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Commissioning Children's Services

Guidance to commissioners and service planners

The following commissioning guides have been developed througha  NICE accredited process.

To find out more about our commissioning guide process and other guides please click here

Surgical Specialty Association


Date published

Funded by

British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAPS)

Provision of children's surgery



BAPS and East Midlands Strategic Clinical Network (EMSCN)

Paediatric Emergency Appendicectomy



BAPS, BAUSand East Midlands Strategic Clinical Network (EMSCN)

Orchidopexy for undescended testis



BAPS and East Midlands Strategic Clinical Network (EMSCN)

Management of paediatric torsion

Out for consultation



Care pathways

Example care pathways have been adapted from the Scottish model to facilitate discussion between patients, commissioners and service providers.

Certificate of Fitness for Honorary Practice

Following initial discussion with the Children's Surgical Forum, NHS Employers and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) have developed and launched the Certificate of Fitness for Honorary Practice.

The Certificate is intended to reduce the paperwork required for consultants to move between organisations so that they may more easily undertake short periods of work such as

  • emergency or occasional treatment of a patient (eg to cover sick leave).
  • promoting continuity of care of a patient.
  • allowing a consultant to provide short-term specialist training to other clinicians in the area of his/her expertise.
  • allowing a consultant to receive short-term training/continuing professional development to expand their skills in an area of practice that is new to them, or in innovative techniques and technology.

Further information including how to access and use the Certificate is available from the NHS Employers website.

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