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The RCS is committed to supporting the delivery of safe, efficient and cost-effective surgical care. Our National Surgical Commissioning Centre brings together relevant information on surgical services, providing clear, consistent and evidence-based guidelines for a variety of surgical procedures.


Developed with a range of partners, our guidance supports CCGs to commission high-value surgical care for patients, reducing the ‘postcode lottery’ in service provision.

Commissioning Guide Updates

Revised commissioning guides out for consultation

Publication of revised commissioning guides

East Midlands Strategic Clinical Network launch new commissioning guide: Management of paediatric torsion. New data tools will soon be published to accompany this pathway.

Pathfinder for low back and radicular pain

NHS England and The British Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons publish a new Pathfinder for Low Back and Radicular Pain.

Commissioning conference

The future of commissioning for planned surgery

Thank you to all those that participated in this event. We plan to collate all the learning and best practice from the day into a report which will be available soon. Presentations from the day will also be available with speakers permission.

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