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Keeping well

Get Well Soon

Helping you to make a speedy recovery after total hip replacement

Keeping well

Because of your operation, the chances are you’ll be a lot more aware of your body and how it works.

Right now is a really good time to build on the knowledge you’ve gained and make small changes to your lifestyle which can prevent you from experiencing certain health problems in the future. You can do this by:

  • Improving your diet – keep a healthy balanced diet containing a variety of foods, include 5 portions of fresh fruit and veg per day.
  • Any exercise – the best medical advice suggests that you should try to do 30 minutes of physical activity a day. In the early stages of your recovery even a few short walks each day really will make a difference to your health.
  • Quit smoking – NHS Stop Smoking Services are one of the most effective ways to stop for good – and they’re completely free. Your doctor will be happy to help you.

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