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Service and Wider Workforce Resources

Developing and supporting the wider workforce is a fundamental aspect of the IST Pilot. The below information will be updated as further materials are developed and shared.

The RCS provides good background information about the entire surgical care team, including information about training, eligibility and banding for various positions. To see more information about how the RCS is supporting the wider workforce, please see the Surgical Care Team Guidance and Surgical Care Team Resources.

Further resources we recommend include:

Who’s Who in the Surgical Care Team

Question of Balance report

Reshaping the workforce to deliver the care patients need

RCSEd Faculty of Perioperative care

Multi-professional framework for England

Rota design

Example of Derby's rota re-design

Physician Associates (PA) resources

The Faculty of Physician Associates at the Royal College of Physicians

KSS School of Physician Associates

MSc Physician Associate Studies

Advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs) resources

Advanced Clinical Practice

Cost saving information - Medicine ACPs

Cost saving information - Derby costs presentation

Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England

Job description - Corporate Lead for Advanced Practice

Job description - ACP

Surgical Care Practitioner (SCP) resources

Surgical Care Practitioner (SCP) Job Plan

SCP Curriculum Framework 2014

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