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Our areas of work

Donate to surgical research

We need to continue to raise money to fund the fellowships of the future. RCS England awards 25–30 annually but the number and quality of applicants continue to rise and we need the resources to support them. Find out more about the different ways you can donate to surgical research.


Alternatively, please call us on 020 7869 6083 or email our fundraising.


Research Methodology

For people interested in the process of conducting research, we have produced an e-learning module on research methodology as part of the RCS England PGCert programme. This module can be taken as a standalone item and does not require enrolment to the entire PGCert. The module explores key concepts which underpin evidence-based surgery whilst providing tools to plan, undertake and analyse clinical research. Even if your interest is not research oriented, this module covers essential skills for critically appraising clinical literature and will enable you to make more informed decisions.

The use of animals in research

The College is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) and supports the AMRC position statement on the use of animals in research.

Conflicts of Interest Policy

The Research Committee supports the RCS Conflicts of Interest Policy.

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