eSurgery is a collaboration between Health Education England's e-Learning for Healthcare programme and the Royal College of Surgeons of England. It is a free e-learning resource for NHS employees and anyone delivering NHS commissioned care.
It is an excellent resource for supporting trainees in their early years of surgical training and it is structured into modules that map to the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme (ISCP). This innovative project will help trainees develop the basic and fundamental surgical skills, as well as theoretical knowledge common to all surgical specialties. Interactive e-learning sessions cover topics including:
- Science knowledge relevant to surgical practice
- Common surgical conditions
- Basic surgical skills
- Perioperative care of the surgical patient
- Assessment and management of patients with trauma
- Organ and tissue transplantation
The key benefits include:
- Accessible 24/7
- Modules to fit in with busy work-study lives
- Each session will take around 20 minutes to complete
- Learners will be able to work through any module relevant to their training needs
- Registration is free for NHS staff
Further information and registration for NHS staff, including surgical trainees, is available at eSurgery.
Overseas healthcare professionals can access the resources through eIntegrity.