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Practice your interview skills with us

Interview Skills Workshop 

Tickets for our 2025 interview skills workshops are sold out. Watch our free interview skills masterclass from December 2024 and ensure you are an affiliate member and your email address is up to date on your account to receive the invitation to future interview skills workshops. Having an online account with RCS England does not make you an affiliate member. For any membership queries, please contact

Programme highlights

  • Practice your responses on management and ethics and clinical scenarios
  • Rehearse your virtual interview techniques
  • Gain one-to-one feedback from experienced panellists who can provide you with key insights




Volunteer and give back to the profession

Do you want to volunteer and make a valuable contribution?

We are looking for volunteers across all career grades to help run our virtual interview skills workshops on Thursday 23 January 2025 and Wednesday 29 January 2025.

Volunteers will support the online mock interview panels and provide a realistic experience for delegates.

Your assistance with the workshop will be greatly appreciated by both the College and the attendees.

Volunteers will be briefed in advance of the workshop, and you will receive a letter of acknowledgement for your valuable contribution. 

Eligibility to volunteer

To volunteer you must be:

Substantive consultants, Specialty or Associate Specialist (SAS) surgeons, or ST6+ surgical trainees working in the NHS.
A member/fellow of RCS England.
In the UK on the day of the workshop.

Get involved

If you would like to offer your expertise and get involved, please volunteer at the Interview Skills Workshop.

Keep up to date with us

Follow us on XInstagram, and Facebook to keep up to date with communications about the Interview Skills Masterclass and Workshops, as well as other events and webinars available throughout the year.

Not an affiliate member? Find out more about how to join.

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