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Clinical Skills in Emergency Surgery

This in-depth three-day course enables surgical trainees who have completed basic surgical training to expand their skill set and learn more advanced surgical techniques.

You will take part in an extensive range of structured practical sessions which focus on the essential skills needed in emergency circumstances.

The course is taught in small classes (maximum 12 participants) through a series of discussion and practical skills workshops. Using animal tissue, you will be able to practise a range of abdominal and vascular operative procedures including bowel anastomosis, stoma, femoral hernia, arteriotomy and laparoscopic appendicectomy.

This course is mapped to the ISCP syllabus for General Surgery ST3/ST4 intermediate stage.

RCS England membership entitles you to a 10% discount on this course at RCS England partner centres. Find out if you're eligible to join or transfer.

  • £999.00
  • 3 days
  • 20.00 CPD Points
3 days
20.00 CPD Points


This course is suitable for CT1-2, ST3, junior SAS and trust grades who have completed foundation training. We strongly recommend that you complete the Intercollegiate Basic Surgical Skills course before attending Clinical Skills in Emergency Surgery.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate sound practice in bowel anastomosis using a variety of techniques;
  • perform a difficult access sutured anastomosis;
  • create a loop colostomy with bridge, discussing incision and possible complications;
  • carry out a side-to-side, transverse stapled anastomosis;
  • perform emergency arterial closure and vein patching, in the context of haemorrhage control;
  • discuss the safe use of energy sources;
  • carry out a laparoscopic appendicectomy and safe handling of the bowel;
  • practice the low approach for the repair of a femoral hernia.


This course is taught through a series of discussions, demonstrations and practical exercises on animal tissue.

You will work closely with experienced faculty members, who will continuously share formative feedback. There is an informal test of your knotting skills at the beginning of the course, and a formative assessment of your tissue handling and suturing skills at the end of day two. These tests place emphasis on self-reflection and identifying your own strengths and areas for improvement.

Before the course, you will be given access to online activities, including videos and reading texts, to help you prepare. You will also be asked to revise knotting skills at home in order to ensure you get the most out of every day of the course.

Additional Information

Course content

You will cover a variety of topics during this course, including:

  • Review of knot tying and principles of suturing
  • Normal and difficult abdominal closure
  • Different types of bowel anastomoses, including end-to-end, end-to-side, size discrepancy, stapled and difficult access.
  • Siting and formation of stomas
  • Vascular for emergency, including control of bleeds, and transverse and longitudinal arteriotomies
  • Perforated ulcer repair
  • Open femoral hernia repair using the low approach
  • Principles and safe use of energy sources
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy
  • Laparoscopic appendicectomy

Take a look at a sample Clinical Skills in Emergency Surgery programme

PGCert in Surgery Associated Course

You will be awarded 4 credits toward the Postgraduate Certificate in Surgery upon booking this course. (The inclusion of courses in the PGCert in Surgery is subject to availability)

Booking Options

There are currently no dates available for this course. Please register your interest and we will email you when the next dates are announced.

Further information and queries


Phone us

Call 020 7869 6300 to talk with a member of our team. 

We are available to answer calls during our working hours of 8.30am–5:00pm, Monday–Friday and there is a voicemail outside this time.