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After you get home

Get Well Soon

Helping you to make a speedy recovery after total hip replacement

After you get home

Day  Got up at... am  Activities: eg walked for ... minutes How many hours rest I needed What times I needed to rest Went to bed at ... pm  Hows your hip feeling?
 Day Got up at... am  Activities: eg walked for ... minutes How much rest I needed after each Went to bed at ... pm  How have I been feeling? Any pain?  What do I want to achieve tomorrow? 


Keeping a track of what you’ve achieved each day will help you to stay positive and get back to enjoying your normal life more quickly.

Remember, take a step-by-step approach to getting better, and build up your activities in small stages. Don’t push yourself too far too fast. If you’re concerned about anything, or if you feel you’re not making progress fast enough, ask your surgeon or call your GP.



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