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Surgical Societies

Surgical societies are one of the best ways you can demonstrate your interest in a career in surgery while you are still a medical student. Societies exist at nearly all medical schools in the country and can provide members with a range of opportunities from extra skills teaching to networking and socialising. Societies run events and meetings for members, and will introduce them to other potential and accomplished surgeons.

A representative from each of the societies is invited to join the College's Future Surgeons Forum (FSF). A list of university surgical societies that are members of the College's FSF can be found below.

Surgical societies

If your medical school's surgical society is not listed or you are unable to contact them, email us and we’ll try to put you in touch with your society. If yours is one of the few medical schools not on this list and you would like to set up a society, please email us to let us know so that your society can be represented on the FSF. You can find more information about how to set up a surgical society.

 University  Website  Email  Twitter/Instagram
 Anglia Ruskin University - Surgical Society   Facebook page  Email  @arusurgicalsoc
 Barts & The London - Pott's Barbers  Facebook page  Email  @blsurgical
 Birmingham University - SurgSoc  Website  Email @BhamMedSoc
 Brighton and Sussex Medical School - BSMS SurgSoc  Facebook page  Email  @BSMSMedSchool
 Bristol University – Scrubs  Website


 Buckingham University - Surgical Society  Website  Email  @buckinghammedicine
 Cambridge University - Surgical Society (CUSS)  Website  Email  
 Cardiff University - Surgical Society  Website  Email  @cusurgsoc
 Dundee University - Dundee University Surgical Society  


 Durham University – Durham University Surgical Society  Website


 Edinburgh University - Student Surgical Society (ESSS)  Website  Email  @EdSurgSoc
 Exeter University - Surgical Society (ExeSS)  Website  Email  @ExeterSurgSoc
 Glasgow University- Glasgow University Surgical Society (GUSS)  Website  Email  
 Hull York Medical School – York Surgical Society  Website  Email  @HYMSYorkSurgSoc
 Hull York Medical School – Hull Surgical Society  Website  Email  @SurgSocHull
 Imperial College London – ICSM Surgical Society  


 Keele University – Keele Surgical Society  Website  Email  @KeeleSurgSoc
 Kent and Medway Medical School – Surgical Society (KMMS)     Email


 King's College London - Surgical Society  Website


 Lancaster University - Richard Owen Surgical Society (ROSS)   Website    
 Leeds University - Cutting Edge Leeds  Website  Email  @CuttingEdgeLds
 Leicester University – Leicester Scrubs Facebook page


 Liverpool University – Surgical Scousers  Website



 Manchester University - Scalpel

 Preston SurgSoc


 Facebook page



 Newcastle University - NUSurgSoc  Facebook page  Email  @NUSurgSoc
 Nottingham University - SCRUBS Student Surgical Society  Website  Email  @SCRUBSNotts
 Oxford University - Hugh Cairns Surgical Society (HCSS)  Facebook page  Email  @HCSSOxford
 Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry - Plymouth Undergraduate Surgeons Society (PUS)  Website


 Queen's University Belfast - QUB Scrubs  Website  Email  @qubscrubs
 Sheffield University - Sheffield SurgSoc  Website  Email  @SheffSurgSoc
 Southampton University - Southampton Surgical Society  Facebook page  Email  @MedSoc_Soton
 St George's University -St George's Surgical Society  Website



 University of Surrey - Surgical Society

  Email  @surreysurgicalsociety
 Swansea University - Swansea Surgical Society  Website




 University of Central Lancashire - Surgical Society     Email  @uclansurgicalsociety
 University College London - UCL Surgical Society  Website  Email  @uclsurgsoc
 University of East Anglia (UEA) - Norwich Undergraduate Surgical Society  Website  Email  
 University of Sunderland - Surgical Society   Website   Email   @surgsoc_uos
 Warwick University - Warwick Surgical Society  Website



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