What to Expect After the Operation
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What to expect after the operation
You’ll have between 2 and 4 small scars at different points on your abdomen. Each one will be small - 1-2 cm. These small wounds may be closed in various ways, including dissolvable stitches or skin glue.
If you have stitches which need to be removed, this can usually be done by the practice nurse at your GP surgery, 7-10 days after your operation. Your hospital should already have given you advice about how your wounds are closed and how to care for them.
You do not need to keep the scars covered, though some people find it more comfortable to do so. You do not need to worry about getting the scar wet. Many patients have concerns that standing up straight will pull at the stitches. Don’t worry about this. Getting out of bed and standing up straight will actually help you to recover more quickly.