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Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Fellowships

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Fellowship Schemes are currently unavailable.

Frank Sheng-Chun Chang
Frank Sheng-Chun Chang
Post-CCT Fellowship in Temporomandibular Joint Surgery, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, November 2018 to October 2019. Current post (March 2020): Specialist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Private Practice, Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Royal Perth Hospital, The Oral Health Centre of Western Australia

"This post-training subspecialist fellowship in temporomandibular joint surgery at Nottingham University Hospital has given me an opportunity and privilege to further train in the specialised field of temporomandibular joint surgery and non-surgical management, with an internationally renowned TMJ surgeon. I had excellent training and support from all the staff of this unit. I was exposed to a large number of different surgical interventions ranging from routine to difficult cases that were referred from all over the United Kingdom. My main achievement during the fellowship was to progress to surgical management independently and perform a good number of surgical procedures during the fellowship period. The procedures included arthroscopies of the joint for diagnosis and treatment, open joint surgeries and total joint replacements and revisions of new onset of pathologies and failing prosthesis. This fellowship has helped me gain additional knowledge in the field of temporomandibular joint pathology and surgery and has given me the confidence and prepared me with the skills required to perform difficult surgical procedures involved in the temporomandibular joint. This will benefit my patients who require TMJ surgery in giving them the best quality surgery they deserve, and provide them with better care with my additional training in this area."
Frank Sheng-Chun Chang
Krishnan Parthasarathi
Krishnan Parthasarathi
Post-CCT Fellowship in Temporomandibular Joint Surgery, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, July 2019 to April 2020. Current post (September 2020): Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Private Practice, Sydney, Australia.

"This fellowship provided access to a high volume TMJ unit, with two very experienced surgeons who are also excellent clinical educators. The fellowship provided me with confidence in my skills to approach and manage the operative TMJ patient. It also has provided the requisite technical skills in arthroscopy, open joint, and TMJ replacement procedures for me to practice independently. I look forward to leveraging this experience, with excellent mentors to provide excellent patient care at home in Australia."
Krishnan Parthasarathi
Shofiq Islam
Shofiq Islam
Post-CCT RCS Fellow in Thyroid & Parathyroid Surgery, University Hospitals of Coventry & Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust, July 2018 - February 2019. Current Post (March 2019): Consultant Maxillofacial / Head & Neck Surgeon (with interest in Microvascular Reconstruction and Thyroid surgery) University Hospitals of Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust.

"This RCS post-CCT Fellowship is open to surgeons from the disciplines of general surgery, ENT and maxillofacial surgery. The UHCW is a high-volume endocrine surgery centre and the fellowship provides comprehensive multidisciplinary exposure to all relevant aspects of head and neck endocrine surgery (thyroid/parathyroid). The department's particular vision of working is for consultants from allied surgical specialties to contribute together to cross-specialty training, in order to promote the best quality of care for patients with head and neck surgical pathology. This fellowship post is ideally suited for those looking to develop their sub-specialty interest and operative skills in head and neck endocrine surgery prior to taking up a consultant position. During my fellowship period, I was encouraged to remain active in all aspects of head and neck oncological surgery including diagnostic endoscopy, ablative surgery and microvascular reconstruction. This RCS Fellowship has provided me with a high volume and varied experience within head and neck, and the competencies developed in the complementary areas of surgery have helped prepare me for my role as a consultant surgeon providing a comprehensive specialist service."
Shofiq Islam

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