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Non Training Posts

In secondary care hospitals

There are a number of posts advertised for work in hospital settings, e.g. consultant, locum consultant, clinical assistants, specialty dentist, specialty doctor (not specialist registrar or registrar which are training posts), senior dental officer, staff grade, hospital practitioner. These are not training posts and only dentists with full registration with the General Dental Council (GDC) and the correct visa should apply. These posts are not recognised for temporary registration.  These posts are advertised in BDJ Jobs.

In primary care

Dentists working in NHS general dental practice in the UK, who qualified outside the EEA, must have full registration with the GDC before working in primary care in NHS general dental practice or private practice in the UK.

In addition, even if you have full registration with the GDC, it is also necessary to have the correct visa to remain and work in the UK. This must be in place before starting work.

If you require a work visa then it is the responsibility of the UK employer to apply for this. Dentists who have temporary registration with the GDC cannot work in general practice in the UK and cannot undertake foundation year 1 (formerly known as vocational training or VT).

  • Contact your local postgraduate dental dean for further information on foundation training or equivalence. Details for deaneries can be found on the COPDEND website.

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