Domain 3 - Communication, Partnership, Teamwork
Good Surgical Practice Domain 3: Communication, partnership and teamwork – this is one of the four domains of Good Medical Practice and Good Surgical Practice
- 3.1 Communicate effectively
- 3.1.1 Communication with patients
- 3.1.2 Communication with colleagues
- 3.2 Work collaboratively with colleagues to maintain and improve patient care
- 3.2.1 Individual behaviour
- 3.2.2 Teamworking
- 3.3 Teaching, training, supporting, assessing
- 3.3.1 Medical students
- 3.3.2 Surgeons in training
- 3.3.3 Staff Grades, Associate Specialists and Specialty Surgeons
- 3.3.4 Locum surgeons
- 3.4. Continuity and coordination of care
- 3.5 Establish and maintain partnership with patients
- 3.5.1 Consent
- 3.5.2 Pre-operative checks
- 3.5.3 Patient feedback
- 3.5.4 Responding to harm and duty of candour