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Planning for Your Return

Get Well Soon

Helping you to make a speedy recovery after carpal tunnel release

Planning for your return

Talk to your surgeon, GP or Occupational Health service to work out when and how is best for you to return to work.

Depending on the nature of your job, you might want to ask your employer about returning to work on lighter duties at first. This means avoiding tasks which put a strain on the hands, for example typing, using the telephone, or lifting more than 5kg at a time, amongst other things.

Talk to your employer about ways in which your workplace can be adjusted to suit your needs at this time - using an hands-free phone, for example. Your Occupational Health service will be able to advise on this; if you do not have an Occupational Health service, ask your GP for advice on this matter.

If you have an HR Department at work, they will be able to advise you on how your absence might affect any benefits you may be receiving during your time off.

3 Golden rules for a speedy recovery: 

  • Stay active
  • Keep a normal daily routine
  • Keep social contact with people

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