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Tri-Collegiate Membership in Oral Surgery (MOral Surg)

Exam overview

The Diploma of Membership in Oral Surgery (MOral Surg) is a tri-collegiate specialist dental surgery exam, run by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. The MOral Surg qualification demonstrates that you have attained the knowledge and understanding relevant to the practice of a specialist in oral surgery

To apply for this examination please visit the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh's website.

Extension to Examination Application Window within Training

The Joint Meeting of Dental Faculties has agreed to extend the window in which dental specialty trainees can sit surgical Royal College examinations as part of the training programme. Currently, trainees are not able to sit these examinations until six months before they are due to complete training. In future, they will be able to sit up to twelve months before they are due to complete training, provided they have the support of their Training Programme Director. Further details can be found here.


Candidates are advised that for all future exams, candidate eligibility status will be reviewed over the course of one month. For November 2019 candidates’ eligibility for the exam will be reviewed between 28 June and 26 July 2019.

All candidates must provide certified evidence of possession of a primary dental qualification that is acceptable to the colleges. 

Candidates may apply for entry to the exam having completed 30 months of full-time or equivalent part-time training acceptable to the colleges by the date of the exam. The training should preferably be continuous but in some cases breaks in training may be permitted. The total training period should not normally exceed six years.

Candidates must also fulfil one or more of the following criteria:

  • have satisfactorily completed, by the time of the exam, a minimum of 30 months of a full-time 3-year training appointment (or part-time equivalent i.e. not less than half-time over a maximum of six continuous years. ) in a UK training programme as a stipendiary StR who has been awarded a training number.

  • a university Masters or Clinical Doctorate degree programme which parallels the training programme completed by an StR i.e. have satisfactorily completed, by the time of the examination, a minimum of 30 months of a full-time three-year training appointment (or part-time equivalent i.e. not less than half-time over a maximum of six continuous years). It is necessary that candidates be able to provide evidence that they have completed the learning outcomes described for their specialty when applying to complete the Membership exam. This evidence should be in the form of a portfolio which should include the course curriculum, the training programme, the clinical and academic timetable for the training period, work–based assessments (incorporating evaluations carried out during chairside teaching) and a logbook. Candidates must submit evidence of completing learning outcomes described for their specialty in the form of a portfolio (including course curriculum, training programme, clinical and academic timetable, work based assessments and a logbook) or their eligibility will not be reviewed or considered for this exam.

  • have satisfactorily completed, by the time of the exam, a minimum of 30 months of a full-time three-year specialist training appointment (or part-time equivalent i.e. not less than half-time over a maximum of six continuous years) overseas or in the EEA which has been considered and found to be acceptable to the Colleges.

  • be registered as a specialist in oral surgery in the UK.

Exam format

The exam consists of three components. At their first sitting, candidates must attempt all three components. Each component must be passed independently. At any subsequent sitting, candidates must attempt all outstanding components of the exam.

If a candidate has failed the exam but has passed any of the three components they will not be required to resit that component(s). A pass in the respective component may normally be carried forward for three further diets within a time-scale of two years from the first attempt at the full exam (extenuating circumstances may apply).

The exam consists of:

1. A written paper containing 150 SBA questions.

2. An OSCE circuit with six stations based on communication/clinical/interpersonal skills.

3. Eight unseen cases and associated oral examinations. The unseen cases will be in the format of clinical scenarios. For each case, the candidate will be given five minutes to study the patient history, results of examination and where appropriate, investigations (investigation or supporting material may include radiographs, scans, laboratory investigations, study models, photographs etc). The structured oral examination relating to each case will last 15 minutes, and the assessment will focus on clinical reasoning and decision making.


The Diploma of Membership in Oral Surgery tests candidates’ knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes relevant to the practice of a specialist in oral surgery, as defined by the Specialty Advisory Committee for Oral Surgery and agreed by the General Dental Council.

Read the speciality training curriculum for oral surgery

Exam dates

With effect from January 2020, with the set-up of a single secretariat for TSMEE, the administration for each diet of the examination is handled by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and all applications and fees should be sent directly to RCSEd regardless of which college/s a candidate may wish to affiliate with.

Membership fees

An annual subscription is required to maintain the post-nominal letters.

Contact the exams department



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