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Surgical Exams FAQ

Below we provide answers to frequently asked questions about our Surgical exams. If you have a query that is not answered here, please contact us using the details at the bottom of this page.

When is the next MRCS Examination?

Please find dates for the relevant exam by following one of the below links.

How can I apply for exams?

Applications for MRCS Part A, MRCS Part B and MRCS (ENT) need to be completed online via the "Book Now" button on the relevant exams page.

For any exam not yet available, you can check the relevant examinations page for upcoming exam dates.

Please do not send any paper applications to our offices as we are not able to process these and may be unable to return any documents you send in.

How can I request reasonable adjustment for my examination?

If you require a reasonable adjustment for your examination, you must select the reasonable adjustment option under the "preferred location" section of the online application form for the exam you're applying to.

Candidates can find full information on timelines, available adjustments, document required and more by reading the ICBSE Reasonable Adjustment Policy.

If you have not already been granted the specific reasonable adjustment you would like to apply for, you must provide your full Educational Psychologist Report or an appropriate Medical Report within one week of completing your booking by emailing a scanned copy to Please note that we can only provide adjustments specifically mentioned in your report.

If you have already been granted the specific reasonable adjustment you are applying for, you not need to provide your report again and your adjustment will be automatically added to your upcoming examination, in line with the ICBSE Reasonable Adjustment Policy.

After completing my application do I need to submit any eligibility documentation?


Upon competing your online application, you will receive an email confirming your examination seat and detailing any further information we need from you.

If you have not sat a surgical examination with one of the four Surgical Royal Colleges previously, you must provide your valid GMC UK or Medical Council (Ireland) registration number as part of the examination booking process.

  • If you are not registered with the GMC UK or Medical Council (Ireland), you must email a scanned copy of your primary medical degree to Please do not send any physical copies of your documents to our offices as we are unable to process these and may not be able to return any documentation.

If you have sat a surgical examination with one of the Surgical Royal Colleges previously, no action is required and we will contact you directly via email if require any further information.

MRCS Part B and MRCS (ENT)

We will use your eligibility check status completed for MRCS Part A, including MRCS Part A sittings at any of the four Surgical Royal Colleges. As such, no action is required and we will contact you directly via email if require any further information.

What should I do if I receive an error message when applying online?

Our website receives a lot of traffic – particularly at the time of a deadline – and therefore you may receive an error message when attempting to apply online. If this happens please try using another browser – i.e if you are using Internet Explorer, try using Mozilla Firefox. Alternatively, you could try using a different computer as occasionally there is a problem with the way some PCs interface with our website.

If your problem persists, please email or call our Candidate Support Team on 020 7405 3474 - Option 3

How will my exam be delivered?

MRCS Part A is currently delivered via computer based testing centres in partnership with Pearson Vue. All the further information is available our Pearson Vue Landing Page. This information includes how to book your Pearson Vue test centre.

MRCS Part B is currently delivered in person at the Royal College Of Surgeons Exam Suite for candidates applying for the RCS England exam.

MRCS (ENT) OSCE is currently held over two days. The 'written stations' will be delivered via online remote examination on 'day 1', the 'clinical stations' will be delivered in person on 'day 2' at the centre indicated upon booking.

When will I receive my admit letter?

For MRCS Part A, you will be emailed by Pearson Vue in advance of the centre booking window approximately 34 after the examination closing date. Please see the Pearson Vue Landing page for full details.

For MRCS Part B and MRCS (ENT) you will receive your admit letter approximately 4-6 weeks prior to your examination date via email. This letter will confirm your exact examination date, time and venue details. We will also advise you when you will receive your results.

Can I request a specific date for my MRCS Part B or MRCS (ENT) Exam?

As a standard approach, you will be automatically allocated a specific examination date within the advertised date range. We are able to consider some requests for a specific date in exceptional circumstances only.

Please email any such requests to, providing full details to support your request, including why you are not able to commit to the full examination date range.

Please note that we cannot guarantee to accommodate your request.

When will I get my results and how will I receieve them?

Results are usually released approximately 4 weeks after the examination date. MRCS Part B and MRCS (ENT) results dates will be indicated in the admit letter.

For all MRCS examinations, you will receive a personal email containing your results information on the scheduled results day. Results will be sent to your default email address on your online RCS account.

A copy of your results will also be available within your online RCS account, however please do not try to log in and view your result online on the release date as heavy web traffic may effect the websites performance.

You will also receive a formal result and feedback letter in PDF format via email, containing further results breakdown approximately 2 - 4 weeks of the initial results summary release.

This will be emailed to the default email address on your online RCS account.

Can the College help me obtain a VISA for my examination?

The College is able to produce a visa letter in support of an application. This will cover the examination period in the country where the exam is being held.

To request a supporting visa letter, please email us on as soon as possible.

I'd like to withdraw, am I eligible for a refund or transfer?

Refund requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, we can usually offer a full or partial refund as follows:

  • If you withdraw via your online RCS account, before the application closing date for the examination, we will automatically refund your exam fee, minus a 20% administrative fee. You do not need to contact us in this instance. Your funds will be returned to you within approximately 2 working weeks;
  • If you withdraw on medical grounds either before or after the close of application deadline, you are normally able to obtain a full refund as long as you are able to provide us with a medical certificate stating the reason(s) that you were not able to take your exam;
  • If you withdraw due to compassionate reasons, a supporting letter from either your consultant or educational supervisor should be provided. We can then normally organise a full refund for you or a transfer to the next sitting, subject to availability.
Please familiarise yourself with this policy before applying for an exam seat to ensure a smooth and easy withdrawal process refund policy

Please email all supporting documents to


If you withdraw after the application closing date for the examination without compassionate or medical grounds, you will not be entitled for a refund.

How many examination attempts am I allowed?

Candidates are permitted the following number of attempts at each part of the MRCS:

  • MRCS Part A – 6 attempts;
  • MRCS Part B – 4 attempts;
  • MRCS (ENT) – 4 attempts.

Candidate attempts at each examination are recorded through a shared intercollegiate database. If you have exhausted all of the permitted attempts, you may apply for one additional attempt, following the additional attempt policy.

If you believe that your examination was not delivered fairly, you can complain or appeal, following the relevant policy in place. Please note that you cannot appeal against the judgement of an Examiner. All complaints and appeals should be emailed to

After I've passed my MRCS exams

I have an FRCS enquiry – who should I contact?

If you have a query about the FRCS examination held in the UK please contact The Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations on 0131 662 9222 or, for enquiries about the overseas FRCS examination contact The Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowship Examination on 0131 662 9333 or

I want to ask about the date of my graduation – who should I contact?

If your enquiry relates to the date of your diploma ceremony, you should contact the Membership Department on 020 7405 3474 (Option 1) or

When will I receive my certificate – who should I contact?

Certificates are inscribed by an external company then signed by various persons at the College and pressed with the College seal. This process may take up to three months from the date you join the College. Certificates are formally presented at Diplomates' ceremonies, though if you require yours beforehand, please contact or 020 7405 3474 (option 1).

Contact the exams department



For general exam queries please call 020 7405 3474 - Option 3

Our main switchboard is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

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