Will IST trainees need to complete a benchmarking process to progress to ST3?
How can I apply for a training post in the IST pilot?
Applications for both traditional core surgical training (CST) and the IST posts are made through Oriel. IST run through and uncoupled posts are listed alongside uncoupled CST posts, and applicants must rank those posts they would accept if offered. IST posts are clearly indicated, allowing applicants to rank only IST posts, only non-IST posts, or a combination. Offers are made on the basis of ranked preferences and scores achieved at interview.
For more information on Oriel and the application process, go to
Which specialties are participating in the pilot?
How many pilot training posts are available?
Will the IST pilot lead to a reduction in the number of uncoupled specialty posts?
Can I transfer to another specialty after joining the pilot?
Where will the IST pilot take place?
How does training in the IST pilot differ from uncoupled non-pilot training?
Run through training in the IST pilot follows the same curricula as uncoupled core/higher specialty surgical training outside the pilot. The end point of training (CCT) is therefore the same, but the experience of training is enhanced in the pilot, and the duration of training may be shortened if competencies are achieved at a higher rate. However, many IST training enhancements are expected to also benefit non-pilot trainees in IST pilot sites.
In Scotland, all core surgical training posts are included in the pilot.
Is less than full time (LTFT) training available as part of the IST pilot?
Are out of programme training, research, experience or career breaks (OOPT / OOPR / OOPE / OOPC) available as part of the IST pilot?
How is the delivery of IST training quality assured in pilot sites?
Is it possible to move between deaneries in the pilot?
What does the future look like for the project – will there be a national roll-out?
A separate independent evaluation will report on IST in Scotland.