3.5.2 Pre-operative checks
3.5.2 Preoperative checks
- Clearly mark the site to be operated on with the patient’s agreement while the patient awake and prior to premedication. Ensure that the mark is visible when draped.
- Verify the operation to be undertaken by checking the records, including images and consent form and, where possible, with the patient, rather than relying solely on the printed operating list for the procedure being performed.
- Ensure that the written consent and the notes include, when appropriate, the side to be operated on using the words ‘left’ or ‘right’ in full.
- Ensure that digits on the hand are named and on the foot numbered and similarly marked with the patient’s agreement while they are awake and prior to premedication.
- Ensure that any instruction to withhold or withdraw treatment (for example, resuscitation categorisation) is taken in consultation with the patient or family and authorised by the appropriate senior clinician.
- Establish the views held by individual patients regarding their position in relation to transfusion, in case certain forms of transfusion may be unacceptable to them.
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Title/Link | Author | Published Date |
Standardise, Educate Harmonise: Commissioning the Conditions for safer surgery | NHS England Never Events Taskforce | 2013 |