Course Accreditation (STAC)
You need to apply for course accreditation if your course trains individuals in a conscious sedation technique for independent practice.
Accreditation lasts for three years. After this time, you can apply to reaccredit your course via STAC.
You do not need to apply for STAC course accreditation if your course is:
- run by a university dental school or a postgraduate deanery; or,
- NEBDN accredited.
However, to allow independent practice training provided should follow the standards as set out in the IACSD Report. Courses that fall into one of the above two categories can apply for STAC accreditation should they wish. An application to STAC would be required.
Potential STAC Accredited Course Supervisors for clinical experience must demonstrate their own relevant knowledge, skills and experience before supervising sedation new starters. Supervisors are expected to have completed a minimum of 50 cases of the technique being supervised over the preceding two year period. This number must not include any cases completed during the supervisor's own supervised clinical practice.
Sedation update courses for experienced practitioners do not require accreditation.
Application forms
Staffing of your course may change. You should advise STAC if any of your course's supervisors leave the course.
Fees for accreditation and reaccreditation
Non-profit organisations/NHS: £200 + VAT
For-profit organisations/industry sponsored: £400 + VAT