Conserve our Collections
Transforming surgery for tomorrow but we are still looking after yesterday...
The College is embarking on an ambitious three year transformation. We will be building on our heritage, bringing our surgical community closer together and expanding our digital resources. While this project takes place some our precious items have been located elsewhere and whilst the Conserve our Collections scheme is very much in need of your support the conservation process will take longer that it would normally.
Take a peek, select an item, make a donation, leave a legacy. Make your mark.
Our precious collections may not always be seen but are never forgotten
RCS boasts not only the fine displays in the Hunterian Museum but also impressive archive, book and object collections that, due to their size, cannot all be on public display.We have now opened the doors to all of our heritage collections and would like to give you the opportunity to help us to conserve them.
As a registered charity, we rely upon the support of our friends and donors to achieve our aim of advancing surgical standards in patient care. Crucially important to this is our responsibility to protect and conserve historical surgical literature and artefacts. This work provides a national resource from which the public and surgeons can draw upon to aid academic research and as teaching aids.
This extensive and outstanding primary resource, with some items dating back to the 15th century, requires care and attention in order to preserve it for future generations.
The collections have been divided into three areas: archives, books, and objects & specimens. This will give you an opportunity to select an item from an area that you would like to see restored to its former glory.
Find out the story behind the Conserve our Collections bookmark - available to buy from the Library
How to conserve items
- Choose an item from one of the three areas: archives, books or objects & specimens. Don't worry if you can't choose, your gift will go wherever it's needed most.
- View the items and read about them. find out what work needs to be done and how much it will cost to achieve it.
- Complete your donation online or download a donation form complete it and return it freepost to us.
What do you get for your donation?
Benefit |
Gold donor (£500+) |
Silver donor (£150-£499) | Bronze donor (£50-149) |
Certificate | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Annual Magazine | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Name on online register (optional) | Yes | Yes | - |
Bookplate in book, mention on label if displayed or in catalogue | Yes | Yes | - |
Invitation to annual event (not running until 2021) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Tour of museum, archives or library (unavailable until 2021) | Yes | - | - |
Private view invitation to exhibitions (unavailable until 2021) | Yes | - | - |