Changing or Returning to Practice
As you progress through your career, you may find that you want to shift the focus of your practice, either within your specialty or to a different specialty. Your local trust should have a policy for managing this process, and should be able to support you with advice regarding the required training and supervision.
Some specialty associations may also be able to provide guidance on how you can gain further experience in a new specialty area. The College does not currently provide guidance on this issue.
Returning to practice
There are many reasons why you may decide to take time out of clinical practice, including maternity and paternity leave, caring for a dependent, ill health or a career break.
When you return to work, you are likely to need support in updating your skills and knowledge. Your local trust or deanery should have a policy for managing this process and can advise you on the required training and supervision.You should expect a phased return to work, with appropriate supervision from a peer.