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WinS Forum vacancies

Women in Surgery’s mission is to encourage, enable and inspire women to fulfil their surgical ambitions. We work to promote surgery as a career for women and to enable those who have chosen this career to realise their professional goals. Led by the Chair, the Forum works with the wider College to implement the recommendations of the Kennedy Review and bring WinS into the heart of our College strategy.

The role of the Women in Surgery Forum is to:

  • raise the profile of women in surgery;
  • work towards an understanding of the changing issues facing women in surgery;
  • encourage attitudinal change;
  • provide advice, guidance and pastoral support;
  • support flexible working initiatives for both women and men.

We are currently recruiting for two foundation trainee vacancies. 

Apply before Monday 14 April

Applicants must be affiliate members of the Royal College of Surgeons of England or Faculty of Dental Surgery, based in the UK. If you're not currently a member, find out how to join us.

Key Dates

1. Application deadline – midnight on Monday 14 April 2025

2. Candidates being invited to interview will be informed by Friday 2 May

3. Interviews will be held via Microsoft Teams on either week commencing 12 or 19 May 

4.Successful candidates will be expected to attend the next WinS Forum meeting on Wednesday 4 June

Job Description

The main functions of the Forum are to:

  • consider policy and make recommendations in the areas covered by Women in Surgery;
  • actively promote and support the Women in Surgery initiative both within the Forum and at a local level.

Duties and responsibilities

There is a requirement to support the work of the Forum outside the formal meetings with work to develop projects or attend events. Forum members are expected to:

  • Attend two to three Forum meetings per year.
  • Support at least one event in the UK per year as a representative of the Forum and College. These could include meetings, conferences, careers events and workshops.
  • Provide support and guidance as necessary to members of the Women in Surgery network as required (appropriate support and guidance from the College provided).
  • Respond to requests from the media as required (appropriate support and guidance from the College provided).
  • With other Forum members, devise and support new project areas for WinS.
  • Promote and adhere to the equality and diversity policy at all times.
  • Actively demonstrate the College values of collaboration, respect and excellence.

Forum tenure

Medical students and foundation trainees: two years, extendable by one year.

Core trainees – consultants: three years, extendable by a further two years.

Dental members: three years, extendable by a further two years.

Person specification

Each Forum member must have:

  • membership of the Women in Surgery network;
  • membership or affiliate membership of RCS England; training or working in the UK;
  • proven experience as part of an effective group, committee or project; e.g. local surgical society, charity, hospital or trust, or other area unrelated to surgery;
  • proven ability to devise and carry through projects, individually and as part of a team;
  • proven interest in and knowledge of diversity, inclusion and the key issues faced by women and other minority groups in surgery.
  • Ideal candidates will have an interest in creating engaging content and using social media or our other channels to help inspire and encourage others to join and engage with the WinS community.


If you would like some more information on the forum:

Visit our website -
Email us -


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