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Need to reset your password?  Enter the email address which you used to register on this site (or your membership/contact number) and we'll email you a link to reset it. You must complete the process within 2hrs of receiving the link.

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For Regional and International Centres

We are proud to deliver RCS courses to over 8,000 people each year through our network of over 170 approved regional centres.


Each centre – whether in the UK or international – plays an integral role in this network. Click here to log in to the Regional Centre Coordinator portal.


We strive to offer the highest level of support to teams at centres running RCS courses and we always welcome your feedback and ideas.


Please contact us for support and advice or to let us know your thoughts. or 020 7869 6300

Contact the education team

If you have any questions about the PGCert in Surgery, or any other RCS courses, please get in touch.


Phone us

Call 020 7869 6300 to talk with a member of our team. 

We are available to answer calls during our working hours of 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday and there is a voicemail outside this time.

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