How to apply
Update: HEE has paused the recruitment to all IST posts in England for 2022. The number of surgical training places will be maintained as posts will be added back into core surgical recruitment. Wales and Scotland will continue to recruit to run through IST.
Trainees who wish to apply
Applications for both IST and traditional core surgical training (CST) posts are made through Oriel. Offers will be made on the basis of preferences and scores achieved at interview. For more information, please see our FAQs.
How the pilot works
IST will deliver run through training from ST1 and uncoupled core training from CT1 in approved training centres across England, Wales and Scotland. Pilot trainees will work to the same curricula as non-pilot trainees, but their working environment should afford more valuable training opportunities. Progression will be managed through the ARCP process, with no additional benchmarking prior to ST3 for run through trainees.
Why trainees should consider applying for the pilot
The IST pilot aims to offer the following benefits to core-level trainees:
- Greater quality of training, provided by professionalised trainers with protected training time in their job plans.
- Greater quantity of training, with improved balance between training and service, supported in part by members of the surgical care team.
- Stability and security, through run through training in a single region and longer placements in each training location.
- Potential for accelerated progression, through true competence-based training.
The IST recruitment webinar
Our webinar which took place on 26 October 2017 included a panel of experts including Bill Allum, Chair of JCST and Elizabeth Elsey, Vice-President of ASiT. The webinar provided trainees with a breadth of information about the IST pilot and ended with an extensive Q&A. If you missed it, you can watch the full video below.
Further information
Read the full Trainee Prospectus to learn more about the project.