Quality Improvement Resources

Your QI stories
Be inspired to #TryQI
Read about the quality improvement projects that other people have carried out.
Read the stories
Your QI stories

QI articles
Research and articles in the field of quality improvement
We have searched online to find articles about quality improvement that might help you with your own quality improvement project. Be inspired by other project ideas and how to make the most of your quality improvement project.
Read the articles
QI articles

Making the case for quality improvement
Improving quality of care and value for money
Learn more from the King’s Fund about quality improvement, what it can achieve and the ten key lessons from NHS leaders seeking to embed quality improvement within their local systems.
Find out more
Making the case for quality improvement

Quality improvement made simple
What everyone should know about health care quality improvement
New to quality improvement? Read the Health Foundation’s guide to some of the common approaches used to improve quality.
Read the guide
Quality improvement made simple

Chole QuIC
Reducing the time to urgent gall bladder surgery
Gallstone related diseases account for approximately one third of emergency general surgery admissions and referrals and there is wide variation in the management of these patients, with cholecystectomy rates within 10 days of first admission for acute cholecystitis ranging from 0% to 35% across England.
Our Chole-QuIC project aims to reduce time to urgent cholecystectomy for eligible patients with acute biliary pain or cholecystitis or gallstone pancreatitis, by using quality improvement (QI) methodology to empower clinicians to drive change within their own hospital trusts.
Find out more
Chole QuIC

Introduction to improvement science
A training web site focused on the needs of the perioperative multi-disciplinary team and patients
PRISM is an improvement science training website where you can access QI resources and tools to help with your QI projects and complete an introductory module to improvement science.
Get the resources and start the module
Introduction to improvement science

Clinical audit
Finding out if healthcare is being provided in line with standards
We strongly support surgeon participation in national and local clinical audits as a regular part of day-to-day clinical practice. It enables care providers and patients to know where a service is doing well and where there could be improvements. Clinical audits and quality improvement work together to improve patient outcomes and experience. Read about the principles of audit participation and what constitutes best practice, national and regional audits, and access tools to support your audit activity.
Read about clinical audit
Clinical audit

Clinical effectiveness unit
Influencing clinical policy and audit practice in the UK
Our clinical effectiveness unit is a national centre of expertise in methods, organisation and logistics of large-scale studies of the quality of surgical care. Find out more about our major projects, what we do and read the current audit reports.
Read about the CEU
Clinical effectiveness unit

Good Practice Guides
Quality improvement in surgery
The two guides describe the basic principles of quality improvement in surgery including methods for identifying areas for improvement and a step by step process for organising a quality improvement project in a hospital environment.
Discover the new guides
Good Practice Guides
Questions about quality improvement? Get in touch
If you have any questions or need further information please email us at QI@rcseng.ac.uk
We will reply to you as soon as possible.