Ethical Principles of Working Overseas
In recent years an increasing number of surgeons and surgical teams choose to travel abroad and work outside their UK practice for variable periods of time and for different reasons such as humanitarian partnership, emergency relief, experience, training and personal factors. This guide aims to provide an advisory code of practice that sets out the professional and ethical standards to which it expects all members of the surgical team to adhere when working outside UK borders.
Who is this guide for?
It is intended for surgeons and surgical teams who wish to expand their practice by working abroad, and particularly in lower and middle income countries.
What can I learn from this guide?
This guide contains a set of overarching ethical principles as well as practical advice on how to approach differing political and healthcare circumstances in various host nations. It includes recommendations on how to work with aid agencies, how to take into account the impact of one’s practice on local health economies, and how to respond to differing concepts of care and standards than those in the UK