Jul 16 - Jun 17)
  • Aleix Rovira-Casas (Jun 17 - Jun 18)
  • Luigi Volpini (Jul 18 - Jul 19)
  • Georgios Oikonomou (Jul 19- Jun 20)
  • Aina Brunet Garcia (Jul 20 - Aug 21)

HCG Head & Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship

Based at: HealthCare Global Cancer Centre, Bangalore

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: January 2019 - March 2022; reapproved March 2023 - February 2026

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Professor Vishal Rao, Head of Department for Head Neck Surgical Oncology

Fellowship duration: 18 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Clinical head and neck oncology
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Training in ancillary specialties
  • Cancer prevention and community oncology
  • Teaching and Seminars
  • Multidisciplinary Tumour Board exposure

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Performing office endoscope
  • Performing minor procedures such as DL copy and ML copy biopsy
  • Performing major surgical procedure neck dissection, mandibulectomy
  • Post operative management including rehabilitation
  • Planning adjuvant therapies

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • Diagnostic Endoscopies - 30
  • Neck dissections - 35
  • Microlaryngoscopy - 30
  • Thyroidectomies - 10
  • Laryngectomies - 10
  • Oral cavity resections - 20
  • Complex/recurrent disease - 5
  • Local and distant flaps - 10

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Anand Subash (Jan 2018 - Jun 2019)
  • Bharghaw Ilapakurty (Sept 18 - Feb 20)
  • Nagarajuna Reddy (Sept 18 - Feb 20)
  • Joshna B.M. (Sept 19 - Mar 21)
  • N Apoorva Reddy (Sept 19 - Mar 21)
  • Anu Joy (Nov 20 - Mar 22)
  • Indu V P (Oct 20 - Feb 22)
  • Radhika V Lal (Sep 21 - Mar 23)
  • Harsh Suri (Sep 21 - Mar 23)
  • Smita Hegde (Sep 22 - Jan 24)
  • Abhishek Subodhai (Oct 22 - Jan 24)

HCG Bangalore Oral Oncology Surgical Fellowship

Based at: HealthCare Global Cancer Centre, Bangalore

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: October 2021 - September 2024

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Professor Vishal Rao, Head of Department for Head Neck Surgical Oncology

Fellowship duration: 18 months

Stated learning outcomes:

At the end of the training period, the candidates are expected to have in-depth knowledge, skills and attitude to take up an academic career in head and neck oncology and leadership positions in the field.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • To be competent in the evaluation and diagnosis of oral cancer patients.
  • To be competent in the standard surgical ablative procedures for the treatment of oral cancer.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • Diagnostic Endoscopies - 30
  • Neck dissections - 35
  • Laser excisions - 30
  • Glossectomies- hemi/partial/total - 20
  • Composite resections-mandible/maxilla/buccal mucosa - 20
  • Complex/recurrent disease - 5
  • Local and distant flaps - 10

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Yash Merchant (Sep 19 - Mar 22)
  • Shameekcha Mishra (Sep 20 - Mar 22)
  • Bhanu Prakash Bylapudi (Sep 20 - Mar 22)
  • Raj Lakshmi (Sep 21 - Mar 23)
  • Sanah Tazeen (Sep 21 - Mar 23)
  • Parvathy Reghunadhan (Oct 22 - Jan 24)

Paediatric Otolaryngology Fellowships

Alder Hey Paediatric Otolaryngology Fellowship, Liverpool

Based at: Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool 

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: Initially approved: October 2018; reapproved March 2022 - February 2025

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Ravi Sharma, Consultant Paediatric Otolaryngologist and Clinical Director for ENT and Audiology, with Miss Sujata De, Consultant Paediatric ENT Surgeon and Craniofacial Lead

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Develop skills and knowledge in complex tertiary level paediatric otolaryngology.
  • Develop experience in complex paediatric airway, otology and head and neck surgery.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • To attend and manage patients in multidisciplinary subspecialty clinics under consultant supervision (Down’s clinic, craniofacial clinic, cleft clinic, complex breathlessness clinic, complex airways clinic).
  • To perform approximately 400 cases in the 12 months of the Fellowship. It is expected that of these 400 operations, 300 would be classed as ‘Performed’, i.e. unsupervised. This comprises of routine ear, nose and throat surgery such as coblation adenotonsillectomy (150 cases/year) and grommets (30 cases/year), and more complex tertiary level paediatric ENT surgery.
  • To supervise junior specialty trainees on the regional rotation undertaking surgery commensurate to their level of training.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

Supervisor states: "In this post, the fellow will be expected to perform approximately 400 cases in the 12 months of the Fellowship. It is expected that of these 400 operations, 300 would be classed as ‘Performed’, i.e. unsupervised."

This comprises:

  • Routine ear, nose and throat surgery: coblation adenotonsillectomy (150 cases/year) and grommets (30 cases/year).
  • Emergency procedures: removal of foreign body in aerodigestive tract, post tonsillectomy bleed, drainage of neck abscess, approximately 30 cases/year.

Complex tertiary level paediatric ENT surgery:

  • Middle ear procedures: approximately 35 per year, including endoscopic tympanoplasty and tympanomastoid surgery.
  • Paediatric rhinology procedures: approximately 20 cases per year, including balloon sinuplasty, endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy, choanal atresia repair.
  • Paediatric airway: over 50 cases per year microlaryngotracheobronchoscopies (MLTBs) during the Fellowship year, of which 80% will be ‘Performed’ or ‘Supervisor Unscrubbed’. They will also be expected to perform approximately 5 paediatric tracheostomies, of which 50% will be ‘Performed’ or ‘Supervisor Unscrubbed’

In addition, there will be an opportunity to undertake more uncommon complex paediatric procedures including BAHA surgery, anterior skull base surgeries – (CSF leak repairs/ Pituitary tumours/ Juvenile Angiofibroma) and head and neck reconstructive procedures such as complex laryngotracheal surgery, trachea-cutaneous fistula closure, Sialendoscopy, branchial anomaly surgery).

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Grace Khong (Aug 18 - Aug 19)
  • Smadar Atsmoni (Jul 20 - Jul 21)
  • Dillan Shetty (Aug 21 - Jul 22)

Rhinology Fellowships

Charing Cross and Royal Brompton Rhinology Fellowship, London

***The recruitment for this fellowship post is advertised in November or December each year. To apply please visit the NHS website***

Based at: Charing Cross Hospital & Royal Brompton Hospital, London

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: Initially approved October 2013; reapproved July 2017; reapproved April 2021 - March 2024

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Prof Hesham Saleh, Consultant Rhinologist and Professor of Practice in Rhinology, with Miss Cath Rennie and Mr Mark Ferguson, Consultant ENT Surgeons

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Knowledge: competent in managing complex Rhinology cases in outpatient setting
  • Practical: competent to operate independently
  • Minimum of 50 rhinoplasties
  • Minimum of 50 rhinology cases
  • Minimum of 20 anterior skullbase surgery cases (optional, according to the Fellow's interests)
  • Personal & professional skills: work effectively within a clinical team
  • Personal & professional skills: participate in clinical governance and audit within the departments
  • Minimum of one complete audit
  • Minimum of four presentations
  • Minimum of four publications in peer reviewed journals.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Competence in managing Rhinology patients within the outpatient setting
  • To operate independently

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

See Learning Outcomes above

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Matthew Magarey (Aug 13 - Mar 14)
  • Catherine Rennie (Nov 16 - Nov 17)
  • Mark Ferguson (Oct 18 - Sept 19)
  • Samit Unadkat (Oct 19 - Sept 20)
  • Annakan Navaratnam (Oct 21 - Sep 22)

Liverpool Rhinology Fellowship

Based at: Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: July 2016 - June 2019; reapproved September 2019 - November 2022; reapproved December 2022 - November 2025

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Supervisor Mr Samuel Leong, Consultant ENT Surgeon; Co-supervisor Mr Andrew Swift, Consultant Rhinologist and ENT Surgeon

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • To competently manage patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and other sinonasal conditions.
  • To be able to independently undertake a variety of surgical procedures specific to rhinology including endoscopic sinus surgery, septoplasty and management of the hypertrophic inferior turbinate.
  • To be able to assess patients who require rhinoplasty and formulate appropriate surgical plans.
  • To gain exposure and experience to the anterior skull base and extended endoscopic anterior skull base surgery.
  • To be competent in the use of image guidance systems and understand the role of this technology in surgical rhinology.
  • To appreciate the role of a facial plastic surgeon within a skull base team in the management of facial paralysis.
  • To share responsibility for the ORL-HNS service with the other Registrars/ Specialty Doctors supported by the Consultants.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Ability to diagnose, manage and counsel patients with rhinological conditions.
  • Undertake sinus, septal and nasal surgery as an independent clinician.
  • Ability to recognise complications of rhinological conditions and iatrogenic surgical complications, and undertake necessary management including onward referral.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

Over a 12-month period: supervised | performed

  • Septoplasty: 20 | 35
  • Turbinate reduction (endoscopic): 15 | 45
  • FESS: 35 | 40
  • Septorhinoplasty: 10 | 10
  • Frontal sinus surgery (Draf 2, 3): 6 | 6
  • Resection of nasal tumour (endoscopic): 15 | 20
  • CSF leak repair: 3 | 3

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Grace Khong (Aug 17 - Jul 18)
  • Gaurav Shankar Medikeri (Aug 18 - Aug 19)
  • Richard Green (Aug 19 - Mar 20)
  • Dafna Ger Milk (Aug 20 - Aug 22)
  • Aiman Elmograbi (Aug 22 - Jul 23)
  • Stephen Williams (Aug 23 - Aug 24)

UCLH Royal ENT Advanced Rhinology Fellowship

***The recruitment for this fellowship post is advertised in September/October each year. To apply please visit the NHS website***
Based at:  University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK
Approval period: October 2024 – September 2027
Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Prem Randhawa and Professor Peter Andrews, Consultant ENT Surgeons
Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:
  • To become competent in managing complex Rhinology cases in outpatient setting, including those with facial paralysis, chronic rhinosinusitis, nasal blockage and other sinonasal conditions.
  • To be able to independently undertake a variety of surgical procedures specific to rhinology including functional septorhinoplasty, endoscopic sinus surgery, septoplasty and management of the hypertrophic inferior turbinate.
  • To be able to assess patients who require rhinoplasty and formulate appropriate surgical plans.
  • To gain exposure and experience to the anterior skull base and extended endoscopic anterior skull base surgery.
  • To be competent in the use of image guidance systems and understand the role of this technology in surgical rhinology.
  • To appreciate the role of a facial plastic surgeon within a skull base team in the management of facial paralysis and be involved in the use of botulinum toxin and assist in statis/dynamic facial function operations.
  • To share responsibility for the ORL-HNS service with the other Registrars/Fellows supported by the Consultants.
  • Minimum of 50 septorhinoplasties as main or lead surgeon.
  • Minimum of 50 other/general rhinology cases as main or lead surgeon.
  • Minimum of 20 specialist rhinology/mucosal disease or anterior skullbase surgery cases (optional, according to the Fellow's interests).
Clinical competencies to be achieved:
  • Able to perform a functional septorhinoplasty as main/lead surgeon.
  • Able to perform a full-house fess as main/lead surgeon.
  • Able to diagnose and manage mucosal diseases of the sinonasal cavity.
  • Able to perform botulinum toxin injections for patients with facial paralysis in the MDT clinic.
Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in: 
  • Septorhinoplasty (Performed: 50).
  • FESS (Performed: 50).
  • Facial function procedures (Performed: 10).
  • Mucosal diseases including HHT/Vasculitis (Performed: 30).
  • Septoplasty (Performed: 30).

Thyroid & Parathyroid Fellowships

Birmingham Thyroid Fellowship

Based at: University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: June 2021 - May 2024

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Mriganka De, Head Neck Consultant, Deputy Clinical Service Lead at the Trust

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Able to diagnose and treat common thyroid and parathyroid related conditions
  • Able to perform independent thyroid and parathyroid surgery
  • Completion of relevant research projects

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Able to diagnose and manage patients with surgical thyroid disorders in the clinic
  • Contribute to the discussion of the cases in the Thyroid MDT
  • Perform routine thyroid surgeries independently
  • Able to tackle common post-operative complications after thyroid procedures

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • Hemi / Total thyroidectomy – 50 as a Primary surgeon
  • Neck dissection – 10 as a Primary surgeon
  • Parathyroidectomies – 10 as a primary surgeon

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Rohan Bidaye (Jul 20 - Jul 21)
  • Rodney Rodrigues (Aug 21 - Jul 22)
  • Eyad shitawi (Aug 23 - Sep 24)

Lister Post CCT Thyroid and Parathyroid Fellowship

Based at: Lister Hospital, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: Initially approved December 2022 – November 2025

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr George Mochloulis, Consultant Otolaryngologist, Head and Neck Surgeon at Lister Hospital, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Able to manage common thyroid and parathyroid diseases.
  • Able to perform thyroid and parathyroid operations competently.
  • Involvement in relevant research projects.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Competent in performing thyroid/ parathyroid surgery independently.
  • Able to diagnose and manage common thyroid and parathyroid conditions.
  • Able to perform thyroid and parathyroid operations (with minimal assistance).
  • Competent communicator both with staff and patients, including breaking bad news.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

  • 12 thyroidectomies (of which 100 as first surgeon)
  • 20 parathyroidectomies/ 4 gland explorations (of which 15 as first surgeon)
  • 40 neck dissections (of which 30 as first surgeon)

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Purnima Sangwan (Jan 23 - Jan 24)

Royal Berkshire Thyroid and Parathyroid Fellowship

Based at: Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, Reading

Surgical Specialty Association approving: ENT UK

Approval period: First approved July 2018 / Reapproved October 2021 - September 2024 / Reapproved March 2025 - February 2028

Supervisor / Lead Consultant: Mr Sidhartha Nagala, Consultant ENT Surgeon with Co-supervisor Mr Matthew Cherko, Consultant ENT Surgeon

Fellowship duration: 12 months

Stated learning outcomes:

  • Able to diagnose and treat common thyroid and parathyroid related conditions.
  • Able to perform thyroid and parathyroid operations (with minimal assistance).
  • Involvement in and/or completion of relevant research projects.

Clinical competencies to be achieved:

  • Ability to diagnose common thyroid and parathyroid conditions.
  • Able to perform thyroid and parathyroid operations (with minimal assistance).
  • Demonstrate communication skills with staff and patients including breaking bad news.

Number of main operations the fellow could expect to be involved in:

Supervisor: 'As a primary operating surgeon we would expect the fellow to perform a minimum of 50 operations. This would be broken down into 40 thyroid and 10 parathyroid operations.'

Fellows awarded Fellowship Certificate (dates of Fellowship):

  • Dilip Nair (Oct 2018 - Nov 2019)
  • Shivanthi Kandiah (Jan 20 - Jan 21)
  • Mahmoud El Sayed (Jan 22 - Jan 23)
Abhishek Subodhai
HCG Bangalore Head & Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship, September 2022–February 2024. Current post: Consultant in ORL-HN, Rangadore Memorial Hospital, Bengaluru, India.

“As one of the fellows who has completed the fellowship in head and neck cancer surgery at HCG, I feel honoured and blessed to be a part of this well-run, diverse, and demanding program. The training provided has ensured that the quality of care provided to patients is top notch. The vast opportunities both clinically and academically have proven to refine my skills and also enhance techniques in research methodology, teaching and communication skills. The training also gives great exposure to robotic surgeries along with reconstructive surgeries of various categories. The weekly MDTs and the rehabilitative clinics ensure that an evidence-based approach to cases becomes a part of surgical plans and post op care. This fellowship would not have been possible without the support of Dr Shalini Thakur and Dr Anand Subash who mentored us with great patience.”
Abhishek Subodhai
Arpita Singh
Arpita Singh
Sunderland Otolaryngology Head and Neck Fellowship, Sunderland Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, January 2023–December 2023. Current post: Locum consultant in ENT and H&N surgery, Sunderland Royal Hospital.

“It has been an honour and privilege to train under the tutelage of the esteemed Head and Neck Surgical team at Sunderland through RCS England Fellowship. The training encompassed exposure to Robotics, LASER surgery, and endocrine procedures in addition to a wide array of Head and Neck cases. The focus of the Fellowship was to ensure delivery of evidence-based, up-to-date multidisciplinary management to the patient. This was supplemented with emphasis on academics, supporting a healthy environment for teaching and training, and paving the way for progression towards the role of consultant. I am confident that my quality training would reflect in my service to the community as a health care provider. Through this platform, I express immense gratitude to my colleagues, previous and current mentors, and my family for constant encouragement and guidance.”
Arpita Singh
Darshil Vaishnav
Darshil Asit Vaishnav
DMH Laryngology Fellowship, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune, India, April 2022April 2023. Current post: Junior Consultant.

"This Fellowship opened up for me the Pandora's box of Laryngology. It showed me the widespread expanse of the branch and exposed me to the subspecialties of voice, airway and swallowing disorders. It involved a large volume of patients with good hands-on training. It has helped me to develop skills that make me stand out. The most important aspect was gaining understanding of various pathologies, and the detailed discussions we had on the best management of choice. The significance of this is enormous, as this field is still developing in my state. The patients stand to benefit immensely with my knowledge and skills that I obtained through this Fellowship."
Darshil Asit Vaishnav
Debapriyo Saha
DMH Laryngology Fellowship, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, India, May 2023–April 2024. Current post: Consultant in Manipal Hospitals, Dwarka, New Delhi.

“The RCS senior clinical fellowship programme has been an excellent opportunity to enhance and refine my Laryngology diagnostic and therapeutic skills. I gained the ability to identify and manage various conditions in a step-by-step protocol centred manner and gained the ability to handle difficult cases with utmost regards towards patient care and professionalism. I thank the Royal College of Surgeons of England for this wonderful opportunity.”
Debapriyo Saha
Eyad Shitawi
Birmingham Thyroid Fellowship, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, August 2023 – September 2024. Current post: Consultant ENT/Head and Neck Surgery in Germany. "It was a great experience at University Hospitals of Birmingham, UK, that significantly enhanced my surgical skills and knowledge in the field of thyroid and parathyroid surgery. The diverse range of complex cases I encountered created an invaluable learning environment. The collaborative atmosphere, combined with a strong emphasis on evidence-based practices, broadened my clinical expertise and instilled a deeper confidence in my surgical abilities. A key achievement during my fellowship was the successful implementation of a multidisciplinary approach to patient care, which resulted in markedly improved surgical outcomes. This fellowship has benefitted my patients by providing a more holistic approach to their conditions, leading to timely diagnoses, tailored treatment options, and improved postoperative recovery, ultimately enhancing their overall quality of life."
Eyad Shitawi
Harsh Suri
Harsh Suri
HCG Bangalore Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship, HCG Hospitals, Bengaluru, September 2021April 2023. Current post: Assistant Professor ENT, Consultant Head - Neck Surgical Oncologist K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore.

“I feel extremely fortunate to have completed my training in Head and Neck surgical Oncology under the guidance of Dr Vishal Rao at HCG, Bangalore. My training included extensive hands-on surgical practice, decision making, multidisciplinary team approach, managing tumour boards and research activities. Being part of this unique Head and Neck Unit has allowed me to expand my expertise in oncology and to become a better clinician and the capability to manage a wide variety of cases. This fellowship gave me an advanced training in transoral laser surgeries, robotic surgeries and complex reconstructive surgeries. A special mention to Dr.Shalini Thakur & Dr.Anand Subash who were very kind in teaching and sharing their experiences through this programme and guiding us with research and publications. This superlative training has given me utmost confidence to transition from a fellow to a consultant. I am immensely grateful to my co fellows for their support and encouragement through this special learning experience.”
Harsh Suri
Koko Madhav
Koka Madhav
DMH Laryngology Fellowship, DMH Centre Deenanath Mangeshkar hospital, Pune, India, April 2022–March 2023. Current post: Consultant, Voice, Airway and swallowing clinic, ENT Department, Apollo Hospital, Jubilee hills, Hyderabad.

“One year fellowship in laryngology has given a lot of insight into voice airway and swallowing. It has been exceptional in all fields of training, research activities, and the work environment. Dr Sachin Gandhi and Dr Bhowmick Nilanjan have created a zeal within us to carry forward the training and establish a specialty clinic at our centre. The vast work load and hands-on experience that we get during training at this hospital cannot be matched. Deenanath hospital has a good setup of Neonatal ICU, Paediatric ICU which enables us to handle neonatal and paediatric airway emergencies. Speech language pathologist, Mrs Vrushali Desai and Mr Govind Rajyopadhaye were exceptional in their field and have taught us at every step of the fellowship. The teaching sessions on voice and swallowing therapy has given us a wholesome training. Overall fellowship training has given us good knowledge on the subject and confidence to handle patients in our future practice.”
Koka Madhav
Mahmoud Elsayed
Thyroid and Parathyroid Fellowship, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, Reading, Jan 2022Jan 2023. Current post: Locum Consultant Nottingham University Hospitals.

"The thyroid and parathyroid fellowship in Reading, Royal Berkshire Hospital, was very helpful. It enabled to operate independently on all types of thyroid and parathyroid cases including surgery for Grave’s disease. Attending thyroid cancer MDT with the team in Oxford was very informative. My fellowship supervisors had been very helpful in adjusting my job plan regularly to maximise my clinical and surgical exposure through the year of my fellowship."
Mahmoud Elsayed
Nidhin Suresh Babu
DMH Laryngology Fellowship, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune, India, April 2023 – March 2024. Current post: Consultant ENT HNS, Laryngologist SP Medifort Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram, India. “The Senior Clinical Laryngology Fellowship experience is a transformative journey, providing specialised training beyond residency. Fellows are immersed in advanced techniques and cutting-edge practices, gaining in-depth knowledge in voice, swallowing and airway cases.  This period was marked by a commitment to both learning and research, as fellow learned about patient care, decision-making in selecting the case and performed all basic to complex surgeries and refined my surgical skills under the guidance of Dr Sachin Gandhi. Got immense hands-on training in trans-oral laser surgery and robotic surgery. I would Like to express my sincere thanks to Dr Sachin Gandhi Dr Nilanjan Bhowmick, Dr Vrishali and Dr Rajopadhya for guiding and refining my skills.”
Nidhin Suresh Babu
Purnima Sangwan
Purnima Sangwan
Lister Post CCT Thyroid-Parathyroid Fellowship, Lister Hospital, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Foundation Trust, January 2023–January 2024. Current post: Locum Consultant in ENT Surgery with interest in Thyroid Benign, Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Hackney, London.

“The fellowship emphasis on the management of patients with Thyroid and Parathyroid pathologies in multidisciplinary setting and with the use of state-of-the-art latest technology including continuous intraoperative nerve monitoring for Thyroid surgery, Robotic Thyroidectomies, Fluoptics and Intraop PTH for Parathyroids as well as research opportunities. Mr George Mochloulis is a brilliant surgeon, a thorough professional and a passionate teacher. He gave me ample learning opportunities and regular feedback. I was very well supported at every stage during the fellowship. I was encouraged to improve my surgical skills as well as management of the patients in the clinics and on the ward. This fellowship is an excellent opportunity to advance your knowledge about Thyroid and Parathyroid pathologies and their management as well as to train in the most supportive environment and it has enabled me to give the highest level of care to my patients with Thyroid and Parathyroid pathologies.”
Purnima Sangwan
Radhika V Lal
Radhika V Lal
HCG Bangalore Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship, HCG Hospitals, Bengaluru, September 2021April 2023. Current post: Junior Consultant, HCG Mumbai, India.

“I am extremely privileged to have had the opportunity to train and complete the RCS Fellowship under Dr Vishal Rao US at HCG Bangalore. The training provided has ensured that the quality of care provided to patients is top notch. The vast opportunities both clinically and academically have proven to refine my skills and also enhance techniques in research methodology, teaching and communication skills. The training also gives great exposure to robotic surgeries along with reconstructive surgeries of various categories. The weekly MDTs and the rehabilitative clinics ensure that an evidence-based approach to cases becomes a part of surgical plans and post op care. This fellowship would not have been possible without the support of Dr Shalini Thakur and Dr Anand Subash who mentored us with great patience. This training would not have been a smooth sail without the support and encourage of my colleagues Dr Raj Lakshmi, Dr Harsh and Dr Sanah.”
Radhika V Lal
Raj Lakshmi Pandey
Raj Lakshmi Pandey
HCG Bangalore Oral Oncology Fellowship, HCG Hospitals, Bangalore, October 2021–February 2023. Current post: Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon, Devkamal Hospital and Research Centre, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India.

"This fellowship programme at HCG Bangalore is highly structured and built towards providing its fellows with clinical and academic insight towards the end of the 18-month course. I was privileged to be a part of this system that provided me with continual surgical learning along with ample research opportunities. Management of emergency situations, perioperative management of complex cases and exposure to the entire spectrum of Head and Neck oncology has rendered me immense confidence. Under the tutelage of Dr Vishal Rao, Dr Shalini Thakur and Dr Anand Subhash and the multidisciplinary nature of the hospital I was able to establish a more holistic approach towards high level patient care and management by inculcating innovative thinking. The exposure to innovative adjunct technologies and the use of the Da Vinci Robotic system leant a futuristic approach to our training. I am also immensely grateful to my colleagues Dr Radhika, Dr Harsh and Dr Sanah in helping me grow both professionally and personally. I leave this fellowship in a very confident headspace armed with the knowledge and expertise to take on all aspects of Head and Neck Oncology in my own sphere."
Raj Lakshmi Pandey
Sachin Goel
Sachin Goel
DMH Laryngology Fellowship, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, India, April 2023–March 2024. Current post: Assistant Professor ENT.

“The Fellowship under Dr Sachin Gandhi was an opportunity of a lifetime with the best mentorship possible in a state-of-the-art environment. It enabled me to enhance not only my academic knowledge but also my overall personality and surgical skills. The hands-on experience is one of a kind with an optimum exposure to the complete plethora of laryngological cases. It has enabled me to help and treat a complete different spectrum of patients with voice, swallowing and airway disorders."
Sachin Goel
Sanah Tazeen
Sanah Tazeen
HCG Bangalore Oral Oncology Fellowship, HCG Hospitals, Bangalore, September 2021–April 2023. Current post: Consultant Oral Oncology and Faciomaxillary Surgeon, Chord Road Hospital, Bangalore, India.

"My Fellowship training experience at HCG, Bangalore has been anything but ordinary. This well-structured fellowship program strikes a perfect balance between academic and clinical training. It trains you to independently manage a variety of complex head and neck cancers and provide a comprehensive treatment plan for each patient. The weekly multidisciplinary tumour boards conducted, aid in providing a tailored treatment plan to the patients. Furthermore, it facilitated me to stay informed about the most recent trends or developments in the literature and research involved in patient care. The excellent rehabilitative team at HCG gave me an insight into the importance of rehabilitation which plays a pivotal role in cancer management. I have also gained great exposure to advanced transoral laser surgeries, robotic surgeries, and reconstructive surgeries. I am privileged to have been trained under Dr Vishal Rao, who has constantly encouraged us to think outside the box. This fellowship training has instilled the confidence in me to perform surgeries independently and has enhanced my technical and communication skills. A special mention to my mentors Dr Shalini Thakur and Dr Anand Subash who have prepared me to face all the challenges fearlessly. I am extremely grateful to my colleagues, Dr Harsh, Dr. Raj Lakshmi, and Dr Radhika for making this learning experience cherishable."
Sanah Tazeen
Shiying Hey
Guy's & St Thomas' Post-CCT Senior Laryngology Fellowship, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, April 2022–September 2023. Current post: Locum Consultant ENT Surgeon with specialist interest in Laryngology at GSTT. This fellowship has been exceptional in providing me with comprehensive post-CCT training across the full spectrum of Laryngology conditions. With highly supportive trainers and colleagues, alongside the unit’s state-of-the-art facilities, high-volume tertiary caseload, and diverse case mix, I have been able to progress my knowledge and develop advanced operative skills in both in-office and theatre settings, particularly in managing patients with complex airway, voice and swallowing disorders. Working with a world-leading multidisciplinary team, I also gained a thorough understanding of the service set-up and operations and built collaborative networks, all of which are essential for developing an independent practice. Through the team’s close partnership with the trust’s academic units, I have also had valuable research opportunities in driving innovation in the field. Overall, this fellowship has been integral to my growth as an ENT surgeon and Laryngologist equipping me to deliver high-quality, patient-centred care in this fast-growing field. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and would highly recommend it to anyone keen to pursue a subspecialty in Laryngology."
Shiying Hey
Smita Hedge
Smita Hegde
HCG Bangalore Head & Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship, HealthCare Global (HCG) Cancer Centre, Bangalore, India, October 2022–January 2024. Current post: Visiting Consultant, Department of Surgical Oncology, HCG Cancer Centre-DR, Bangalore.

“The Head & Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship at HCG Bengaluru is truly one of its kind. I feel extremely privileged to have trained under such a consummate surgeon, researcher & innovator as Dr Vishal Rao. I’m greatly indebted to Dr Shalini Thakur & Dr Anand Subash, both of whom hand-held at every step during the fellowship and continue to do so. Undertaking this Fellowship has greatly benefited me by providing hands-on experience in a high-pressure environment, enhancing my clinical skills, and fostering a deeper understanding of patient-centred care. The weekly tumour boards encouraged interactions across all oncology broad specialties, enabling me to develop a more holistic approach to cancer treatment. I was pushed to take on multiple research projects, constantly being reminded to think outside the box. Ultimately, this Fellowship has allowed me to make a tangible impact on patient health and wellbeing, reinforcing my commitment to advancing medical practice."
Smita Hegde

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