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Duty of Candour

Having a candid conversation when something goes wrong is far easier when it forms part of an ongoing clinical relationship in which issues of risk and consent have been clearly discussed from the outset.

New free eLearning module

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Duty of Candour e-learning module that supports our existing written guidance on this important topic. This is the first guide to outline steps that surgeons should take to ensure that the principles of the duty of candour are at the forefront of everyday work. It reflects the profession’s commitment towards creating greater openness and transparency in the NHS. 

Visit the open access Duty of Candour eLearning module

Duty of Candour eLearning

The e-learning takes up to 20 minutes to complete and is an ideal tool to share with your teams, ensuring that all patient-facing roles fully understand the legal duty and best practice.

In late 2014, new legislation introduced a statutory duty of candour for healthcare providers in England to ensure they are open and honest with patients when things go wrong with their care. Doctors and surgeons already have a professional duty to be open to their patients when harm occurs, but the introduction of the statutory duty provided the opportunity for surgeons to reaffirm the good practice of having a detailed postoperative discussion with each of their patients. Read our review of this legislation.

In 2015, the College developed detailed guidance for individual clinicians and for providers on how to implement the statutory duty of candour and how it interacts with the professional duty of individuals. This guidance has been one of our most popular. Read or download the guidance here.

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