Benign Upper Gastrointestinal Disease (eLearning)
What you'll learn
This interactive online module provides an overview of the anatomical features of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract, with a particular focus on the oesophagus and stomach. The module also explores diagnosis, investigation and management of several benign upper GI pathologies, including gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), achalasia, the various presentations of gallbladder disease and a number of other emergency presentations affecting the upper GI tract.
Participants will gain insight into the management pathways for each of these conditions, with an outline of the relevant surgical interventions, such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Nissen's fundoplication and Heller myotomy. In addition to anatomical considerations, the module also examines some aspects of gastric physiology, including motility and secretion.
RCS members and RCS affiliates benefit from a 10% discount on this module. Find out if you're eligible to join or transfer.

- 6 PG Cert Credits
- 0.0 CPD Points
Affiliate Discount 15%: £272.00
Member Discount 10%: £288.00
Needlemakers Bursary: £0.00
PGCert Student Discount 15%: £272.00
- Take this course as part of PG Cert in Surgery for £272 (15% discount) or if you are a full RCS member or RCS associate for £288 (10% discount).
- You will have access to this module for 6 months, which you can extend for an additional 6 months for £65.
- Upon completion of your module, you will obtain a certificate of completion for this module.
- Please take a look at our Terms & Conditions if you need to cancel your access to this module.
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Independent module or blended learning
If you're are taking this module independantly or as part of a course you can access your progress and continue the module via RCS e-learning.
Via PG Certification
If you're are taking this module as part of the PG certification you can view your progress and continue the module via the PG cert dashboard.
You've already completed this module
Independent module or blended learning
If you're are taking this module independantly or as part of a course you can access your progress and continue the module via RCS e-learning.
If you're are taking this module as part of the PG certification you can view your progress and continue the module via the PG cert dashboard.
You can take this module as part of the PGCert in Surgery, designed for FY1-2 & CT1-2.
Or you can take this module as a standalone online course at any stage of your career.Learning Outcomes
The following topics will be covered in this module:
- anatomy of the oesophagus and stomach
- alchalasia
- gallbladder disease
- upper GI surgical emergencies
After completing the upper GI module you will be able to:
- describe relevant anatomy, physiology and pathology of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
- define achalasia, GORD and gallbladder disease.
- describe how achalasia, GORD and gallbladder disease are diagnosed and investigated.
- discuss treatments for achalasia, GORD and gallbladder disease and associated risks.
- outline the management of perforations, haemorrhages, caustic swallow and paraesophageal hernia.
This is an interactive online module within the RCS e-learning platform.
This module does not contain any WBAs and therefore the need for an Educational/Clinical Supervisor is not essential, but we would recommend that your progress with the module would benefit from having someone to discuss the content with.
You will have access to this module for 6 months, which you can also extend.