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Vacancies for Regional and Devolved Nation Directors

The role of the Regional Director is to lead The Royal College of Surgeons of England’s (RCS England) local engagement with our fellows, members, other surgical professionals, and key stakeholder groups in the regions. The purpose of Regional Directors is to build relationships, to gather local feedback about the key issues in surgery, and to work with the College to facilitate local support for members and fellows.

The Regional Director chairs the local RCS England Regional Board and provides leadership to the local Regional Specialty Professional Advisors (RSPAs) and Surgical Tutors (STs).

The College currently has the following Regional Director vacancies:

Regional Director, North West (Mersey)

Regional Director, London (North East)

Regional Director, London (Central)

Please note: The College will consider applications from those who are interested in a job share.


Information about applying

  • Applications for the above posts are invited from surgeons working in the relevant region or nation. You must complete the application form – please note that CVs will not be accepted.
  • The successful applicant will receive a College induction and support. The College will pay travel expenses associated with the role.
  • Interviews will take place virtually in May (dates TBC shortly). Shortlisted applicants will be asked to give a brief presentation outlining how they would deliver the core functions in the job description within their region or nation.
  • For further information and to apply, please see the role description and application form below.
  • The closing date for applications is Friday 25 April
  • For queries about the application process please contact the team at

To Apply


Guidance notes for applicants

  • Employment status: Applicants must be substantive consultants or Specialty or Associate Specialist (SAS) working in the NHS within the regions or nations specified.
  • Fellowship of surgical Royal Colleges: Fellows of any of the surgical Royal Colleges of Great Britain and Ireland are eligible to apply. However, successful applicants who are not Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England will be expected to take up the Fellowship via transfer at the time of taking up the post.
  • Supporting statement: Applicants should aim to demonstrate how they have the knowledge, skills and attitudes outlined in the person specification. Please add any other relevant information that you feel supports your application.
  • Job share applicants: Job share applicants will be expected to submit one application form per applicant. They will also need to complete the section on the application outlining why the job share model is suitable and beneficial for the region or nation and how the job share arrangement will work in practice, e.g. along geographical lines, and a coherent proposal for delivering the core functions in the job description as a joint enterprise.


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