Annual General Meeting 2023
Event Overview
The next annual general meeting of fellows and members will be held on Wednesday 29 November 2023 at 6pm. Please note this is an online meeting.
Call for Motions
Any fellow or member who wishes to propose a motion for this meeting should submit a written motion via email to the following address.
Catherine Manning
Head of Governance, Compliance and Risk
Tel: 020 7869 6124
The closing date for the submission of motions is Tuesday 18 October 2023 at 5pm.
The general business to be transacted at this meeting will include an address from the President, the presentation of the annual accounts for 2022/23, any proposals to amend the subscription rates for fellows and members, and consideration of any motions submitted.
Please find the draft agenda for the 2023 AGM here.
In order to vote on motions at the AGM you must be a full member or fellow of RCS England and have registered to attend the meeting.
Post Event Information
Here is some information about the event after it has been closed